Urban Cultivation Medical Saint

Vol 3 Chapter 4305: The secret of the eternal fairyland! The truth of history!

   Chapter 4305 The secret of the eternal fairyland! The truth of history!

   After a while,

In a restricted area deep in the ancient courtyard of the Six Paths of Reincarnation, Chen Fei saw the headless existence in armor again, and at the same time, he also saw the superhero that he had been thinking about for a long time, but saw it for the first time. Powerhouse - Reincarnation Holy Venerable!


  Sacred Reincarnation glanced at Fade Chen,

   Then sat down on the spot, Chen Fei was startled for a while, then carefully looked at the stone under the feet of the reincarnation saint, but found that it was not a stone, but a complete six-path reincarnation...

   "Is it weird? You should be able to do this now, right?"

  Sage Venerable Samsara glanced at Fade Chen and said indifferently.

   Chen Fei froze for a moment, then smiled bitterly. "You look down on me too much. I can really create the cycle of reincarnation and perfect the laws of the six paths, but if you are like you, you can master it as you like, it can be big or small, and it's amazing, I can't do it now!"

"It's nothing, after all, you can perfect the Six Paths Law. Like me now, it's actually very fast... Well, let's not talk about this, I know you must have many questions in your heart, and it happens that your current strength can be considered for the time being. I have met my requirements, and there are some things that I should tell you, so if you have any questions, just ask, and I will tell you everything!"

   The Reincarnation Holy Venerable said lightly

   "Then I'll ask..."

   Chen Fei pursed his lips,

   Then he looked towards the reincarnation saint and asked. "What is the Eternal Immortal Realm, and the old guy from before, and what are the Nine Eternal Heavenly Venerates, the Ten Brightnesses, and what are they?!"

   "Before this, you should know the meaning of fairyland. Has anyone told you this?"

  Sage Venerable Samsara said lightly.

"know a little."

"Someone told me that the immortal world is alive and has its own will and wisdom, so for the chaotic world outside the domain, our immortal world is one of them, and one of them seems to be a world, but it is The existence of living beings! Wait..."

   "Could it be..."

   Speaking of this, Fade Chen suddenly reacted, and then looked at the Reincarnation Holy Venerable in surprise, said. "Master Shengzun, is it possible that this Eternal Immortal Realm is the same as our Immortal Realm, and they are also..."


  Sage Venerable Samsara nodded and said softly. "Our immortal world is called Qingtian Immortal Realm, and their immortal world is called Eternal Immortal Realm, which is a type of existence. The reason why it is called extraterritorial demon race is because it has been invaded many times, and I couldn’t beat it, so it gradually became what it is now…”


   Chen Fei was stunned,


  Sage Venerable Samsara nodded, his eyes twinkling. "It's a very simple truth. The development of sect forces requires resources and territories, and the power of the fairy world is the same. The major fairy worlds invade and devour each other, and the last fairy world will become stronger and stronger! As for the immortal world. That Eternal Heavenly Venerate... is actually the same existence as the Holy Dao Venerable in our Immortal Realm!"

"It's just that there are some differences from our Azure Heaven Immortal Realm. In the Eternal Immortal Realm, the way of the ancient gods is almost extinct and is regarded as a heresy. Once discovered, it will be completely exterminated, and there is no room for survival. Therefore, in the Eternal Immortal Realm There is only one kind of cultivation system, and that is the way of Daojun Tianzun!"

   "The way of Daojun Tianzun?"

"Well, on our side, starting from the realm of Dao Zun, they are Soul Guiding Dao Zun, Tian Yuan Dao Zun, and Sacred Dao Zun, and in the Eternal Immortal Realm, starting from almost the same cultivation realm, it is Dao Lord. , Daozu, and Tianzun, that is to say, Guihun Daozun, equal Daojun, Tianyuan Daozun, equal Daozu, as for the holy Daozun, equal Tianzun!"


   Having said this, the reincarnation war paused slightly.

"but what?"

   Chen Fei asked.

"But because of the difference in the power of the two immortal realms, the upper limit of the ceiling power is also different, so in theory, under the same realm, the people in the eternal immortal realm will be stronger than us! That is to say, Daojun is greater than the return. Soul Dao Zun, Dao Ancestor, greater than Tian Yuan Dao Zun, Tian Zun, greater than Sacred Tao Zun!"

   "So that's how it is..."

   Chen Fei murmured,

   Only then did I understand why the so-called Blue Gold and White Tiger Venerable was so terrifying... One of the Nine Heavenly Venerates in the Eternal Immortal Realm, Tangtang is even more terrifying than the Holy Dao Venerable. There are indeed powerful reasons!


   This reincarnation Saint Venerable can actually fight against the opponent...

   Doesn’t that mean that the Reincarnation Holy Venerable should also be the Holy Dao Venerable? !

   But at this moment,

   Maybe aware of Chen Fei's thoughts, but the reincarnation saint shook his head and said lightly. "Don't think about it, I am not Dao Zun, but an ancient god. The reason why I can fight that Tiger Zun reluctantly is because of his previous existence, but his Tao body is not strong enough, otherwise, I am not him. opponent..."

   As soon as these words come out,

   Chen Fei's face froze directly,

   Tao body?

   Such a terrifying guy is actually just a Taoist body, my god...

"Eternal Immortal Realm has nine Heavenly Venerates, and our Azure Heaven Immortal Realm has only three Sacred Dao Venerables. If we fight, we will lose without a doubt, and this is the reason why Heavenly Dao can tolerate our ancient gods so much, because he needs our strength. , to counter the aggression of the Eternal Immortal Realm! But it is a pity, that is the case, the gap in strength between us is still very different!"

"So far, we have fought a total of eleven fairyland battles between the Celestial Realm and the Eternal Immortal Realm, but in addition to the last time we won, the remaining ten times, we all lost! Not only that, failure also means that Resources have been plundered, and this has also increased the number of Heavenly Venerate seats in the Eternal Immortal Realm from seven at the beginning to ten!"

   "Ten Heavenly Venerates?"

   Chen Fei opened his mouth,

   But in the end, he couldn't even say a complete sentence. Some things, he didn't feel anything without personal experience, but when he really experienced it personally, he realized how suffocating and terrifying it was!

   The previous monster,

   Are there eight more in Eternal Immortal?

   How to fight this?

   Isn't this a sure loser? !

and many more…

   But at this moment, Fade Chen suddenly reacted and said. "Senior, you said last time, we won?"

  Sage Venerable Samsara glanced at Fade Chen, then nodded and said. "Well. The last fairyland battle was won by Nanli Fengzu with us. After she successfully broke through to the fifth level of the ancient gods, she successfully killed a **** of the eternal fairyland, forcing the fairyland of the eternal fairyland. Will, reluctantly choose to admit defeat..."

   "And this also caused the seat of Heavenly Venerate in the Eternal Immortal Realm to drop from ten to nine!"

   "Sure enough..." Fade Chen nodded, and then asked again. "In other words, do you have to be an ancient **** of the broken void at the fifth level of the ancient gods to win?"

   "The same can be said, but the success of Nanli Fengzu cannot be replicated by anyone."

  Sage Venerable Samsara shook his head and said indifferently. "Counting up, there have been at least 20 or 30 Immortal World Wars in the history of the Qingtian Immortal Realm, but she is the only one who can really set foot in the Broken Void Ancient God Realm so far! This is not an easy thing, I failed, and Tian Qing also We have failed, and the many old monsters before us have also failed, so this is very difficult! As for you... it can only be said that you can try it, whether you can succeed or not depends on luck!"

   Chen Fei was silent for a while,

   Then he spoke again, saying,

   "...Twenty or thirty fairy world wars?"

   He paused and asked again. "That is to say, this is the historical line of our fairyland?"

   (end of this chapter)

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