Urban Cultivation Medical Saint

Vol 3 Chapter 4298: Reincarnation Nine Cuts, Legend Rise!

   Chapter 4298 Nine cuts of reincarnation, the rise of legends!

   "Natural vision, reincarnation nine cuts! Kill!"

   At the same time, Chen Fei had already made his move.

The Nine Slashes of Samsara, one of the most core attack techniques in the Book of Samsara, is comparable to the Yin-Yang Curse of Samsara, the Heavenly Gate of Samsara, etc., but in terms of attack power, it is the strongest, and it can be called the book of Samsara. The strongest attack!

   Now, in the form of the Nine Slashes of Reincarnation, Fade Chen simultaneously slashed out the three attacks of the power of reincarnation, the power of space, and the power of time. This is already half a step out of his own path.


   Start with imitation,

   He took the reincarnation nine cuts as the shape and the power of the three ways of detachment as the root to create this unmatched blow. Its power is naturally terrifying beyond imagination! Powerful to the extreme!

And then,

   The two forces collided together,


The indescribable shock wave of terror spread wildly in an instant. At that moment, whether it was Chen Fei's Reincarnation Nine Slash, or Wu Ningzi's supreme divine light, they were already destroying each other. shattered,

   "What's the matter, almost the same, it's hard to tell the winner..."

  People's pupils shrank, and they couldn't help being shocked. I didn't expect that the peak blow of Chen Fei and Wu Ningzi would still be like this.


"Boom rumble rumble..." In the end, the two forces actually collapsed in place at the same time. After a huge shock wave of terror spread, whether it was Chen Fei or Wu Ningzi , have already retreated madly, the entire void is terrifying, surrounded by countless shattered dimensional worlds, and the terrifying force is madly running out of control,

   turned into a destructive place of death,


   However, at this time, Wu Ningzi spat out a mouthful of blood, and then his aura was almost sluggish with the naked eye... And seeing this scene, people were startled for a while, and then they reacted.

   "This Wu Ningzi has reached its limit..." People looked at Fade Chen with complex expressions, then glanced at Fade Chen again, and then, many people stared in disbelief,

   seems a little weird,

  Because Na Wu Ningzi had reached his limit, when he started vomiting blood, Chen Fei, he was still as calm as before, and his aura was almost unaffected.

   It was better that none of them were injured.

   "What a terrible physique..."

   The Crown Prince of the Crystal Jade Dynasty couldn't help but murmured and smiled bitterly.

   In terms of physique and defensive power, he is very confident. After all, this is his strongest point. Even those pure-blooded Xeons and High Immortals cannot ignore the defense of his pure crystal fairy body!

   But now he found out,

   Chen Fei's physique is most likely stronger than him, and most likely higher than him!

   This really shocked him.

have to say,

   This guy is really a monster!

   At the same time, Wu Ningzi stared at Fade Chen with a gloomy face. Although he vomited blood, although his momentum was sluggish, his fighting spirit was still undiminished. It seemed that he was not reconciled and wanted to continue...

   But he now,

   has really reached the limit!

   His palms were trembling, bloodshots appeared in his eyes, and he couldn't calm down at all.

   "That's it..." However, at this moment, in the void, in the crystal palace, there was already a mighty and majestic voice. People suddenly raised their heads, only to see that King Watanabe's face was gloomy, and he spoke slowly.

   "In this game, our Jian Emperor Palace admits defeat!"

   As soon as these words came out, the audience was dead silent, and after that Wu Ningzi clenched his fist fiercely, he still sighed, looked up at Chen Fei, and said slowly. "I lost, you... are indeed stronger than me!"

   The taste of failure like this is really not a good feeling,

   But he was convinced that he lost, so that can only be the case.

   And seeing this scene,

   After a moment of dead silence, people all burst into deafening cheers, not only for the victor's Fade Chen, but at the same time for the Wuningzi.

   This battle,

   Wu Ningzi lost,

   However, I am afraid that no one will think that he is a loser. The cultivation realm of the mere immortal ancestor of the third layer of heaven is actually able to have such a terrifying combat power, and can dedicate such a wonderful and hearty battle for them.

   To them, this is already a legend, a myth,

And after seeing this scene, Chen Fei also took another look at Wu Ningzi, then withdrew his gaze, and at the same time narrowed his eyes slightly, and then, a more terrifying powerful force came out of his body , burst out.


  People were stunned for a moment, and then immediately their pupils shrank, looking at Fade Chen in disbelief,

   Then, someone seemed to see the clue and exclaimed suddenly.

   "Breakthrough, he actually broke through?!"

   That's right,

  After the battle with the peak of the Wuningzi, at this time, he has also successfully broken the shackles, from the cultivation realm of the peak of the Immortal Ancestor 1st Layer, and officially broke through to the Immortal Ancestor's 2nd Layer.

   Feeling the powerful force surging out of the body,

   Chen Fei couldn't help but smile with his eyes slightly narrowed at this time,

   This power is unprecedentedly powerful, and now he is absolutely confident that he can easily defeat Wu Ningzi, who was almost tied with him before!

   Such power,

   is undoubtedly extremely exciting,


The corners of Chen Fei's mouth twitched. Immediately, he finally couldn't help opening his arms and screaming in the sky. At that moment, the howling sound was like thunder. In the battlefield, in the dimensional world of the heavens, there were extremely terrifying storms and torrential weather. Appeared and gathered behind him. At this time, he looked like a **** coming into the world!

   Seeing this scene, everyone fell silent, especially Wu Ningzi and Ruchan Buddha, who couldn't help but smile bitterly.

   Very helpless. You must know that Chen Fei had already defeated Wu Ningzi before his breakthrough. What is the concept after the breakthrough, you can basically figure it out with your toes!

   This guy is now,

   is basically invincible!

   "Chen Void, you're amazing... hum!" Wu Ningzi's face turned blue and purple, but in the end he smiled bitterly and snorted coldly, reincarnated from the battlefield throne, broke through the void and left.

   Ten major battles, his ten battles have come to an end,

  The final result was fixed at seven wins and two losses,

   That's it, he has no reason to continue. The reason for failure is very uncomfortable, and he needs to rest quietly.

   As for those who are going to fight...

  People couldn't help looking over to Chen Fei. Bright eyes, complex eyes. Because they all know that the next battle will probably become the stage for Chen Fei alone!


   has no suspense anymore,

   "A legend has risen!"

  An old guy couldn't help but spoke slowly, full of admiration. When others heard it, they couldn't help but feel their hearts surging. They were full of stars and looked at Chen Fei, full of awe, trembling, and envy and admiration!

from now on,

   On this land of Zhongzhou,

   A new legend will rise,

   And his name is... Chen Fei, Chen Void!

   (end of this chapter)

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