Urban Cultivation Medical Saint

Vol 3 Chapter 4341: Bianyuan Imperial City! Frontline Fortress!

   Chapter 4341 Bianyuan Emperor City! Frontline Fortress!

"Let's go, go directly to the Imperial City." The ancient **** of the devil said again, and then walked directly into the air, flying in a certain direction, and when he saw this scene, Chen Fei immediately chased after him. .

   "Emperor City? Senior, what is that?"

   "Bianyuan Emperor City, that is the front line of our Celestial Realm, and it is also the final battlefield where other immortal realms want to devour and invade our Celestial Celestial Realm!"

   Demon Heart Ancient God said softly while flying, looking into the distance. "As I said before, the battlefield of the Immortal World War is in this abyss, so in order to resist foreign enemies or attack other immortal worlds, we will build our frontline strongholds in this abyss. This is also Bianyuan. The origin of the imperial city."

"So far, in this abyss, we have built more than ten Bianyuan emperor cities in the Celestial Realm, but as time goes by, more than half of them have been abandoned for a long time. Up to now, they are still in use. There are still eight remaining Bianyuan Emperor City, collectively known as the Eight Great Emperor City! Their usefulness is also obvious, they are all to defend the front line of the eternal fairyland! There, the fairyland ten thousand clans, Zhongzhou heroes, countless powerhouses , they are all silently carrying the pressure on the front line."

   "You should also understand that now, although it is not the period of iron and blood like the Battle of the Immortal World, it is not so peaceful in the frontline area of ​​Bianyuan..."

   Chen Fei defaults,

   Then nodded deeply,

   Of course he understands that if someone is at ease, someone will naturally carry the load for you. The borderland has never been calm. Moreover, this is the edge area between the two immortal worlds. I am afraid that undercurrents are surging and dangers are everywhere! There will be **** battles at any time.

   "It's here..." At this moment, the ancient **** of Demon Heart suddenly spoke up, Fade Chen was startled slightly, then raised his head, his eyes narrowed slightly, and there was a great shock in his heart.

   A huge, desolate, ancient oppressive aura was already overwhelming.

   At the end of the horizon, there is chaos, connecting the sky and the earth, as if it is a chaotic world, occupying all the space, looking around, the sky and the ground, everything. In other words, all that, all that boundless whole, is actually a huge city! This shock, this shock, is really indescribable.

   is really scary.

   "There is the Fifth Bianyuan Emperor City. It is said that it is here that the Ten Thousand Immortal King Shen Tiandu killed a certain celestial being of the Supreme Academy of the Eternal Immortal Realm in one fell swoop, and won a victory in the Immortal World War for our Qingtian Immortal Realm!"

   Demon Heart Ancient God said slowly,

   And Chen Fei was a little ecstatic when he heard it,

  When legend and reality are integrated, the impact is really indescribably huge.

   Ten Thousand Immortals, the God of Heaven,

   Heavenly Venerate of Supreme Academy exists,

   Although he has heard some of these rumors from Ji Fengyuan,

   But when he really came to this actual place now,

   is still very shocking, very excited, very emotional!

   "Heavenly Lord..."

   Chen Fei couldn't help clenching his fists, as if yearning. I don't know when, the end and ceiling of his world view also seemed to have been raised to the height that Nanli Fengzu and Wanxianwang Shentiandu could kill the existence of Tianzun. In the future, will he be able to compete with Tianzun like them, or even kill Tianzun? !


   He can do it too!

   "Let's go, our destination is still behind Yuandi City over there!"

  The Ancient God of Demon Heart spoke again,

   took Chen Fei to the Fifth Bianyuan Emperor City.

  Emperor City, frontier frontier, enduring forever, conquering the edge,

   This is a real fortress, huge enough to defend and hold up an entire fairyland. In front of it, whether it is the ancient gods such as Demon Heart Ancient God, or the so-called peerless monsters like Chen Fei, they all feel two words. That is insignificance.

   itself is like a speck of dust.

   is extremely small.

   But Chen Fei was also a little strange at this time.

   "Why is it so quiet here?"

   Chen Fei looked at the ancient **** of Demon Heart.

   The latter also smiled, looking up at the giant city in front of him, his eyes twinkling. "Because they're all sleeping."


   "Hmm..." The Ancient God of Demon Heart nodded and said softly. "You can feel it carefully. With your current strength, you should probably be able to detect some."

As soon as these words came out, Fade Chen subconsciously wanted to release the power of his spiritual sense and investigate the extremely quiet giant city, but at this moment, suddenly there was an extremely old voice that appeared out of thin air, extremely abrupt and sudden. sounded.

   appeared by their ears.

"leave here!"

   "This is not where you should be."

   Just such a paragraph, everything that happened suddenly made Chen Fei's pupils congeal, and his back became cold, as if he had just experienced some great horror. Trembling all over.

   But that Demon Heart Ancient God seemed to be ready,

   Bends down directly,

   said softly.

"Senior, I am the ancient court of the Six Paths of Reincarnation, the disciple of the Heavenly Demon King Bo Xun, Mo Xin, this kid next to me is the seedling that Lord Saint Venerable is optimistic about, and he has high potential, and he is about to touch the ancients now. God's realm, so I want him to know some secrets about Imperial City in advance, so that he can better integrate into us in the future."

   As soon as these words come out,

   At that moment,

   Chen Fei immediately seemed to feel that there were countless pairs of terrifying eyes,

   all of a sudden he looked straight at him,

   At that moment, the endless pressure hit, and he almost collapsed. But he still held back and stood in place, staring at the quiet imperial city, silent, not saying a word.

   "As expected of the seedling that the Holy Venerable is optimistic about, I can still bear it in the face of the pressure of waiting, you, not bad."

   That extremely old voice sounded again,

   then said indifferently.

   "Then I'll give you some privileges. In this city, you can't walk around casually. Many people are sleeping and don't want to be disturbed. But your words... boy, take him to the Wandao Tomb."


   Demon Heart Ancient God nodded,

   Then he brought Chen Fei into the city quietly.

   At this time, Fade Chen was also letting go of the power of divine sense and feeling everything in the city. After a short while, he murmured with a look of astonishment on his face. "This city is actually built on the intersection space node at the core of the two worlds?"

  The core of the world, of course, refers to the fairy world,

  Under his perception, he actually found that the current imperial city was actually built on the intersection of the cores of the two worlds. In other words, the other side of this city is very likely to be another fairyland?

   "That's natural, otherwise, how can you call him the front line?"

   "The end of Bianyuan Emperor City is another world of fairyland. That is, the eternal fairyland!"

"It's like this Fifth Bianyuan Emperor City. The place opposite is the Eternal Immortal Realm, the boundary fortress controlled by the Supreme Academy. There, like our side, there are countless top powerhouses. stand by the border,"

   Chen Fei opened his mouth,

  I didn't expect that what he had thought before would actually come true.

   (end of this chapter)

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