Urban Cultivation Medical Saint

Vol 3 Chapter 4309: A new round of storms, all parties are moving!

   Chapter 4309 A new round of storms, all parties are moving!

   Demon Buddha Xiao Ming Wang,

Originally, his body was just an inconspicuous Lei Dao Jinzhu, but he was the descendant of the ancient god-level superpower who slashed thousands of ways—the demon King Daming, and he was a descendant of many ancient gods in Zhongzhou. Generation's top enchanting genius!

Since he was born, he has been swept all the way, fighting the arrogant demons, defeating the pure-blooded ancestors, suppressing the top powerhouses of the older generation, and even in less than 500 million years, he has reached the third level of the immortal ancestors today. The cultivation realm of the peak of the sky, this kind of progress is absolutely amazing enough, and even absolutely enough to be called 'holding high in the middle of the state... the top of the younger generation', few people can be as powerful as him.

  Would you say that Wuningzi is not that powerful? That ruthless Zen Buddha, is it strong?

   They are of course powerful, of course strong! However, even if they are, they are not the opponents of the Demon Buddha Xiao Ming Wang at all! One is because of the gap in cultivation realm, and the other is because of... potential talent!

  On the realm of cultivation, they are all 'only' the Third Heaven of Immortal Ancestor, but the Demon Buddha Xiao Ming Wang is already half a step into the Fourth Heaven of Immortal Ancestor. This alone is enough to create a gap like the sky. After all, when the potential and talent are similar, the cultivation realm will become the only criterion for measuring combat effectiveness, and the gap will be reduced.

   Not to mention, if you really want to compare potential talents,

   They are actually even worse!

   Wu Ningzi's potential talent is forbidden by the seven gods. Ruchan Buddha is more powerful than him, but he is still the Seven Gods Forbidden, which is still slightly worse than the Seven Gods Forbidden at the peak level. But what about the demon Buddha Xiao Ming? He is the real peak of the Seven Gods Ban!

   In other words,

  Iori can't stop it,

   Demon Buddha Xiao Ming Wang, his peak, the Seven Gods, is the strongest!

   It's just that Chen Fei and Chen Void... But it's really forbidden by the Eight Gods!

   Defeat Dongjun Shenzi, defeat Wu Ningzi, scare back the ruthless Zen Buddha, the successor of the book of reincarnation, the successor of the book of space, the first place in the new reincarnation war, enough to be comparable to the super monster of pure blood, strong and high immortal beasts! Since its debut, there has been no defeat at all. All win! One person shakes the world!


   Such two powerful monsters,

Finally, a peak battle is about to start. All of this has made everyone completely boil. This news is like a 12 million typhoon and an earthquake. Buddhist temples, Demon Buddha Kingdom and other areas, and even, the news rushed out of this area like a hurricane, swept through Zhongzhou, and alarmed many people.

   Almost overnight, the small half of Zhongzhou has attracted attention!

   "What, someone dares to challenge the Demon Buddha Xiaoming King, that is the heir of the Demon Buddha Daming King, isn't this courting death?! The eight gods can't stop it, there is no way anyone can be his opponent!"

   "You don't even know Chen Fei and Chen Xingkong? Hmph, ignorant! However, you are right about one thing, this Chen Fei and Chen Xingkong, he is indeed the eight gods forbidden!"

   "What, what? Yagami is forbidden? How is that possible?!"

   "Some time ago, Chen Fei and Chen Void defeated this generation of Dongjun Shenzi in the Infinite Sea. Do you think this record is enough to make him banned from the Eight Gods?"

   "Hi, no, infinite seas?!"

"That's right! And some time ago, a very special reincarnation battle was held at the ancient court of the Six Paths of Reincarnation. The Jian Emperor Palace, the Temple of the Four Buddhas, the Ancient Court of the Six Paths of Reincarnation, the top evildoers of the younger generation of the three major forces, all have The participation also included Wuningzi of Emperor Jian’s Palace, Li Xuantong, Ruchan Buddha of the Four Buddha Temples, the Crown Prince of the Crystal Jade Dynasty, and many other immortals of the seven stars, and even the Seven Gods Forbidden Demons! But what is the result, do you know?”

   "What is it?"

"The result is that Chen Fei and Chen Kongkong swept all the way, first defeated Wu Ningzi, and then deterred Ruchan Buddha, making him voluntarily admit defeat, and finally ascended to the top and became the number one in the reincarnation war! Anyway, I can tell you that this Chen Fei Chen Void, very strong! Moreover, most of him are really forbidden by the Eight Gods... but a real and truly peerless evildoer!"

   "Then if you say that, won't the demon Buddha Xiaoming be defeated?"

"It's hard to say. In terms of potential talent at hand, King Yao Buddha Xiao Ming's peak seven gods ban is indeed slightly inferior to Chen Fei and Chen Void's eight **** bans, but don't forget, this demon Buddha is small. King Ming's cultivation speed is also very enchanting, even ridiculously fast! He is already half a step into the Fourth Heaven of Immortal Ancestor, how many people do you think can catch up with this speed?"

"And it is said that Chen Fei and Chen Void's cultivation realm should only be in the Third Heaven of Immortal Ancestor, or not even at all, so if this happens, one will grow and the other will grow, and this battle will probably be fought. !"

"It doesn't matter, I didn't go to the battle with the pure-blooded ancestor Long Ao Xin, and I regret it for a long time now, so I will definitely rush to this battle, and I can't leave any more regrets. !"

"Nonsense! How can this kind of battle not go? Speaking of which, the peak seven gods ban battles eight **** bans, the demon Buddha Xiao Ming Wang fights Chen Fei and Chen Void, this is estimated to be the peak battle of the younger generation in Zhongzhou recently! Unless it is Those monstrous eight gods forbidden, even pure-blooded Xeons and high-level immortal beasts personally shot, otherwise, no battle can surpass this one!"

   "Let's go, go!"


   For a time, the small half of Zhongzhou was completely boiled,

   Countless people, countless outstanding people of the younger generation, and even the top powerhouses of the older generation, all eyes lit up, and they set off quickly, rushing to the Demon King City in the ancient court of reincarnation. I want to witness this battle with my own eyes!

   Although the situation on both sides is now clear.

   Peak Seven Gods Forbidden,

   Forbidden to Yagami,

   It seems that the demon Buddha Xiaoming has obvious disadvantages, but almost no one thinks that he will lose... It is equivalent to Chen Fei, the prestige of the demon Buddha Xiaoming has been shrouded in the land of Zhongzhou for too long. So much so that everyone was terrified of him.

   Not to mention the demon Buddha Xiaoming Wang has the biggest advantage,

   That is the realm of cultivation!

   Half-step Immortal Ancestor Four Heaven's cultivation realm,

   is enough to make him look down on anyone!

   Moreover, this may also be the key to his comeback victory!

  Because of this, the wind and clouds gather in the ancient court of the six paths of reincarnation!

   A new round of storms is taking shape quickly!



  Zhongzhou, Daluo Tianshang Palace, a golden palace filled with fairy spirit.

   One after another terrifying aura spread out, and a young man in a white robe walked out slowly, a gilt-like terrifying airflow lingered all over his body. When seeing this scene, seeing the appearance of the young man in the white robe, the old men, the attendants and the guards outside the palace were also surprised.

   "Holy Son, you actually left the border?"

   Countless people bowed and saluted him respectfully. There is much hope between the expressions.

   But the young man in the white robe did not look at the people under his feet, but just turned his eyes and looked in the direction of the ancient court of reincarnation.

"Chen Fei, Chen Void? Hehe, interesting, eight gods are forbidden. I can't believe that I have been in seclusion for tens of millions of years, and there is such a powerful evildoer in Zhongzhou, and his opponent is still the demon Buddha Xiaoming Wang... It seems that this I have to go see it myself!"

   The voice fell, and he just flashed and disappeared in place.


   (end of this chapter)

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