Urban Cultivation Medical Saint

Vol 3 Chapter 4306: Ten bright! The True Horror of the Xeon Xeon

   Chapter 4306 Top Ten Brightness! The true horror of the Xeon and the Highest Immortal Beast!


  Sage Venerable Samsara nodded and said softly. "I know what you little guys have said about the ancient times, the ancient times, the ancient times, but they are meaningless. The major forces, the major immortal sect holy places, the major Xeon and the high immortal beast races, or the strength like me. Existence here, only the immortal world war is really used to measure the direction of history!"

"So far, the Qingtian Immortal Realm has experienced a total of 20 or 30 Immortal Realm battles, and the evolutionary history that has become stronger can be reflected in this! It's just that the last ten or so Immortal Realm battles have all been given to us by the Eternal Immortal Realm. Just staring at it..."

   "They should be eating us a little bit now."

   Hearing the words and seeing the situation,

   Chen Fei was silent for a while,

   Then he spoke again. "That is to say, the presence of such a reckless and blatant presence of the powerhouse in the Eternal Immortal Realm this time also means that the next Immortal Realm War is about to kick off?"

   "Maybe so, or maybe not, but we have to plan ahead, and you don't have time to wait until then, because you have already been targeted by them now..." The Reincarnation Holy Venerable said lightly.

   As soon as these words came out, Fade Chen froze slightly, then frowned slightly, recalling the so-called green demon before... Then he couldn't help but ask again. "Master Shengzun, you haven't answered me yet, what are the so-called ten dazzling lights!?"

   "Top Ten Brightness?"

   The depths of Saint Samsara's eyes filled with a sharp edge, and then said lightly. "That's what the Eternal Immortal Realm said. In fact, it is the ten strongest evildoers in the Eternal Immortal Realm's history..."


   Chen Fei was stunned,

   Suddenly a little surprised,

   One of the ten strongest evildoers in the history of Eternal Immortal?

   This statement is a bit scary!

"I don't know how strong that kid was before, but I know that among the ten dazzling lights of the Eternal Immortal Realm, there are many monsters that are forbidden by the Nine Gods, so... you have to cheer up! At least that kid should also be Not worse than you, right?"

   Chen Fei pursed his lips,

   then shook his head again,

   There is also a sharp edge in his eyes, although he already knew that the green monster should have a lot of background, and the potential talent should be very terrifying, otherwise, it should not bother such a Tianzun figure from the eternal fairyland in person!

   But these ten dazzling names still startled him,

   Nine Gods Forbidden?

   He himself is not yet considered the Nine Gods Forbidden,

   That guy is really that powerful?

   Anyway... this is really scary!

"Come on, my expectations for you are in the fourth realm like me. If you enter the ancient **** of chaos, you can't expect it at the highest level. It all depends on your own luck, and if you can succeed, you can make it happen. I'm waiting for a complete release..."

  Sacred Reincarnation said slowly.

   "Total liberation?"

   Chen Fei was stunned and said in surprise. "What do you mean by that?"

   "What do you know about the major pure-blooded Xeon and Gao immortal beasts?"

  Sacred Reincarnation said slowly.

   As soon as these words came out, Chen Fei froze for a moment, and then said slowly with some hesitation. "Until now, I only know of Zulong Tianfeng, the Dongjun family, and the six ghost kings of Yama. If there's anything else, it's you, and the other one with you..."

   But speaking of this, the Reincarnation Saint just shook his head and said lightly. "My lineage can only be counted as half a Xeon to Gao Immortal Beast, so it shouldn't be counted, but Tian Qing...he counts as one."

"His name is Tian Qing, and his race name, also called Tian Qing, is the absolute king of the way of space! He holds the power of space that is pure and deep. Chaos beasts, immortal beasts, time spirits that control the power of time, fighting gods with supreme gods, etc..."

   "Rough calculation, there should be more than 10 instead of 20."

   "There are so many?"

   Chen Fei was stunned,

   couldn't help being surprised.

   "Yes, there are indeed so many, but do you feel that these Xeon and High Immortal Beasts have a high sense of existence?" The Holy Venerable Samsara asked again. As soon as this remark came out, Chen Fei was stunned for a while, and some didn't know how to answer.

   And seeing this scene,

   That Reincarnation Holy Venerable just smiled,


"Forget it, let me say it directly, although these Xeon and High Immortal Beasts sound a lot, but in fact, their sense of existence is not high, and even more of them are just mirrors. I heard a lot, but I saw very little. rare!"

   "But it's not because of their legends, they're just rumors, and they were blown out. On the contrary, the power of those Xeon and High Immortal beasts is probably more terrifying than what you know now!"

   "The reason for this is just an agreement we made with the will of Heavenly Dao."

   Chen Fei asked quickly.

   "What agreement?"

"Among the various Xeon and High Immortal Beast races, only the Dongjun Clan and the Ancestral Dragon Clan belong to the lineage of Dao Zun. All other Xeon and High Immortal Beasts, without exception, are of the Ancient God lineage! "

"But why even so, in this Celestial Immortal Realm, the ancient gods are still weak and the Taoist lineage is stronger? It's actually very simple. Most of the clansmen who are because of these strong and high immortal beasts have already chosen. left…"

  Sage Venerable Samsara said slowly,


   Chen Fei was stunned for a moment, and then his face became weird.

   He seemed to have guessed something.

   "That's right..."

  Sage Venerable Samsara nodded and said softly. "The Xeons and Highest Immortal Beasts, once they are adults, they have the strength of the Immortal Ancestor. With a little effort, the Ancient God Realm is almost as simple as eating and drinking, and it is not difficult at all! And more importantly, any Any Xeon or High Immortal Beast will usher in a second evolution after entering the realm of the ancient gods!"

   "Secondary evolution?"

   Chen Fei was stunned for a moment, suddenly shocked, is there such a thing?

"Well, this second evolution is also known as the ultimate evolution! Once the evolution is successful, it is not possible to say that there are nine out of ten, but at least more than half of them can reach the eight gods ban or above, and this is actually the Xeon and the High Immortal Beast. true power!"

  Sacred Reincarnation said softly.

   And that Chen Fei was completely speechless at this time. After a long time, the achievements he was proud of before were actually just the jokes of the Xeon and Gao immortal beasts that had not completely evolved.

   "So why did they leave? Also, what is the agreement?"

   Chen Fei couldn't help but ask.

"Actually, before the Eternal Immortal Realm invaded this Azure Heaven Immortal Realm, the cultivation system of this Azure Heaven Immortal Realm was actually the same as that of the Eternal Immortal Realm. There was almost no living space for the ancient gods. Once they were discovered, they would all be slaughtered! No traces left. And at that time, in the entire Azure Heaven Immortal Realm, there was only one Xeon and High Immortal Beast race, and that was the Dongjun Clan!"

"To put it simply, the Dongjun clan is the main clan of the Celestial Realm, and even its birth history was before the birth of the Celestial Realm! That is to say, after the Dongjun clan first came into existence, it slowly evolved again. Out of the Celestial Realm, the will of the Immortal Realm was born..."

  Sacred Reincarnation said slowly.


   Chen Fei was stunned, he didn't expect what would happen.

   "That is to say, a Xeon to Gao immortal beast race is enough to create an immortal world?" Chen Fei swallowed and said in shock.

   (end of this chapter)

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