Urban Cultivation Medical Saint

Vol 3 Chapter 4354: The news spreads, and all parties move!

   Chapter 4354 The news spreads, and all parties move!

  The man stayed there for a long time with a gloomy expression on his face,

   seems to want to refute angrily, but he can't say it. Because, based on his understanding of Xiang Yifei, he naturally understands that the other party never trusts his words. Since he really said that, I am afraid it really is...

   Thinking of this, he even couldn't help turning his head and staring at the place where Fade Chen had left, and glanced fiercely, his eyes were tangled, angry and complicated, and he was speechless for a long time.

   But how does he know,

  Xiang Yifei is from Daluo Tianshang Palace. That's right, in the latter stage of the previous reincarnation war, he personally came to watch the battle between Chen Fei and the demon Buddha Xiaoming.

   So this one flies,

   He knew better what Chen Fei's strength showed at this time and what it meant,

   How long was the previous battle? I am afraid that it will be less than tens of millions of years, but Chen Fei and Chen Void have directly jumped from the strength of the Immortal Ancestor Jiuzhongtian to the point where he can kill Jiang Wanchu!

   In addition to using the word monster to describe it,

   He couldn't think of anything else at all,

   Therefore, he is also more aware that for a monster like Chen Fei, he must have a deep meaning in choosing to do this, and even if Chen Fei is really arrogant, what can he do? This is his ability and his ability!

   of course!


At the same time, with the news of Jiang Wanchu's death in battle, and Chen Fei's mad words, after the express delivery started to be very fast, all the circles of monks in the chaotic ruins of the Supreme Dao Palace immediately welcomed There was a big earthquake,

   makes many people shocked and unbelievable,

   To talk about fame,

  Jiang Wanchu's reputation is definitely not small among them. After all, the Seven Gods Forbidden Demons of the Immortal Ancestor's Seventh Heavenly Cultivation Realm, this title, no matter where it is placed, is definitely very strong.

   But he is dead now,

This directly made Chen Fei and Chen Void's prestige, which suddenly soared, skyrocketed, and reached a very astonishing height, but even so, next, Chen Fei's wild provocation still made everyone think, All reversed.

  No one would think that just killing Jiang Wanchu would really be able to compete with the Son of Shunan of the Immortal Sect of Shunan, Li Qingbai of the Eastern God Gate, and the Zunnan Heart of the Wuji Zun Family! After all, if you want to talk about the forbidden seven gods, so are they, and they are still the Eighth Heaven of the Immortal Ancestor! They are a little higher than Jiang Wanchu's cultivation realm.

   To know that Immortal Ancestor Eighth Heaven's Seven Gods Forbidden Demons, even if it is only one step away from the power of the ancient **** realm, this alone has proved everything!

   Moreover, they are not just themselves. They are a group of people! It is an alliance of the descendants of all the major forces! Such a large group of the descendants of Tianjiao from the major forces are all suppressed.

   This level of formation,

   Such pressure is enough to crush anyone!

   But such big events and storms still attract the interest and attention of many people! After all, fighting, or watching the battle of the strong, is also a good way to experience and become stronger!

   Normally, this level of battle is extremely difficult to see in the outside world, so they don't want to miss it! Of course, there is another reason, and that is the nature, the nature of watching the fun.

   This incident is so big, of course they also want to know, who will be the last laugh? !

  Because of this, for a while, the wind and clouds gathered in this stronghold, and everyone cast their eyes on Chen Fei, as well as the follow-up reactions of the major forces. At the same time, the news of this incident began to spread to the major forces that were chasing and killing Space God Realm and others...


In the depths of the chaotic ruins, a white-haired man wearing a blue and black robe was standing quietly on a dark ruin. Behind him, there were many people, one of whom seemed to be reporting to him. what.

   These people are none other than those from the Wuji Zun family who are chasing and killing Space God Realm and others! Especially the white-haired man, who is the contemporary descendant of the Wuji Zun Family - Zun Nan Xin!

   At the end, the man was even agitated, and said murderously with a cold face. "Young master, that kid is too arrogant and doesn't care about us at all, why don't we go kill him first? Or... I also heard that that kid is Ji Fengyuan's apprentice, he caught him and threatened Ji Fengyuan. Appearing, it should be impossible for him to ignore the life and death of his apprentice!"

   As soon as these words came out, Zun Nanxin glanced at him lightly, but didn't say a word, until after he looked a little hairy, he suddenly sneered and said indifferently. "Kill him? How to kill? He can kill Jiang Wanchu, proving that his strength should be no worse than mine. Even if there is a gap, it should be very small, so I want to kill him, or you?!"


   The emotional person's face stiffened, but he was still unwilling. "Young master, is it possible that this is the case? That kid is so provocative to me, if I let it go, I'm afraid I will be ridiculed by others!"

"if not?"

  Zun Nan smiled indifferently and said softly. "He killed Jiang Wanchu, how about being arrogant? If you can kill me, you can also be arrogant. Besides, have you all forgotten the previous news? Chen Fei and Chen Void, this kid is a Yashen Jin! Yashen Jin Ah, he dared to kill Jiang Wanchu, but do you dare to kill him?!"

   "When the people from the Six Paths of Reincarnation come to the door, who will fight? You go? Or me?!"

   As soon as these words came out, the audience was dead silent, and even the emotional person shut up. ,

  Yes, Chen Fei and Chen Xukong dared to kill Jiang Wanchu, that was because he was forbidden by the Eight Gods, what about them? Do they dare to kill a Yagami? As if they didn't dare. It's not a question of strength enough.

   But they really don't have the guts!


   At the same time, Zun Nanxin also snorted coldly and said coldly. "A bunch of rubbish, grow your brains well! You are brave all day long, kill this and kill that, and if you have the ability, go for it yourself!"

   As soon as these words come out,

   Those people were even more silent.

   did not dare to speak.

   Upon seeing this scene, Zun Nanxin also began to sigh, then his eyes became complicated, and he shook his head. "I didn't expect that guy to come, it seems that we should quit too!"



   Everyone's face changed,

   "Why else?"

  Zun Nanxin sighed and said helplessly. "Ji Fengyuan, coupled with Chen Fei and Chen Void, have already banned the two gods, don't you understand? Could it be that you still want to face off against the two gods? Don't forget, the big kill in the ancient court of the Six Paths of Reincarnation. Xing Li Hei is here too! If he is involved in that time, who can hold him down?!"

   (end of this chapter)

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