Urban Cultivation Medical Saint

Vol 3 Chapter 4355: The news spreads, and all parties move (below)!

   Chapter 4355 The news spreads, and all parties move (below)!

   As soon as these words came out, those people's faces stiffened and they shut up completely.

  Yeah, the two eight gods ban evil spirits, and there is also the big killer Li Hei...

"Let's go, although I lost that key, there are still other opportunities in this chaotic relic. Be cautious, it's better than losing your life! Face? What face? Live long and have big fists. It's the real face!"

   "Yes, Young Master!"


at the same time,

   Another place deep in Chaos Ruins,

  A middle-aged man in a azure blue robe was sitting on a withered black stone with gloomy eyes, his face was very ugly. This person is none other than the contemporary descendant of the Shunan Xianzong, the Holy Son of Shunan!

   Although they were chasing and killing them, they acted separately, so they are not with the people from the Wuji Zun family now! but alone in another place.

   "Holy Son, what are we going to do with this matter?!"

   A voice came,

   I saw, next to the Son of Shunan,

   Another descendant of Shunan Xianzong couldn't help but speak.

  To be honest, he actually has the same idea with that Nanxin now. Just chasing and killing Ji Fengyuan, the eight gods forbidden evildoer, has already put them under a lot of psychological pressure.

  If it fails, it is equivalent to finding a future enemy for them. No one will be so stupid to do such stupidity, so if you add a second one, or even more...


   This psychological pressure is too great,

   They can't bear it anymore!

   And it's not just him, the Holy Son of Shunan is the same now,

   So even if he was asked, he was still silent, his face was cloudy and uncertain, and it was very ugly.

   "Holy Son, let's not forget it, there's really no need to do it for an unfounded legend..."

   Someone spoke again,

"shut up!"

   However, before he could finish his words, he was interrupted by the suddenly furious Holy Son of Shunan.

   The next moment, only to see that his eyes were gloomy before he slowly got up, looked at everyone, and said coldly. "Since he is so mad and wants to court death so much, then we will fulfill him! Get ready, and then go with me to see and see how arrogant and mad this Chen Fei and Chen Kongkong are?!"


   When the others heard this, their expressions suddenly changed.

   "Boom!" A loud noise shook the world, and a terrifying aura erupted from the body of the Holy Son of Shunan, which made everyone's faces change dramatically. There was great fear in the depths of his eyes!

   "You didn't hear what I said?!"

   The Son of Shunan said coldly with a grim expression.

   The others looked at each other in dismay, but in the end they sighed helplessly, expressing their understanding.

   "Yes, Son..."


at the same time,

   Another place in the Chaos Ruins. This is a ruined attic, with a small area, only the size of a mountain, but there seems to be a lot of secrets hidden in the depths of this attic.

If you don't really walk in, you can't feel it at all, and at this time, some people are quietly and low-key entering and exiting this attic, coming and going, look carefully, those people are actually Dongfang Shenmen people!

   Not only that, Li Qingbai, the contemporary descendant of Dongfang Shenmen, is still here at this time, sitting in front of a chess table with a broken half-corner, staring at it, speechless for a long time,

   After a long time, he suddenly shook his head and muttered.

   "I didn't expect that in this small ruin, there is still the inheritance of a Tianyuan Taoist. If it weren't for the blessing of the soul, if you wanted to come in and see, I'm afraid you would have completely missed it..."

   "Big Brother..."

   At this moment, someone suddenly approached, and then told him the news from the outside world, and then, he saw a faint smile on the corner of Li Qingbai's mouth, and muttered to himself. "Chen Fei Chen Void, I know him, the guy who defeated Dongjun Shenzi Ling... I didn't expect it to be quite arrogant!"

   "Eldest brother, we?"

   "The person from the space **** domain, have you found it?"

   Li Qingbai asked again.

   "Not yet... They are too capable of escaping, and there are too many restrictions in this ghost place, it is difficult to find them!" The man smiled wryly. Everyone knows that the Space God Realm is the force that is best at movement and speed in this immortal world!

   They who have mastered the power of the way of space,

   You can't catch it by nature! To be honest, although they are now chasing and killing, but the success rate is somewhat, I am afraid that only they know it, it is really difficult anyway!

   "Hey, there's no way, those guys are just like this, they want to catch them, unless they block them somewhere, that's pretty much it! But now..." As he said, Li Qingbai suddenly smiled and said. "But now, the opportunity seems to come!"

   "That Ji Fengyuan and Chen Fei and Chen Kongkong really seem to be a master-apprentice relationship, right?"

   As soon as these words came out, the man's expression changed and he couldn't help but say.

   "Eldest brother, then Chen Xukong is not easy to mess with!"

   "If you really do anything to him, the ancient court of the Six Paths of Reincarnation can't possibly let us go!"

   "What are you afraid of?" Li Qingbai smiled indifferently and said lightly. "The ancient court of the Six Paths of Reincarnation is strong, but isn't our Eastern God Sect weak? Besides, he has caused too much trouble. The anger is hard to provoke! Coupled with the temptation of the key, it is enough to make many people stand up to it. The pressure is on him! So, nothing to be afraid of!"


   The man wanted to say something, but was interrupted by Li Qingbai shaking his head.

   "Go and meet the Weeping Witch! Tell her that once the key is lost, we can share the rest of the harvest equally. Also, didn't you say that Princess Lianxin is also here? Tell her too."

   "That witch, she has never been able to see Princess Lianxin!"

   "Yes, Big Brother!"


   Somewhere not far from Li Qingbai and the others from the Eastern God Gate,

   Several figures were watching them quietly.

   These people are male and female, with different body and appearance, but the only thing in common is that they are all filled with the extremely amazing coercion of space.

   Even at this time, the space in that place was completely distorted into other worlds, and in this case, even if they stood there and were very close, no one could find them!

   This is their power, the power of the Way of Space!

   Naturally, these people are not others, they are the people of the space **** realm!

"Chen Fei Chen Void, tsk tsk, it seems that things are getting more and more interesting, who would have thought that a mere apprentice of Ji Fengyuan would be so powerful, even Jiang Wanchu killed him, this kind of strength is probably more powerful than me Oh! It's really a genius! "Evil"

   Someone spoke,

   said gloomily,

   had an expression of indifference on his face.

"Didn't you say it all? He and Ji Fengyuan are the same, both are forbidden by the Eight Gods! It's not like you haven't seen how powerful the evil spirits of the Eight Gods are forbidden. It's been so long since Ji Fengyuan came to our Space God Realm, and I think it's already so powerful. This kid is even stronger than that Ji Fengyuan!"

   Another said.

   (end of this chapter)

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