Urban Cultivation Medical Saint

Vol 3 Chapter 4336: Inflated confidence! Challenge the ancient gods!

   Chapter 4336 Inflated confidence! Challenge the ancient gods!

   "Are you here?" Looking at Fade Chen who suddenly appeared in front of him, the Ancient God of Demon Heart was not surprised, but whispered to him very gently and kindly.

   "Junior Chen Fei, I have seen my senior."

   Chen Fei bowed slightly to the ancient **** of demon heart, and then said immediately. "There is something, I have to trouble the seniors for your help, I think..."

   "I know..." But before he finished speaking, he saw the Demon Heart Ancient God smiled and shook his head and said softly. "You can rest assured that there is still plenty of time. Although the Chaos Relics of the Supreme Dao Palace has indeed been opened for a period of time, it has been temporarily stabilized at the Chaos Boundary by many people. In this way, at least 100 million Within a year, there should be unimpeded entry there, and it will not be in danger of drifting to the chaotic world again until 100 million years later. As for now..."

   "It's only been over ten million years. It's not too much to eat, there's still a lot of time."


   Chen Fei was stunned for a moment,

Then he didn't ask to leave in such a hurry, but glanced at the Demon Heart Ancient God again, his lips trembled, and even the eyes were a little more turbulent, as if hesitating and hesitating. what.

"Just say what you want to say. You also know that we should recognize each other as our own, right? Lord Shengzun has great expectations for you. Not only that, we are also willing to be your friends in the ancient court of reincarnation. , or even relying on. So, if you have something to say, or even need help, it doesn’t matter. I will try my best to satisfy you.”

   Demon Heart Ancient God smiled and said.

   At this time, if there are other people who are familiar with him here,

   If you see his kind and gentle appearance, you will be shocked, because, as one of the six realms of reincarnation, he is the master of the Tao of Heaven and Demon, the Ancient God of Demon Heart, and he has never been a person of good character. Iron-blooded, ruthless, even at all costs, strong and domineering, these terms can be said to be synonymous with him.

not to mention,

As a dignified and old-fashioned ancient **** of detachment, he possesses the identity of such a super-powerful man. He, the ancient **** of demon heart, logically could never have become such a person. of a person.

  But now,

   He was really like this.

   is not only kind and kind, but even a bit 'too good to speak'…

  Why is that? It's actually very simple. This is because this is all appearance, all because of everything that happened before, even everything he saw and guessed before,

   made him realize Fade Chen's value and potential!

   So, all this is logical.

   For a person who is mediocre in all aspects, even ordinary in everything, even a weak passer-by will not give color to him. But as long as you are good enough, powerful enough, evil enough, strong enough,

   Then, the goodwill of the whole world will swarm towards you! At this time, you will naturally become the center and focus of the world.

   "I will definitely keep in mind the help that you seniors have given me! And the cultivation resources in the previous holy land of cultivation, seniors, please rest assured, I, Chen Fei, will definitely pay them back."

   At this time, Fade Chen also spoke without hesitation,

   said firmly.

  Although he also knew that the other party didn't really mean that, but these words also showed his attitude.

   He will remember and reciprocate the benefits he takes. This is his code of conduct. And whether it is between friends, allies, or investment, etc., in fact, it is all about going in both directions.

   A person's contribution cannot last long. This is also the invariable truth. He knew it in his heart.

"Ha ha…"

   Hearing Chen Fei's words, the smile on the face of the Demon Heart Ancient God became a bit stronger. Then he saw him speak quickly again, and said amiably. "Tell me, what do you want? If it's very troublesome, I'll help you solve it myself!"

The    stood out all of a sudden.

   It's an obvious contrast.

   I tried my best before, but now, I personally help you.

   And all this is because of two words. manner.

   Chen Fei's attitude made him happy to do so.


   Chen Fei shook his head when he heard the words, then raised his head and stared at the ancient **** of demon heart, and then even paused again... Then he continued to speak. road.

   "I just want to trouble seniors to give me some pointers, so that I can see how far I am from the realm of the ancient god."

   As soon as these words came out, the ancient **** of Demon Heart was stunned for a while, and then his face was strange, or in other words, he glanced at Fade Chen with a slightly complicated expression, and even remained silent for a while. Then he shook his head and said softly with a wry smile.

   "You, you still underestimate the gap between the Immortal Ancestor Realm and the Ancient God Realm."

"Although in the entry-level realm, the realm of the ancient gods is still weaker than the Taoist realm, but if you compare it with the realm of the immortal ancestors, it is definitely the difference between the sky and the earth, the sky and the dust. but…"

   The conversation changed again, the ancient **** of demon heart looked down at Fade Chen, then smiled and said.

   "But if you want to try it out, you can. I'll help you. Next, I'll close my hand, and then use the power of the ancient gods at the initial entry level to let you experience the difference for yourself."

   "Thank you, senior!"

   Now Chen Fei also became a little excited.

In the past, his chaotic divinity had not evolved, his potential talent had not entered the level of the Nine Gods Forbidden, and even that cultivation realm was only the second heaven of the Immortal Ancestor, but even so, at that time, the He, his combat power, is still enough to approach the peak of the Immortal Ancestor Nine Heavens! And what about him now?

   Nine Gods are forbidden,

   Immortal Ancestor's five-fold peak,

   Even the chaotic divinity after secondary evolution,

   These things, the fact that they make up together,

   Let’s be more straightforward and say it arrogantly,

   That is, even he himself does not know how strong he is now! Immortal Ancestor Nine Heavens? It is estimated that he can even crush an Immortal Ancestor Jiuzhongtian with a single thought. Immortal Ancestor Nine Heavens Peak? It can also be killed with just one hit! As for the more powerful Immortal Ancestor Nine Heavens Limit, or even a half-step ancient god, half-step Taoist?

   He doesn't know if he can compare now,


   This shouldn’t be too bad, right? Even, perhaps most likely, will be stronger! Therefore, he now really thinks that maybe he can really try it out and challenge the powerhouse of the ancient **** realm.

   Even if it doesn't work, at least let him know how much the gap is. So when he learned that there was still plenty of time, he couldn't restrain his thought immediately.

   He wants to be with a real ancient **** powerhouse

   Try it out with your hands,

   See how big the gap between them is. How much is there in the end.

   (end of this chapter)

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