Urban Cultivation Medical Saint

Vol 3 Chapter 4342: arrival! Crack in space, enter the ruins of Supreme Taoist Palace

   Chapter 4342 Arrived! Space cracks, enter the ruins of the Supreme Dao Palace!

He was killed by the Ten Thousand Immortal Kings and Gods one after another, and he also injured a Heavenly Venerate. It seemed miserable, but now, he really felt the background of the other party, and the pressure of the other party's Taoist lineage, how terrifying, How powerful!

   One of the Bianyuan Emperor City that can only be built by fighting against the combined efforts of countless powerful people from the Celestial Realm. What is this concept? It can almost be said that he is fighting against the small half of the fairy world by himself.

   is simply invincible!

   "It's here, it's here, the Tomb of Ten Thousand Paths..." Suddenly, the voice of the ancient God of Demon Heart came over again, Fade Chen was slightly startled, then looked up, then immediately his scalp tingled and his eyes narrowed slightly.

   Because in that chaotic sky,

   There are actually countless stars, revolving around countless dimensional worlds. What is even more terrifying is that on these stars, in each of these dimensional worlds, there are actually countless graves, standing there quietly. That number is simply endless!

   "This, these are all?"

   Chen Fei shook his hands and looked at the ancient **** of Demon Heart. The latter also sighed at this time, and then silently bowed to the tomb that covered the sky, mourned for a long time, and then gradually got up, said.

   "You also come and pay their respects to them. For countless years, countless people have burned their last brilliance here and guarded the fairyland. Otherwise, maybe our blue sky and fairyland would be long gone, hey..."

   Chen Fei pursed his lips, and then followed the example of the ancient **** with a devilish heart, bowed deeply to the tomb that filled the sky, and finally got up slowly and said no more.

stand right here,

   It was as if he had returned to the fairy world, the world of self-cultivation. At that time, it was also the pressure of the Taihao Demon Sect, which made the entire cultivation world congeal. Countless martyrs have come one after another, so that they have hope and create miracles.

   And now,

  The Taihao Demon Sect was 'replaced' with the so-called Eternal Immortal Realm. Similar scene to Zeng. These countless tombs are all martyrs who burned themselves, ignited them, and the future of the Celestial Realm.

   Because of this,

   Fade Chen seemed to feel his insignificance again.

   Standing here looking at the Imperial City, looking at the Tomb of Ten Thousand Paths, like an ant looking up at the sky! Mixed feelings. Here, is their final line of defense in the Celestial Realm. Countless people, countless strong people, silently sacrificed their final here!

   "Okay, let's go, pass through here, our destination is the gathering place outside the Chaos Ruins of Supreme Dao Palace..."

  The Ancient God of Demon Heart glanced at Fade Chen,

   said slowly.

  Since the chaotic relic of the Supreme Taoist Palace comes from the chaotic world,

   That will naturally be deeper on the edge,

  There, strictly speaking, it is even a chaotic world beyond the edge. Under normal circumstances, there is no way to go to that place.


   This time, it was because there were many top powerhouses from the top powers who jointly constructed a channel linking the chaotic ruins of the Supreme Dao Palace, which gave them the opportunity to go there.

   And with the opening day of the Chaos Ruins of the Supreme Taoist Palace,

Tens of millions of years have passed since   , and that place, naturally, a settlement that is not huge, but there are many powerful people, and even a small number of powerful forces have arisen out of thin air.


   Of course, they all came for the chaotic ruins of the Supreme Dao Palace.

   Soon, a silent, deep and terrifying huge space crack channel appeared in front of Fade Chen and the others. In the passage there, a ruin-like ruin and a small settlement could be vaguely seen.

   "Here, this is the Chaos Ruins of Supreme Dao Palace!"

   Staring at the ruined ruins in the space crack, the ancient **** of demon heart seemed to be touched. After a pause, he looked at Fade Chen again and said softly. "Go, I'm already an ancient god, I can't get in there, and you can only rely on yourself for the next road."

   "This way, I have to trouble the seniors."

   Chen Fei respectfully bowed to the ancient **** of demon heart, and then his eyes narrowed and he walked slowly towards the space crack.

   But at this moment, the words of the Demon Heart Ancient God suddenly came from his ears.

"Although based on your situation, I really shouldn't need so much nonsense, but I should say more nonsense, be careful of the people in the Taoist Institute of Life, they are the descendants of the longevity beasts, if they are evil characters, strictly speaking, It's no different from that long-lived beast. Also, people from the Demon Realm should be a little more careful. I heard that the descendants of the Great Demon God seem to be here this time."

"The Great Demon God of the Demon Realm is one of the most terrifying giants of the Demon Dao in Zhongzhou. He once swept through Zhongzhou in the past, and he looked down upon him, and it was difficult to find an opponent. Now, he has become Tianyuan Dao Zun, Mud Dragon Dao Zun, and Amitabha Buddha. Shakyamuni and other peerless powerhouses are equally famous. Even better than my master... such a top powerhouse, his successor, must not be simple!"

   Chen Fei's eyes moved,

   But he did not stop his forward footsteps,

   instead raised his hand and waved,

   Great Demon God?

   Descendant of Tianyuan Daozun?

   He doesn't care who the other party is! This time, it will sweep the enemies and become the victor who has the last laugh. The road to his rise will begin in the chaotic ruins of the Supreme Dao Palace.


   The light flickers,

   Chen Fei entered the space crack. At the same time, beside the Demon Heart Ancient God, there was also an old man in black robes who seemed to be lazy.

   As interested in looking at the place where Chen Fei left, looking at it.

   "This is Fade Chen, Chen Void, who was rumored some time ago. I didn't expect you to send it here in person. It seems that the ancient court of reincarnation Six Paths has great expectations and attention to him!"

"What do you think?"

   Demon Heart Ancient God pouted, turned his head to look at him, and said lightly. "This kid is the object of the Lord's personal attention, we don't dare to be careless, but you... Zhuge City, didn't you retreat a long time ago, why did you come out and wander around again? It seems that the descendant of the Great Demon God, Even you guys care a lot this time."

  The black-robed old man called Zhuge City laughed,

   Then he shook his head as if helplessly, and said softly. "The big storm is coming, and we have to plan for the future. Although that kid is not as enchanting as the Great Demon God when he was young, it's still okay. Fight for it, and it should be no problem to become a Taoist. It's already this time. Now, can you have one more helper?"

"And it's not just me, you see, even the old witch of Bi Luotian is here, old witch, why don't you protect the blood of Biluo in your Biluotian, why are you running here? It won't be a descendant of the blood of Biluo, already Are you born?"

  Zhuge City looked into the depths of chaos, where a skinny old woman with a black cane was sitting there quietly, like a stone, without saying a word.

   However, when his voice just fell, boom! The void split open, but the old woman suddenly opened her eyes, shooting out an extremely terrifying coercion, and staring straight at the Zhuge City.

   That pressure,

   Whether it was Zhuge City or that Demon Heart Ancient God, their eyes suddenly froze, and their expressions changed slightly.

   "Old witch, you have already broken through!?"

   (end of this chapter)

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