Urban Cultivation Medical Saint

Vol 3 Chapter 4308: Reincarnation Holy Venerable and Azure!

   Chapter 4308 Reincarnation Saint and Azure!

"What do you think the power of the way of reincarnation is? The book of reincarnation? That's a big mistake. The power of the way of reincarnation is as vast as a sea of ​​smoke, it is endless, it is boundless imagination, and it is the one that is most suitable for you. The road, the so-called book of reincarnation, is just a key, open that door and let you find the sea of ​​power into the way of reincarnation!"

   "Everyone's Tao is different. Everyone's strength, ideas, and methods are different. Now that you have walked out of your own Tao, why do you need that so-called book of reincarnation?"

   "This thing does exist, but do you really need it now? It's just a way of distinguishing people. Is it really useful to you?"


   As soon as the voice fell, a ray of light rushed out in front of the reincarnation saint and fell in front of Chen Fei. It was an ancient scripture with four big characters on it, the book of reincarnation. However, this time, Fade Chen didn't even take a look at it...

   just deeply moved towards the reincarnation saint, and bowed again,

   and then turned around directly,

   left firmly,

  The Book of Reincarnation? That's right, now he really no longer needs that thing. His own path, he needs to evolve by himself, comprehend by himself, and forge by himself!

he himself,

   is his own way!


   But he didn't know that, not long after he left, in the forbidden area in the depths of the ancient court of the Six Paths of Reincarnation, in the void behind the Holy Venerable Samsara, an indifferent voice suddenly came, said lightly. "Is it necessary to scare him like this? Innate Nine Gods Forbidden? It's also your fault that you really made it up. Are you sure you really have that kind of monster?!"

   "I don't know if there is, but in that chaotic world, anything can happen, everything can exist, we don't know, but it doesn't mean there is no... Hahahaha."

   The Reincarnation Holy Venerable laughed,

   The laughter is very enjoyable.

   That’s right, although what he said earlier is true,

   But most of them have exaggerated ingredients,

   For example, the sentence 'The Eight Gods are forbidden to be qualified to be called Tianjiao among the Xeon and Highest Immortal Beasts'? how is this possible! If this is the case, then Dongjun Shenzi Ling, Feng Shenzi Suli and so on that day, it is impossible for them to be taken seriously!

   It can only be said that among the various Xeon and Gao immortal beasts,

   There is indeed no shortage of geniuses who are forbidden by the Eight Gods.

   But there are really only a handful! It's not that easy either,

   The reason why he said this is that he found some signs of Chen Fei's mentality, so he wanted to help him correct it a little. Self-confidence is fine, but if it is conceited, it is too much!

  Thinking of this, the Reincarnation Holy Venerable shook his head again, and then he opened his mouth and said slowly. "Tianqing, have you been to the border battlefield? What's the situation now? Are you really planning to start a new round of fairyland war on Eternal Immortal Realm?"

   "There are a few signs, but not much. Anyway...it should be a while."

  The terrifying existence in the void said slowly,

   and said softly again. "Oh yes, I'm going to go to Tianfengxiongguan to see. I heard that the little Tianfeng back then has already passed through the eighteenth floor of Tianfengxiongguan! Become the only one of the Tianfeng clan, tying the record of Nanli Fengzu. Tianfeng. She is also very good. If you give her some time, if she can grow up, she should be able to help us a lot!"

   "The eighteenth floor of Tianfengxiongguan, this is an incredible record!"

   The Reincarnation Holy Venerable sighed,

   then shook his head. "Go ahead, I'd better go to the border battlefield. I just feel a little itchy, and going to the border battlefield should also allow me to meet a few more opponents that I can fight..."

   Tian Qing said indifferently.

   "Since you want to fight so much, why didn't you fight with that White Tiger Tianzun before?"

   "I'm not stupid, can I win a fight with him? It's almost the same as being beaten."

   The Reincarnation Holy Venerable was a little speechless,

   Then he spoke again and asked. "By the way, the Dao embryo beside this kid, and the little guy surnamed Ji in your space **** domain, what are your plans?"

"The little girl from Dongchi came to me some time ago and said that she wanted to accept the Daoist as a disciple, but I didn't answer her, just right, what do you think? That little girl from Dongchi was also born in the Daoyi, although she was not a holy Taoist, But it's not too bad!"

"Under the Holy Dao Venerable, her strength can rank in the top three, and even if you count the three Divine Dao Venerables, she can rank in the top five, so it should be okay for her to teach this little girl surnamed Lin. Bar?"

   Tian Qing said softly

   "Dongchi?" The Holy Venerable Samsara froze for a moment, then his eyes flickered and he nodded. "Her words are indeed alright. The old guy from the Dongjun family told me before that if a fourth sacred Taoist fruit can be born in the Celestial Realm in a few years, he is also ready to let Dongjun Chi that girl, go and fight!"

   "Oh yes, I remember that the mud dragon is still a Daoist, how is he? It's just that his strength... is not as good as that little girl in Dongchi, forget it, or it's settled!"

   "Then let's settle for now..."

   Tian Qing nodded, then spoke again, speaking slowly. "As for that Ji Fengyuan, you don't have to worry too much, that's a little monster, and he's already successfully banned from the Eight Gods. I've been staring at him..."

   "He's also banned from the Eight Gods?"

  Sage Venerable Samsara couldn't help being stunned, then his face became speechless, and he muttered. "The people around this kid...are all freaks? Why are all of them so powerful and so outrageous?!"

   Hearing this,

   Tian Qing couldn't help shaking his head,

   and then directly into the void,




   Hearing the words and seeing this, the reincarnation saint also shook his head, and then his body flashed in place, and disappeared, and at this time, Chen Fei also saw the demon king Bo Xun that day again!

   "What are your orders from the Holy Venerable?"

  The Demon King Bo Xun glanced at Fade Chen,


   Chen Fei shook his head directly, and then said again. "Next, let me fight that demon Buddha Xiao Ming Wang!" In a short period of time, he has experienced a lot and learned more, his mind is in chaos, and he is also very aggrieved, so he just wants to Have a good vent!

   Undoubtedly, the unparalleled evildoer of the Demon Buddha Kingdom, the Demon Buddha Xiao Ming Wang, is an excellent target!

   Hearing this, a bright light flashed in the eyes of the Demon King Bo Xun that day. Although everything that happened before was too shocking and amazing, we still have to look forward and return to the right track...

   And in that case,

   The battle between Chen Fei and the demon Buddha Xiao Ming can indeed make them as soon as possible! So as to divert attention, make people forget the past, forget everything that happened before.

   Thinking of this,

   He just opened his mouth and said slowly. "The reward for this reincarnation war will be sent to you later. As for the battle you mentioned...you should prepare well, and I will make it as soon as possible!"

   "Thank you Lord Heavenly Demon King!"

   Chen Fei said slowly.

  The Demon King Bo Xun glanced at Chen Fei,

   Then the magic energy surged directly on the spot and disappeared instantly,

   Soon after, new news came out,

   The battle between Chen Fei, Chen Kongkong and the demon Buddha Xiaoming has been completely settled. In the city of the Demon King a million years later, the Six Dao Yanwutai! As soon as this news came out, the world shook.

   successfully attracted a new round of attention and attention. Then the storm surged, the storm surged again...

   (end of this chapter)

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