Urban Cultivation Medical Saint

Vol 3 Chapter 4389: Cast yourself into the net? Enter the ancestral temple Longshan!

   Chapter 4389 Self-injection? Enter the ancestral temple Longshan!

"Jinxuanxiao, our idea failed. The place where the relic is hidden is completely locked by the twisted and chaotic void nearby. With our knowledge of space, it is impossible to crack it. That is Say…"

   That gold becomes a thousand layers is not finished yet,

  The tall and unusual figure called Jin Bianxuanxiao just sneered suddenly and said indifferently. "Hehe, that is to say, we can only wait for the bug in the Celestial Realm to come to us by himself?"


  Jin Bianqian nodded his head, then his face sank again, and he said slowly and coldly. "If I knew it would be like this, I should have taken the shot myself and snatched the map from him at the time, but unfortunately I didn't guess at the time, that seemingly inconspicuous little rag actually hides such a big Secret, and value! At present, that should be the only key to that ruin."

   Hearing the words and seeing this, Jin Bianxuanxiao said softly with a calm expression. "Then wait."

"Since he has the key in his hand, such a big temptation, I don't think he will give up. At most... I'm afraid he will just go back to find some reinforcements, but that's not important, some local chickens. That's all, the Wagyu, when the time comes, be more serious, kill them all, just be a little bit more, one hundred and one hundred,

   "Otherwise, if it spreads out, there will be a lot of people waiting to see our joke. We Jinxian Tianzhu family can't afford to lose this person! Understand?!"

   As he spoke, the expression on Jin Bianxuanxiao's face became more and more domineering, and even became hideous,

Obviously, although he said that he didn't care much on the surface, but this feeling of helplessness that could only passively wait, it still made him feel very uncomfortable in his heart. If he knew this, he should not be so. Let go of each other easily,

   should pay some price,

   also leave the other party behind,

   And in this way,

   There won’t be so many broken things.

   "Of course!"

  The golden transformation also nodded with a sullen look on his face,

Then he recalled everything again, although they did drive away Chen Fei, but in the melee, two people were lost in his team, which is why he can't bear the anger in his heart now. s reason.

   To bully the less with the more, and the weak with the strong, and he was actually killed back.

   Who is this replaced by…

   I'm afraid I can't stand it!

  Thinking of this, the golden eyes that turned into a thousand layers were also completely gloomy, the chill was revealed, and the murderous intent permeated.

   Then, he said coldly. "Jin Bianxuanxiao, if you capture them at that time, remember to hand that guy over to me to deal with, who dares to kill my golden person! I'll let him know, offend me, even if it's death, A relief!"

   "As you like...but that's the same thing."

  Jin Bianxuan Xiao smiled,

   Then suddenly the conversation changed and he said coldly.

"If there really is the inheritance of the Dan Zun of the Celestial Realm's Dan Zun, it must all belong to me, otherwise, the gold will become a thousand layers, even if you are the descendant of the three ancestors, I will turn against you, you better not. It's not fun to ask for it."

   As soon as these words came out, the complexion of Jin Zianqianzhong was obviously a little gloomy, but he still nodded and said lightly.

   "Don't worry, the place like Dan Dao inheritance can only be used if you take it. I'm not that stupid. It's not necessary. If you want, just take it."

   He naturally understands that although the other party is one of the strongest descendants of their Jinbian Tianzhu family in modern times, at the same time, he is also one of the most outstanding super elixir masters of their Jinbian Tianzhu family in modern times!

  Gold becomes Xuanxiao's alchemy accomplishments, and even many alchemy giants in their eternal fairyland are quite admired. In this case, it is really unnecessary for him, and he has no idea to grab the Dan Dao inheritance that Jinbian Xuanxiao wants.

   "You just understand..."

   Hearing the words and seeing the situation,

   That Jin Bianxuanxiao also smiled, and then looked into the distance, staring at the deepest part of the mountains, deep in his eyes, there was a strong desire and greed, which gradually condensed.

"Inheritance of Pill Dao? Hehe, although I don't know if the inheritance of Pill Dao in the Celestial Realm is useful to me, but since it is so powerful, it should not be one of the most powerful elixir masters in the history of Celestial Immortal Realm. Where are you going?"

   "It's just that my Dan Dao realm has reached some bottlenecks, and I can break through it smoothly, just look at this time..."

  After a slight pause, he looked at the Jin Zhanzhong again and grinned.

   "Gold becomes a thousand weights, don't be so idle, even if you are waiting, you should take advantage of this time to give that guy some surprises!"

   "Instructed to go down, be on guard with all your strength, and let the Jinbiantian guards out by the way. All places are guarded. Once anyone's traces are found, they will be killed without mercy!"

   He turned abruptly, and the voice spread.

   Rumble Rumble Rumble!

   Immediately, the entire Shenfeng mountain range trembled, and the terrifying coercion suppressed the audience, making the scalp numb and breathless. At the same time, Chen Fei and the others also went to the area of ​​Longshan, the ancestral temple...


  The scenery in the ancestral temple Longshan,

  It is completely different from the outside world. It is completely like countless worlds that have been penetrated, the outlines of space lines, the barriers of the void interface, and the boundaries of the dimensional world. Here, it is completely destroyed and distorted,

   In other words, this is a completely smashed and destroyed dimensional world, a chaotic world that was forcibly mixed together.

   In the first step here, you may still see a desolate earth, but in the next step, it turns into a hollow black hole, or even a **** peak that is inserted into the sky. What is even more terrifying is that even after countless years have passed, there are still a lot of traces of war left here. Among the ruins, there are countless broken walls and countless broken bricks and tiles.

  Although the ruins are extremely dilapidated, even the earth, sky, void, and multiple worlds have cracked countless giant seams. At this time, the whole world is like a rag doll that is tattered to the extreme, but has been mended together. It is extremely terrifying and strange, and it is also extremely depressing and desolate!

   "Is this the Ancestral Temple Longshan?"

   "I have to say, this place is indeed much weirder and more dangerous than the outside..."

   Chen Fei muttered.

"Yeah, in that battle, at least a dozen Tianyuan Dao Venerable powerhouses were dispatched, as well as the existence of high-level ancient gods, which involved many top-level forces in the entire Zhongzhou Immortal Realm at that time. Its scale was large and the level of powerhouses was high. , I'm afraid it's rare in history, second only to the Immortal World War!"

"More importantly, in that battle at that time, many top powerhouses perished here. The bodies, flesh and blood, souls, spiritual powers, and even souls of countless powerhouses, after they died, remained stagnant and transformed again. Became other, extremely terrifying big weird, and dangerous!

   "Therefore, here, we have to be careful and watch out, not only the Eternal Immortal Realm, and my people from the Celestial Realm, but also the various dangers in this ancestral temple Longshan, which will also be fatal!"

   Tianfeng Swordsman Ji Luoying shook his head and said slowly and solemnly.

"Indeed it is…"

   Chen Fei also nodded,

   "Let's go, time is running out, don't waste it here..." Tianfeng Swordsman Ji Luoying took the lead and flew out, but when he saw this scene, Chen Fei didn't say anything, and immediately caught up with him.


   (end of this chapter)

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