Urban Cultivation Medical Saint

Vol 3 Chapter 4360: Powerful attack! Invincible endless space!

   Chapter 4360 Powerful attack! Invincible endless space!


   In the next moment, the door of the attic was slowly pushed open, and a group of people wearing this brown robe walked out slowly, and then, the eyes seemed to appear in front of everyone.

   Those pitch-black eyes that were like glass, at this moment, were flashing with a coldness like a sharp sword, looking at them coldly, icy to the bone, as if with a little murderous intent.


  Someone couldn't help but speak out,

   stared at Fade Chen,

   And at this time, they even felt their hearts tremble,

   is very scary!

   "So strong..."

  People couldn't help but their pupils condensed slightly. They have this kind of reaction now, but it's just because of the coercion and momentum released by Chen Fei. This is just the beginning.

   has already made them instinctively fear and fear,

  What this shows, they know it clearly in their hearts! This can only show that Chen Fei's real strength seems to be really beyond their estimation and imagination.

   "How, how is it possible?!"

   At this time, it wasn't just them whose faces changed dramatically. As soon as Fade Chen's coercive momentum came out, even the red and dark blue haired two of the three Mo's brothers also changed their faces drastically at this time.

   Because their feelings at this time are not much different from other people in the outside world,

   trembling all over,

   The heart beats faster,

   My whole body is numb...even my back is cold, and my whole body is terrified!

all of these,

   also directly caused their hearts to sink to the bottom. Realized something was wrong.

   "What are you panicking about, calm down, I am here! He is only one person, what are you afraid of?!"

   But at this moment, a loud shout suddenly sounded in their ears. The two suddenly trembled as if struck by lightning, and then they looked up and looked at the man with hazy dark gray hair.

   "Big Brother..."

   The latter's face sank, and then his eyes narrowed slightly, his eyes lifted, swept across the void, and looked at Fade Chen who had just pushed out of the attic. His eyes also began to reveal a sharp and ferocious killing intent! Chen Fei, Chen Fei, today, let us three brothers step on your bones and ascend to the sky, right? !

   That's right, this is the real idea in his heart!

   Momentum and prestige are extremely important to some people. It just so happens that he, the three brothers, is such a person!

   Before that, they had carefully studied Fade Chen's battle images,

   And in the end they came to the conclusion that,

   As long as the three brothers attack together,

  Then the so-called eight gods forbidden monster Chen Fei and Chen Vongkong can definitely be slaughtered. At that time, the three Mo brothers will be able to create a miracle and a myth. Defying the sky and slaying the eight gods and forbidden evildoers!

   After countless years,

   This earth-shaking world will remember the miracles and pioneering works they created!

   So they chose to come.

   In this battle, they will fight against the sky and ascend to the top!

   "Do it!"

  The eldest brother of the Mo brothers spoke again,

   Then, a roar rolled out! It resounded through Lingyun, shaking the sky and the earth. The terrifying momentum suddenly erupted, forming a terrifying light curtain of the power of chaos, overwhelming the sky and the atmosphere, and then, he stepped forward, the power of chaos soared into the sky, and the terrifying battle armor of the power of chaos seemed to burn. Get up, let the killing intent flow, and go straight to the sky!

   And when he saw his boss, he chose to take action,

   The second and third child of the Mo brothers can only get rid of distracting thoughts and force the shot!

"Come on, let's do it! Fade Chen, it's time for you to die!" I saw that the red-haired man also roared and rumbled loudly, his body began to burn, and then, the whole person It turned into a sea of ​​blazing flames. The terrifying flame seemed to be able to burn the sky and boil the sea, burning through the heaven and earth, time and space.

   This terrifying force suddenly completely drowned Fade Chen,

   seems to be swept away the hesitation and hesitation just now!

   At the same time, his killing intent was completely unconcealed at this time. Kill, kill, this time, they will join hands to kill Chen Fei and ascend to the top!

   As for the last man with dark blue hair... he's even faster!


   With a low roar, terrifying frost emerged from his body, and the incomparably overbearing terrifying chill spewed out directly, rushing into the sky, swaying upwards, terrifying power lingering above the void, as if to freeze everything,

   Then, this terrifying force began to form a circle, and it began to shrink continuously, but the chill continued to increase. In the end, this force completely blocked the area where Chen Fei was located.

  Then...the terrifying pressure suddenly erupted,

   The overwhelming terrifying cold wave directly drowned Fade Chen. very scary.


  Suddenly, the world trembled. When the chill came, that area, that space, was completely frozen, and all spaces, dimensions, and even time were stopped.

  Then, the red hair and the attacks of the three brothers of the Mo clan all fell in exactly the same instant, smashing, sweeping, and drowning the unreal place...

   "Rumble Rumble Rumble..."

   The big explosion that destroyed the sky and the earth appeared,

The terrifying shock wave that seemed to be enough to devour the sky continued to spread, the terrifying sky fire, and the power of the power of chaos, at this time, it seemed like the weapon of the devil, destroying the dead and tearing everything there fiercely. !

   And seeing this scene,

  People couldn't help but look shocked. Surprised.

   "No, no way... No way to die?!"

   It's not that they question Chen Fei's strength, but the joint attack of the three Mo brothers is really terrifying! Not to mention the peaks of those mere immortal ancestors in the Nine Heavens, even if they are the true enchanting forces of the seven gods forbidden level,

   At this time, they also felt a strong threat and pressure. Perhaps even if they were in the middle of it, if they personally endured the joint attack, most of them would not end well...

   just soon,

   Their pupils froze, and their expressions changed drastically.


   "Then, that is... how is that possible? He actually has nothing at all?!"


   The people who can appear here are not mediocre people, they are all powerful people. Therefore, they also noticed the scene in the blasted land almost immediately.

At this moment, the aftermath of the devastating attack by the three Mo brothers continued, but they all clearly felt that in the center of the blasted place, the figure in the brown robe actually looked like It's not the same at all, it's still so light, just standing there indifferently,

   watched them silently,

   Ignore the void,

   seems to be in another world.

"This is impossible!"

   Upon seeing this scene, the three Mo brothers immediately shrank their pupils, their faces changed drastically, and they felt that something was wrong.

   (end of this chapter)

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