Urban Cultivation Medical Saint

Vol 3 Chapter 4344: Brilliant! Sweep! Kill them all!

   Chapter 4344 Emerging! Sweep! Kill them all!

   And at the same time,

That fierce attack had already killed Chen Fei. For a time, many people cast a sad and pitiful look on Chen Fei. It seems that they all felt that Chen Fei was an unlucky bastard. Maybe it should end here. .

   Duan Lie, that insidious guy,

  Once you take action in person, it must be thunderous, and it is impossible to give you a chance to slip away and turn over!

   However, the next moment, everyone's pupils shrank, and then their faces changed dramatically.


  Some people may not see any clues when they stand there calmly, but as soon as he makes a move, everyone will understand that this kid is not weak, this is actually a very terrifying top master!

that moment,

   Chen Fei shot,

   just turned his palm into a sword and slashed out lightly. All of this was without any fancy, surging explosion-like scene. It was just a flat and indifferent slash, but it made everyone shudder.



   Just one hit!

  Suddenly, the heaven and the earth split open,

The originally majestic and terrifying congenital vision demon bull **** was immediately chopped up, even as simple and easy as a rag doll, vulnerable to a single blow. What's more terrifying is that Chen Fei's attack was not aimed at that so-called congenital anomalies,


   In front of Duan Lie, who was reckless and unrestrained before!

   "No, don't kill me!"

  The terrifying coercion and suffocation-like death made Duan Lie, who was the peak combat power of the Immortal Ancestor Jiuzhongtian, suddenly shuddered, suffocated, trembled, and feared.

   He lost face, bowed his head to Chen Fei and begged for mercy, and even threatened him with curses.

   "I am a descendant of the ancient gods, and my master is a real ancient **** powerhouse. If you dare to kill me, you will regret it!"

However, as soon as the words fell, Fade Chen's sword strike had already arrived. The sonorous sound shook the world, tearing apart the sky, and also made the fierce begging and threat to stop, turning into a miserable misery. Call.


   Bloody light bloomed, and a shrill scream came out, making everyone hairy.

   People looked up,

I saw that in the void, Duan Lie had been slashed by countless terrifying sword-like powers, pierced through his flesh, tore his soul to pieces, and nailed him high in the shattered void, dripping with blood. The scene is suffocating and shocking!

   What is even more shocking is that Duan Lie's body seems to be still in the instinct, struggling on it, but can't get rid of it. However, who is there who can't see it? He is already dead now, and even his soul has not been quenched.

   means that he doesn't even have the chance to reincarnate.

   is dead clean.


   Suddenly, everyone fell silent, couldn't help but gasped, staring at Fade Chen,

   I have to say that the scene in front of me really shocked everyone, not to mention the background of Duan Lie, but only to talk about his strength, the fighting power of the Immortal Ancestor Jiuzhongtian peak, unexpectedly, this is gone? !

   Was slaughtered like a dog butchering a chicken? !

   This scene made everyone and every monk tremble with fear,

   stared at Fade Chen, his eyes full of astonishment.

   "Who is he? How can he still have such terrifying strength!?"

  咻! call out! call out…

   shot again,

   But suddenly there were so many people who were extremely abrupt, and all of a sudden, they quickly dispersed and ran away. Looking closely, those people were the companions beside Duan Lie earlier. Together with that Duan Lie, they had ambush and attacked Chen Fei before, but now?

   Duan Lie died,

   was obliterated like a dog butchering a chicken,

   What about them? Will Chen Fei let them go? They are confident that they will not believe that Chen Fei will be so kind.

   Therefore, they must run, they must run quickly.

"Om!" But, who would have thought that when these people just started running, the void in all directions, the vast space crack world that was already broken, suddenly seemed to be tightened to a piece by an extremely terrifying space force. ,

   Rumble Rumble Rumble!

   At that moment, the supreme coercion came, destroying the world and destroying the earth.

   All of this has made the world pale, the sun and the moon have no light, and just this one blow, all those who tried to disperse and escape from this place were all instantly 'tightened' by the distorted space,

   is directly crushed to pieces, not even the **** is left,

   "No, isn't it? This..." This scene also completely suffocated everyone else. In a short blink of an eye, everyone in the sky and underground, in all directions, was completely suffocated and quiet. Everyone was sweating profusely, looking at Fade Chen from a distance, deep in their eyes filled with disbelief and fear.

one strike,

   Instantly killed Duan Lie, the genius of Immortal Ancestor Jiuzhongtian's peak combat power,

   and another blow,

   is directly strangling all the other immortal ancestors in the Nine Heavens and Eightfold Heavens…

   What is this concept?

   Terrorist strong,

   The real and true terrifying powerhouse,

   At this moment, everyone realized that Fade Chen is by no means an ordinary strong character like them, but a super evildoer who has unparalleled potential talent, background, talent and power enough to scare people to death!

Of course,

   This is the chaotic relic of the Supreme Dao Palace,

   In this place, of course, it is impossible for them all to be ordinary people of their strength.

   At this moment, in the depths of the stronghold, some real enchanting characters seemed to be aware of it, and then glanced at Fade Chen and the others in surprise.

   "That guy's strength...seems to be pretty good. He only took two shots, and he actually killed those **** directly. It's really interesting. Although I don't know him, he seems to be a good genius."

   "It's alright, that's what it is. Let me go, one move is enough, those trash can only bully those ants with ordinary qualifications. In front of us, they are nothing!"

"Okay, what are you talking about, you must really have the ability to go to the battlefield in the ruins. The descendant of the Great Demon God, the Demon Son Weeps Jiuyou, Bi Luotian's Divine Blood, and the Demon Saint Monarch, Tianxuan Daozi, and even Life The longevity beasts of the Taoist Academy, Daoyuan, etc., tell me, which one of them can't crush you with one hand? If I tell you, one hand even looks up to you!"


   "Alright, alright, stop arguing, I don't seem to know that guy either. Don't you guys know each other with such eyes?"

   "Looking at the attainment of that one-handed Space Dao, it may be someone from the Space God Realm, but... I don't know him either, I haven't seen him at all!"

   "I haven't seen him either..."


   The discussion in the depths of the stronghold continues,

   Everything in the outside world is still going on. After swept across several Immortal Ancestor Jiuzhongtian, Bazhongtian, and even the sneak attack at the peak of Immortal Ancestor Jiuzhongtian, Chen Fei announced its arrival!

Da da da…

   In the void, Fade Chen's footsteps sounded, walking slowly towards the stronghold,

   He didn't have any words, just indifference in his eyes, but he made the best response with actions! At this moment, anyone who was curious, friendly, or hostile or indifferent, chose to be silent about Fade Chen's arrival.

   After all the previous things,

   has proven everything,

   At the very least, Chen Fei is definitely not simple, and it is even very likely that he is a real terrifying evildoer! This is by his own power, shocking many, many people in the open and in the dark.

   But Chen Fei was not thinking about these at this time,

   Instead, he was thinking about a paragraph that those people discussed with each other casually before.

   "...Those people in Space God Domain, haven't they gone deep into the ruins of chaos to rescue that Ji Fengyuan?"

   Chen Fei frowned slightly,

   There was even a hint of coldness in the depths of his eyes.

   Master he,

   Was hunted down? !

   (end of this chapter)

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