Urban Cultivation Medical Saint

Vol 3 Chapter 4304: Blue Gold White Tiger Venerable? The strongest face off! monstrous sword

   Chapter 4304 Blue Gold White Tiger Venerable? The strongest face off! A monstrous sword!

   "You are the supreme reincarnation of this generation? You have good strength, much more powerful than the guy from your previous generation..."

   At this moment, a vast and old voice came from the world beyond the sky.

But when they saw this scene and heard the words, people trembled suddenly, looked up and saw that in the void, outside the sky that had long been broken and collapsed, there was an extremely terrifying old man at this moment. Look at them silently.

   The old man had thick white hair, each of which was filled with a monstrous killing intent, and the extremes could not be seen. Pure white pupils, as sharp as heavenly knives, look down upon the world! He is majestic and majestic, with immortal energy around his body, as if he is an eternal statue. When it was even more terrifying, behind him, there was a blue-gold short sword that shone with the radiance of a monstrous immortal golden **** and iron gilt!

   And seeing this scene,

   Seeing that blue-gold dagger... Rao is the Supreme Being of Reincarnation, and he couldn't help but tremble for a while, and then he was silent for a while, and then he looked at the old man and said slowly.

   "I didn't expect it to be you... Eternal Immortal Realm, one of the Nine Eternal Heavenly Venerates, Blue Gold White Tiger... Heavenly Venerate!?"

   One of the nine eternal gods?

  Blue, gold and white tiger statue? !

   These words poured out one after another, but people were just at a loss and couldn’t understand them at all. Only the few Huanglong Yaozu and the others who knew the inside story were completely unable to help but soften their whole body, and sat down softly, their faces gloomy and uncertain,

   There was deep awe and fear in the depths of his eyes!

   "Haha..." The other party smiled indifferently, then directly skipped the Reincarnation Supreme, looked towards the green monster on the ground, and said lightly. "Enough of the trouble, it's time to go back. If your master knows that you are making trouble like this, I'm afraid that in the future, before you become a Taoist, you won't want to take another half step out of the Eternal Heaven!"

   "Lord Huzun, they all said that it was an experience. I believe my master and my old man will understand me, right? Haha..." Qing Yao smiled, then looked at Chen Fei again, and said with a light smile.

   "Looks like I have to go back..."

   "Unfortunately, speaking of which I am a little interested in you."

   Chen Fei glanced at him, then said slowly.

   "Who the **** are you?"

"I'm very confused, right? Go ask the old guys over there and you'll know... Actually, it shouldn't be a big secret, right?" Qing Yao smiled, then raised his hand at Chen Fei, and then turned around directly Step into the void, step by step toward the world beyond the firmament.

   But at this moment,

   He suddenly seemed to think of something, paused, then looked back at Fade Chen, then shook his head again, and then said with a light smile. "By the way, since that's the case, let's get acquainted first, lest you don't even know me when you get it..."

   "My name is Qing Yao, the second in the Eternal Immortal Realm, and one of the top ten brightest! Remember to play with me next time, hahahaha, goodbye..."

   When the voice fell, the blue demon's mind and soul had actually left his body, and then turned into a dazzling streamer, rushing straight into the sky, out of the sky,

   Then, the old man known as the Blue Gold White Tiger Tianzun glanced at Fade Chen with interest, then shook his head, then turned around and left with the power of the green demon's spiritual sense.

In this way, that terror exists faster and goes faster, but the aftertaste left behind is already deeply buried in everyone's heart, like a haze covering the world, it can't be shaken away, giving people a deep shudder. and shock!

   "I didn't expect that kid... to be a demon from outside the realm! No wonder he is so arrogant and his tone is so loud..." Huanglong Yaozu murmured, there was actually some sweat on his head.

But after seeing this scene, hearing the words and seeing the situation, the ancient **** of demon heart, the ancient Buddha of Kasyapa, and the king of carp opened their mouths, but in the end they all turned into a sigh, speechless, silent. silent,

   After a while, I saw that the Yellow Dragon Demon Ancestor suddenly shrank his pupils, then suddenly got up and stared at the battlefield space in the dimensional world, and there,

   The Watanabe Heavenly King who originally appeared in front of the green monster, who was going to attack the green monster, has already turned into dust at this time. I don’t know when, he has already died!

   And at this time,

   Everyone else found out about this too…

   "King Watanabe... is dead?!"

   Everyone’s faces were horrified,

   Everyone's face was filled with paleness and trembling. King Watanabe is a dignified Taoist, so he died like this? And they didn't even know how the King Watanabe died, and they didn't even notice...

   What is this concept?

   This is simply horrible!

   And more importantly, those deep meanings contained in this last, compared to the fall of the existence of this Dao Venerable, and the matter of the reincarnation war, are also extremely insignificant.

"King Li, Daoist Demon Heart, I'm sorry, I have to say goodbye. The demons from outside the realm appeared in our realm, and something big is about to happen..." Huanglong Yaozu got up and said, and then he was facing the Holy Samsara in the void. I bowed my body,

   then immediately took off,

   disappeared into the sky.

   At the same time, the ancient Buddha Kasyapa of the Four Buddha Temple also got up and said goodbye. Moreover, his expression is also the same as that of the Yellow Dragon Demon Ancestor, his face is solemn, his face is gloomy, and he looks like a storm is coming.

   And those who remained…

   Demon Heart Ancient God and the carp king couldn't help but look at each other,

   Then the latter stood up immediately and transmitted the sound to the whole world.

   "This round of reincarnation war is over, everyone, leave for now..."

  It stands to reason that such a grand event,

   It is impossible to end so hastily,

   However, everything has to be divided into circumstances,

   Witnessed all of the previous things, experienced all of the previous ones, the war of reincarnation, the Chen Kongkong, Wuningzi, Ruchan Buddha, they have now completely ‘forgotten all’.

   Now, in their minds, they are all filled with the monstrous sword of the previous reincarnation saint, and the supreme majesty of the so-called extraterritorial powerhouse, the blue-gold-white-tiger Tianzun!

   And the tragic death of King Watanabe,

   All this deeply stimulated and shocked them! Make them emotional and difficult to calm down.

   Don't even say it's them, even Chen Fei is like this now...

   "Eternal Immortal? What is that...",

   Chen Fei stared at the broken extraterritorial sky,

  's mind is full of the 'playback' of all the previous ones, and he muttered to himself. But at this moment, his pupils suddenly shrank, and then, the space behind him split open, a figure appeared, and a faint voice came out.

   "Come with me, Lord Saint wants to see you..."

   Chen Fei was stunned,

   looked sideways, but found the person behind the space passage,

   It's actually the Demon King Bosun that day...


   (end of this chapter)

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