Urban Cultivation Medical Saint

Vol 3 Chapter 4345: Mad Court Venerable God, Kong Yuanzhen!

   Chapter 4345 The legend of Mad Ting Zun, Kong Yuanzhen!

   Chen Fei had such an idea in his heart,

   Almost immediately wanted to set off and rush to the depths of the chaotic ruins of the Supreme Dao Palace,

However, he didn't wait for him to take any action. In the next moment, his pitch-black eyes that were like glass suddenly seemed to sense something. At the same time, a strange color appeared, and his eyes narrowed slightly. few times.


   He clearly sensed someone was watching him secretly, and…

   This person is now,

   is still very close to him!

   "Your Excellency stared at me for so long, isn't it enough? Come out."

   Chen Fei's eyes sank, and after speaking lightly, he directly swept towards the stronghold, and at the same time, in the void, a figure of a cyan robe actually appeared,

   And after a little pause in the void for a while,

   even followed Chen Fei,

   swept towards the stronghold together in the sky,

   And it seems that he wants to catch up with Chen Fei and walk side by side with him...

   And seeing this scene,

Many people were slightly startled, as if they were a little surprised, but they didn't seem to agree, but then when a small number of them seemed to have recovered, they seemed to have reacted, noticed, and clearly saw that. After the true face of the man in the blue robe,

   Then I saw that they suddenly felt like they were struck by lightning,

  's complexion changed on the spot,

   also blurted out.

   "Kong Kong, Kong Yuanzhen?!"


   At the same time, in the void, the man in the cyan robe had really come together with Fade Chen, walking side by side. Step on the heavens and land in the stronghold.

   Chen Fei couldn't help but turned his head and glanced at the man,

   I saw that the man in the blue robe was a thin middle-aged man. He has an elegant and light temperament on his body, like white clouds with light clouds and light wind, and like a stream of water flowing in various ways.

   This kind of feeling is like a person who is independent from the world,

   is very colorful and outstanding!


   This is not the point, the point is that on this person, Fade Chen felt an extremely dangerous pressure almost obviously! Reminding him all the time, the other party is very strong!

   The other person,

   It is very likely that he is much more powerful than he is now!

   "This person's strength should not be an ancient god... but it is estimated that it is not far behind!"

"That is to say, is this person an eighth-level immortal ancestor, or even higher?" Chen Fei made a judgment in his heart almost immediately. Most of the guy in front of him is an eight-level immortal ancestor with the forbidden level of the Seven Gods. It is possible to go higher and stronger!

   "I didn't expect to meet... I'm really lucky."

   Chen Fei couldn't help but have a wry smile in his heart.

   Although this is the chaotic ruins of the Supreme Dao Palace,

   But this level of genius and powerhouse is not like the flowers and plants on the side of the road. It can be seen everywhere. As soon as he came up, he ran into such a person directly. I have to say that his luck really has no one else. Good inexplicable.

   "Chen Fei and Chen Void, seeing a hundred things is better than seeing them. Today, when I see you today, you are indeed as powerful as the rumors, very evil, and very ruthless and domineering."

   At this moment, the man opened his mouth, looked at Fade Chen with a smile, and said softly. "Let me introduce myself. My name is Kong Yuanzhen, and some people call me a descendant of Bu Lao Shan. I am one of the three pillar gods of Bu Lao Shan, the direct descendant of Mad Court Zunshen."

   Not Laoshan?

  Three Pillars of God?

   Mad Court Revered God?

   Of course he doesn't know what these are, but he really doesn't know... Actually, it's nothing. The next moment, Chen Fan glanced at him sideways, and then opened his mouth and said indifferently.

   "What's the matter with you?"

  Kong Yuanzhen looked at Fade Chen's indifferent and distant appearance, couldn't help but smiled, and then said softly. "Actually, it's not a big deal. It's just that I was asked to wait for you here. By the way, I'll tell you that he's fine now, but... you'd better not go to him, so as not to get involved in danger and disputes. ."


   As soon as these words came out, Chen Fei turned his head and stared at Kong Yuanzhen, and a sharp color began to appear in his eyes. It was like a knife, stabbing the opponent in the face.

   "Is it my master who asked you to come?"

  Kong Yuanzhen smiled, then flicked his fingers, and a light group filled with a faint power of space hit Chen Fei directly, and then bloomed like a gorgeous fireworks.

   Chen Fei was stunned for a moment, and then he felt it immediately. This power is indeed the power of Ji Fengyuan's origin space... So... this guy was really called by the master? !

   Chen Fei pursed his lips,

   Then the attitude that was quite indifferent and indifferent,

   also started to get a little better,

   "Can you tell me what happened, what happened before this?"

   That Kong Yuanzhen glanced at Fade Chen, then nodded with a smile and said. "If you want to know, I will simply tell you."

   paused slightly, as if sorting out his thoughts, and then Kong Yuanzhen spoke again and said. "About 17 million years ago, the major forces worked together to open the passage to the chaotic ruins of the Supreme Dao Palace. There are countless successors, disciples, true biography, elders, various scattered repairers, and so on. They all came, poured into it, and began to find and dig the treasures and opportunities here. Later…

"Later, after millions of years of exploration and exchange of information, everyone has roughly sorted out more than one million palaces, ruins, forbidden places, mountains, rivers, lakes and seas, and tens of thousands of different buildings. dimensional world."

   hear this,

   Fade Chen couldn't help but blurted out.

"so much?"

   But Kong Yuanzhen couldn't help but glanced at Fade Chen with a strange expression, and then asked back. "Is this a lot? You have to know that the chaotic ruins of the Supreme Dao Palace now may not even have one percent of the heritage of the Supreme Dao Palace at its peak. This is not only because of the real big head, but also It has already been divided up by the major forces that encircled and suppressed the Supreme Dao Palace, and more importantly, the chaotic ruins of this Supreme Dao Palace now are just fragments of ruins that have been smashed."

   Chen Fei was silent for a while, then he didn't refute, just asked again. "Have those places been excavated, and have all been raided and swept away?"

   "That's not..."

  Kong Yuanzhen shook his head, his eyes twinkling. "Although it is a ruin, it still retains a lot of the glory of the Supreme Dao Palace and the means of prohibition."

"In those palaces, ruins, forbidden areas, mountains, rivers, lakes and seas, and even in the dimensional world, there are still extremely dangerous methods in many places. If you are unlucky, let alone those ordinary monks, even me, There will be danger of death! Many of those places can even be known at a glance. With our current strength, we can't get in at all. If we dare to forcibly enter, we will only die!"

   "So, I guess the current search and mining progress is not even one-tenth."

   Hearing this, Fade Chen was silent again, and then continued to ask.

"anything else?"

   That Kong Yuanzhen glanced at Fade Chen, then shook his head again, and said indifferently. "About four million years ago, a few groups of people excavated some news about the Dragon Mountain of the Temple of Supreme Dao Temple in one of the ruins. It is said to be the entrance to the Dragon Mountain of the Temple. Somewhere in the ruins, but it needs a key."

   (end of this chapter)

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