Urban Cultivation Medical Saint

Vol 3 Chapter 4340: The area outside the fairyland, Bian Yuan!

   Chapter 4340 The area outside the fairyland, Bianyuan!

   "Let's go then..."

   That Demon Heart Ancient God also smiled and nodded,

   Then said to Fade Chen.

   "You, come with me."

   The ancient **** of Demon Heart flashed and swept towards a place in the depths of Demon King City that day, and when he saw this scene, Fade Chen stopped talking nonsense and quickly followed.

Not long after, a huge black valley appeared in front of them. It was inaccessible and quiet. Except for the howling terrifying astral wind and the terrifying fluctuations of the power of space that were constantly surging and flowing, they almost saw anything else.

   Then, the ancient **** of Demon Heart took Fade Chen into the valley, and the scenery in front of him suddenly changed. A distorted space crack world appeared, and a super-large altar full of strong spatial power fluctuations.

"This is a super-large space teleportation altar that is enough to span a small half of Zhongzhou. It is called the Tianque God Altar! It is the relic of a behemoth from several eras ago. In order to get this thing, even my master almost suffered. Seriously injured..."

   As he spoke, the Ancient God of Demon Heart walked forward, and after fiddling around a few times on the black altar, the terrifying fluctuations of the power of space suddenly seemed to be boiled.

   It boiled violently.

   And what's even more amazing is that on the black altar, Fade Chen even saw many runes of the Tao of Space. Various avenue symbols shine.

   "This is really a good thing..."

   Chen Fei couldn't help but murmured,

   Now of course he can understand how valuable this thing called Tianque Divine Altar is. It is no exaggeration to say that if even he gets this thing, I am afraid that he can benefit a lot. This is definitely a treasure of immeasurable value!

not to mention,

   This thing can even span half a small central state!

   This practicality,

   is even more invincible, it is simply exaggerated!

   "Target, Fifth Bianyuan Emperor City!"

   Then, the ancient **** of demon heart started to move, waved his palm, and immediately let himself and Chen Fei move to the altar of the day, and then, the latter broke out an extremely terrifying movement!

  Boom! Boom! Boom!

   rumble rumble rumble…

  A huge wave appeared, the heaven and the earth seemed to be torn apart, and the beams rose into the sky one after another. The void in this place collapsed, forming a huge passage leading to the mysterious and unknown place.

   "Go!" The next moment, the ancient **** of Demon Heart entered first, and when he saw this scene, Chen Fei also followed directly and left the ancient court of reincarnation.


   This is a virgin forest, extremely vast, as if it is endless and boundless, but Fade Chen just appeared here, his eyes trembled immediately, and he found something wrong.

   "The power of chaos?"

   "That's right..."

   The voice of the ancient **** of demon heart came, and at the same time appeared beside Fade Chen, looking around, his eyes were complicated. "Strictly speaking, this place can no longer be regarded as our Azure Heaven Immortal World, but Bian Yuan outside the Immortal World!"

   "Bian Yuan?"


   Demon Heart Ancient God nodded again and said softly.

"The sky and the earth are big, but no matter how big it is, there is an end, and the world beyond this end is connected to the chaotic world, but it does not belong to the chaotic world completely, it is equivalent to a buffer zone, this area is Bianyuan! "

   It's just that as soon as he finished speaking this time, his face suddenly changed slightly. He seemed to notice something. Just as he was about to speak, he found that Fade Chen had already moved.


   "Rumble Rumble Rumble..."

   In the next moment, the heaven and the earth trembled, the void actually burst open without a sound, and the endless torrent of chaos power flashed past, bringing endless huge pressure, as if it could destroy the sky and the earth, tearing everything up,

   But then,

   All of this disappeared in an instant, and there is nothing left.

   seems to have never appeared at all.

But at this time, Chen Fei was already a little cold on his back, staring at the place where the endless torrent of chaotic power had run over before, in a daze, after a long time, he saw that he turned his head to look at the ancient **** of demon heart, slowly said.

   "Senior, is this the power of the Chaos World?"

   "That's right."

   That Demon Heart Ancient God also nodded his head and said with emotion. "As a buffer zone between the immortal world and the chaotic world, the composition of this side can be said to be infiltrating each other. There is both the terror of the chaotic world and the tranquility of our blue sky and immortal world!"

"As for the power just now...it's actually very simple, it's the torrent of the boundary abyss that evolved from the laws of the chaotic world. This power is intercepted on the outside of each immortal world, sealed inside, and stuck in it. That is to say, If we want to break the shackles and ascend to the chaotic world, the torrent of the frontier abyss is the first thing we have to face!"

The voice of    fell,

   That Demon Heart Ancient God shook his head again,

   "However, although the torrent of Yuanyuan here is terrifying, it can also be warned in advance. It is not very deadly."

   "Under normal circumstances, anyone who has the strength of the Eighth Heaven and Nine Heavens of the Immortal Ancestor can perceive its changes and existence in advance, so as long as you are a little careful, it should be no big deal. But..."

Speaking of which,

   That Demon Heart Ancient God suddenly condensed, then looked at Fade Chen with a very serious tone, and said. "However, if you encounter some very strange things here, such as mutilated corpses, floating flesh, faceless souls, strange monsters, etc., remember, how far you run! Otherwise, you will die."

   As soon as these words come out,

   Chen Fei also changed his face slightly and said quickly. "I know, senior..."


   At this moment, the Demon Heart Ancient God also sighed and explained with a complicated expression on his face. "If you want to ascend to the chaotic world, you must break through the shackles of Bian Yuan. If you succeed, it is best, but if you fail... Over the endless years, how many people, how many strong people, they have left too many here. Unless you already have the strength of the ancient **** of slaying thousands of Taos, or even the ancient **** of chaos, otherwise, those weird things should go around."

   "After all, no one knows how brilliant and powerful they were when they were alive!"

"And it's not only the chaotic world that ascends, but the battlefield in the fairyland is also in this abyss. The fairyland battle is so tragic and majestic, I don't know how many powerhouses have fallen here. This place has become a burial place, full of strange and peaceful die!"

   Hearing this, Fade Chen couldn't help but look solemn. It turns out that the core of this side is so terrifying, so huge, soaring into the chaotic world, and the battle of the fairy world.

   any title in between,

   is enough to describe how terrifying its gold content is,

   is simply scary enough!

   (end of this chapter)

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