Urban Cultivation Medical Saint

Vol 3 Chapter 4335: breakthrough! Immortal Ancestor's Fifth Layer Peak!

   Chapter 4335 Breakthrough! Immortal Ancestor's Fifth Layer Peak!

   "Isn't he currently retreating to attack the ancient gods' inheritance?"

   "You let him out now, and even let him be a Dharma protector for others, do you think he can agree?"

   Demon King Bo Xun's eyes flashed.

   "He must promise!"

   The Ancient God of Demon Heart said without hesitation, his eyes twinkling. "Master, you also know that with the potential talent of the fifth junior brother, the mere ancient **** realm can't help him at all, but he has disappeared for a long time, and there is no movement at all, which can only show that he has gone the wrong way. Yes. Someone has to help him correct it! And this person, I think Chen Fei and Chen Void can do it! "

   hear this,

  The Demon King Bo Xun nodded nonchalantly. The Li Hei in the mouth of the ancient **** of demon heart is the fifth true biography he has received for many years, so he naturally knows more about the situation of the other party.

   The former Li Hei,

   Just like the Demon Buddha Xiaoming King of the present Demon Buddha Kingdom, he is the most outstanding evildoer in their six-path reincarnation ancient court for many times. Since his debut, he has directly swept the world and looked up to him.

   As long as he is not a super evildoer of the forbidden level of the Eight Gods, no one can beat him at all.

   In other words,

   This is an invincible peak of the Seven Gods forbidden enchanting under the eight gods.

   Such a person is indeed impossible, and should not be stopped in front of the gate of the ancient **** realm. However, the fact is that this Li Hei has been in retreat for billions of years.

   This is almost the invincible peak of the Seven Gods forbidden enchanting under the ban of the Eight Gods.

  With sufficient and complete preparation,

   has actually been in retreat for billions of years,

   still failed,

   This can only mean that Li Hei's breakthrough in retreat is really a problem. Thinking of this, a strange color appeared in the depths of Demon King Bo Xun's eyes that day.

   "Maybe, you can really try?"

   "Master!" The Ancient God of Demon Heart spoke again, his eyes twinkling. "This Chen Fei and Chen Kongkong must not go wrong! Therefore, we can only rest assured if the fifth junior brother is allowed to go out to protect him. Even if the fifth junior brother has not successfully broken through to the realm of the ancient gods, with his current strength, Ordinary detached ancient gods are definitely not his opponents!"

   "Even in the Eternal Immortal Realm, there really is a half-step Daoist who is forbidden by the Eight Gods, and his strength is enough to delay."

  The Demon King Bo Xun opened his mouth,

   But in the end, he still sighed, and then nodded again, saying.

   "Devil Heart, I'll leave this to you! Besides, since we have to do it, we must do it without fail! It's just that kid Li Hei, there are too few, so let's wake up a few more people to go with us!"

   "Yes, Master!"


   As time goes by,

   The great movement in the Holy Land of Six Paths of Reincarnation,

   finally calmed down,

  Everything began to return to silence and calm, even Chen Fei, who was in retreat. Like this, I don't know how long it lasted. At a certain moment, Chen Fei's closed eyes finally slowly woke up. opened.

   At that moment,

   Everything is quiet.

  Everything seems to be sealed with the immobilization method,

   does not seem to have the slightest momentum,

   Even at that time, it seemed like it had been stopped. But then, all this, this dead silence and quietness, was broken as Fade Chen slowly stretched out his arms.


   After a while, all the bones in his body rang. The sound, even like a thunder, reverberated continuously in this world. A deafening roar erupted.

   What's even more amazing is that every roar of those bones actually made the space around his body begin to slowly twist with the rhythm of his arms stretched out.

   "Finally done..."

   Then, Chen Fei slowly got up, stood up,

   In the next moment, the vast amount of violent violence in his body, like a sea of ​​smoke, was finally unbearable. From his body, it was like the universe was shattering, the dimensional world trembled, and it exploded.


  The terrifying coercion swept across the four directions, swept across the nine heavens and ten places, bringing endless coercion, covering the entire void.

   is terrifying. And what's even more amazing is that, as the terrifying pressure continued to rise, the cultivation realm in Chen Fei's body also began to soar rapidly.

First, the peak of the second layer of the immortal ancestor, then the third layer of the immortal ancestor, and then, even the fourth layer of the immortal ancestor, the peak of the fourth layer of heaven... Finally, after reaching the realm of the fifth layer of the immortal ancestor, this surge The trend gradually stopped.

   to the end,

   This power was firmly fixed at the pinnacle of the Immortal Ancestor's Fifth Heavenly Layer!

   In other words, this breakthrough, Chen Fei actually broke through the categories of nearly four small realms one after another, and was able to stop. The Immortal Ancestor's fifth-level peak, this is the level where Ji Fengyuan was at the beginning!

   And now,

   He actually did it!

   Fade Chen couldn't help showing a trace of excitement in his eyes!

   "The Immortal Ancestor's Fifth Heaven Peak!"

   This is indeed a huge transformation and improvement for him. The Nine Gods Forbidden, the chaotic divinity after the second evolution, plus the cultivation realm of this Immortal Ancestor's fifth-level peak! This allowed his power to truly and thoroughly get a flyover!

   "It seems that the power of this chaotic divinity is really extraordinary..."

   Chen Fei couldn't help laughing,

   He naturally understands that the reason why he has suddenly become so much stronger this time, and has risen to so many cultivation realms, the biggest reason is mostly because of the chaotic divinity after the second evolution!

   There is also the potential talent of the Nine Gods forbidden level!

  After the successful evolution, whether it is the power of the chaotic divinity or the background of the Nine Gods Forbidden, it needs a lot of devouring power to stabilize itself, so that most of the cultivation resources on the floating island group outside,

   This time, he was rudely swept away by him!

   So many cultivation resources and power,

   Of course, it is impossible for everything that is perfect and completely efficient to be swallowed up by the chaotic divinity, and there must be some excess overflowing power that seeps out. It is these seemingly 'few' spillover forces,

   but directly helped him from the Second Heaven of Immortal Ancestor,

   Steady breakthrough to the pinnacle of the Immortal Ancestor Fifth Layer!

   So his harvest this time is really astonishing!


   But at this moment, Chen Fei suddenly let out a small snort, and then, the void in front of him distorted, and then a ball of light flew out directly. Fade Chen raised his hand and waved, the light group flew directly and landed in his hand,

   Then, there was a voice.

"The chaotic ruins of the Supreme Dao Palace are now open, and you don't have much time left, so start as soon as possible! I have already arranged the specific route for you. After you exit the customs, you can go directly to the devil's heart. !"

   "In addition, if you meet a person named Li Hei in the chaotic ruins of the Supreme Dao Palace, they are people you can trust!

   When this sentence first sounded, Fade Chen knew that this was the voice of the Demon King Bo Xun, but when he heard the middle of this sentence, his eyes flickered, and it was already turned on? !

   "Fortunately, now, there should be enough time. Should be able to catch up?!"

   He whispered to himself, but in his black eyes, there was a gleam of brilliance. Now that his strength has soared, the chaotic ruins of the Supreme Dao Palace have given him a stage large enough to allow him to roam freely!

   Then in that case,

   Chaos Ruins of Supreme Dao Palace,

   I'm Chen Fei,



   The next moment,

   Chen Fei moved directly, and then disappeared into this ancient holy land of six reincarnations. Only the power that Fade Chen had exploded before remained, quietly remaining in this world, slowly dissipating and becoming starlight.

   (end of this chapter)

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