Urban Cultivation Medical Saint

Vol 3 Chapter 4359: The three Mo brothers!

   Chapter 4359 The three brothers of the Mo family!

   "Hey, the ruins of Taoist Tianyuan? My God, such good luck?!"

   "Yeah, hey, those guys are really lucky, this can be found by them..."

"Hey, forget it, let's not talk about this, I have some news here. I overheard someone saying that a few days ago, there was news that the third senior brother of the Mo family from the Misty Rain Immortal Sect had also returned, and they seem to be able to Let's go!"

   "What? True or false!"

   "Are those three and a half-step seven-god-banned twin brothers?"

"That's right, it's them. Both the Yanyu Xianmen and the Jiang family are allies of the Tianque Xianyu, and this Mo's brother and that Jiang Wanchu seem to have a good relationship, so they are about to become brothers. Now Jiang Wanchu is dead, I'm afraid they won't be able to sit still!"

"Then it looks good. Although the three of them are not the Seven Gods Forbidden Demons, they are twins, and they are of the same mind. If the three brothers join forces, I am afraid they will be much stronger than Jiang Wanchu, and I also I heard that the three of them have all reached the peak of the Immortal Ancestor Seventh Heavenly Layer some time ago. Maybe... just the three of them are enough to take down Chen Fei and Chen Void!"

"Who knows, anyway... eh? Look, who is that? No, that's three people, I know, it's them, they'll be there. The three Mo brothers are here, and they're ready now Are you ready?!"


   Just as people were chatting, they suddenly saw that there were three unfathomable figures in the void at this time, and they had begun to walk towards the attic in the center of the stronghold.

  The three figures, from a distance, are almost identical, with almost no difference in body, height, temperament, and imposing manner. Even if you look closely, there is not much difference. The only obvious thing is that their hair is different. One is red like red flames, one is dark blue like frost, and the other is like chaos. hazy dark gray!

  The three Mo brothers!

   One of the giants in Tianque Xianyu, the direct descendant of Yanyu Xianmen.


   They seem to be ready to take the lead and start the highly anticipated first battle for this grand occasion! Among them, it may be for revenge. After all, they are indeed inseparable from that Jiang Wanchu.

   But it could also be something else… such as prestige, such as fame, such as the undercurrents behind it, and so on. But anyway, now, they have started to act and chose to stand up!

   "Chen Void, get out!"

   "Since you are so arrogant and don't know how high the sky is, then let my three brothers personally take action and send you on your way! Among the three brothers of the Mo family, the red-haired man spoke first and said coldly.

   "Killing for life, Chen Fei and Chen Void, if you dare to kill Jiang Wanchu, then you will have to pay the price, get out! Today is your day of death, get out and die honestly."

   Someone spoke up,

   is the one with dark blue hair,

at last,


The man with the hazy dark gray long hair stepped out suddenly, and a powerful momentum burst out. Then, the terrifying coercion immediately rushed up to Jiutian and terrified Jiuyou. He was like a **** and demon, covered with The power of chaos emerged, like a vast ocean, extremely terrifying, and many people in all directions could not help trembling. Eyes full of horror!

   "The power of chaos!"

   "The Eighth Heaven of Immortal Ancestor!" That's right, this person not only cultivated the Tao of Chaos, the first of the ten great ways of transcendence, but he has also broken through to the Eighth Heaven of Immortal Ancestor! This kind of strength tells them that it is definitely not simple, it is definitely very strong!

   At the very least, this is definitely much stronger than the previous Immortal Ancestor's Seventh Heavenly Jiang Wanchu!

   "I don't want to waste time, it's all your own fault, Fade Chen, get out and die, I'll make you die more happily, otherwise, don't blame me for waiting for the three brothers, my subordinates are ruthless!"

   The voice fell, he paused, then roared loudly again,

   "Get out and die!"

And then,

   His other two brothers also began to join in. Roar out! Shocking!

   "Get out and die!"

   "Get out and die!"

   When such a scene comes out,

   Naturally attracted everyone's attention immediately. For them, the Mist and Rain Immortal Sect, although the potential talents of the three Mo brothers are nothing, but their strength is still really strong!

   Not to mention, just being the boss of Immortal Ancestor Bazhongtian who specializes in the way of chaos, his actual combat power should not be inferior to that of Jiang Wanchu at the beginning, not to mention that he has two best helpers who are satisfied!

   One heart and one mind,

  triple brothers, the strength that this can exert is not as simple as one plus one plus one equals three. This battle is definitely something to watch, and it can make them look forward to it!

   Of course, there are also expectations,

   scoffed at this. There are also.

"Humph! Three brainless idiots, who are not even the Seven Gods Ban, dare to go to Chen Fei's troubles, it's really too long..." Somewhere in the void, the arrogant Shu Nansheng The child said with disdain. After speaking, he couldn't help but curse again.

   "Three immortals!"

   As soon as these words came out, the disciples of Shunan Xianzong behind him couldn't help but look at each other with different expressions.

   After a while, someone couldn't help but ask.

   "Senior brother, the strength of the three Mo brothers...isn't that weak?"

   "Weak is not weak, but they still don't understand a truth, and neither do you..." The Holy Son of Shunan shook his head and said indifferently. "Forget it, forget it, and you'll know after reading it. There are three ants that are not banned by the Seven Gods. If they dare to go to Chen Fei's trouble, there is absolutely no good end to it!"

  Why did Jiang Wanchu lose? One is because the cultivation realm is not enough, and the other is because he is only forbidden by the Seven Gods, but Chen Fei and Chen Void are forbidden by the Eight Gods. The more potential and talented evildoer you have, the more you understand that the gap between the cultivation realm and the realm cannot be filled by two or three small realms at all!

  Seven Gods Forbidden, known as perfect, without any weaknesses in all directions. What about the seven gods banned below? There will always be some small shortcomings of frizz, and this shortcoming will be infinitely magnified before the seven gods ban evil spirits.

   In the end, it will become a fatal flaw!

   So he completely despised the so-called three Mo brothers,

   With just the three of them, I am afraid that none of them could be pinched by Chen Fei.

   is totally to die!

   Not only him, but at the same time, many other Seven Gods forbidden evil spirits present more or less have the same idea with him at this time. This may be the pride and dignity of being the Seven Gods forbidding evil spirits,

   Maybe because,

   They really think that the seven gods are forbidden to go up and down. This is a threshold. Once you enter the threshold, you will become a dragon. If you don't enter it, you are just a mere ants. Nothing threatening at all.



At the same time, there was movement in the attic in the central area of ​​the stronghold. Suddenly, the heaven and the earth trembled, the void turned into a distorted mirror, and a terrifying aura was like a continuous deep sea, slowly The earth came from there, and immediately, everyone's pupils shrank, and their faces became solemn.

   because they know,

  The protagonist has appeared!

   (end of this chapter)

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