Urban Cultivation Medical Saint

Vol 3 Chapter 4390: Weird mountains, puppets are coming!

   Chapter 4390 Weird mountains, puppets attack!



   I don't know how long it has passed, Fade Chen and Ji Luoying, the swordsman of the day's peak, also arrived at the extension of the huge Shenfeng mountain group in the extremely strange twisted space.

   suppressed the aura of their own cultivation realm, and the fluctuations in their power. Fade Chen and Tianfeng Swordsman Ji Luoying approached the front in a very low-key and quiet manner, while they were also staring at the depths of the heavy mountains.

"According to the map mark in my hand, the relic of the blazing disk Dan Zun is in the center of the twisted space mountain range. It is not difficult to go where we want to go at our speed, but the problem is those people from the Golden God Clan. , I'm afraid I've already been here, waiting for us to throw ourselves into the net!"

   Tianfeng Swordsman Ji Luoying said in a low voice.

   Hearing the words and seeing this, Fade Chen did not speak, but still stared at the center of the twisted mountain range in the distance in front of him with flickering eyes,

   looks thoughtful.

   And seeing this scene,

   Tianfeng Swordsman Ji Luoying was stunned for a moment.

   Then he opened his mouth again and became silent again, and then he suddenly opened his mouth and said softly. "Could it be that you can really see through this level of space distortion and turbulence, and find the location of the relic of the blazing dish Pill Venerable?!"

  Although he said it before, if the attainment of the way of space is high enough, it is true that there is no need for a map or a key, and directly from the turbulent blockade of the distorted space, find the location of the relic of the blazing dish Pill Venerable!

   But the problem is that he is only talking about it,

   How could it be possible that someone could actually do it?

  You have to say that Chen Fei is the kind of elder generation supreme who has already achieved a reputation and has shaken the world. This is understandable, but the problem is that Chen Fei is also the same as him, just a genius of the younger generation.

   Chen Fei's way of space has long been, how could he be so powerful? Are you kidding me? !

   Hearing the words and seeing this, Fade Chen slowly withdrew his gaze, first nodded, but then shook his head again. The approximate location, he has indeed found it,

   However, that space lock is indeed a bit troublesome. This method is considered to be an extremely advanced, even top-notch evolution in the way of space. In this regard, he can only say that he can barely understand, so if he wants to forcibly decipher its location without relying on the map, it will take some time to do it. However, since there is a map in hand, it is not necessary.

   "Let's go, we've already arrived here. If we hit it, we'll hit it. Anyway, we'll run into them. We must get there as soon as possible, so as not to be caught in the first place by them." Chen Fei said softly.

   As soon as these words come out,

   That day, Feng Jianzi Ji Luoying nodded directly. The reason why he teamed up with Chen Fei, and the reason why he came here injured, is nothing more than for the elixir treasure in the ruins. They came hard, and naturally they didn't want to just drink some of the soup left by the other party.

   As a result, their speed suddenly increased again, light and shadow swept across the sky, and they were almost too lazy to hide, faintly, as if there was a sound of sonic boom, echoing quietly in the void.

   Just at this moment,


   humming. Just when Chen Fei and the others were about to rush to the huge sacred mountain, suddenly there seemed to be a slight buzzing sound between the heavens and the earth. This scene made Chen Fei and the Tianfeng swordsman Ji Luoying both bewildered, their pupils slightly condensed. for a moment,

And then,

   They all raised their heads and looked forward, only to see there, in the terrifying void where the light had long been distorted, a large golden 'cloud' was shining at an extremely terrifying and bizarre teleportation-like speed,

   is swarming towards them.

   "No, that's not a cloud, but a... puppet?!"

   However, when the terrifying cloud approached them quickly, Fade Chen and Ji Luoying, the swordsman of the day's peak, both noticed it immediately. It was not actually a cloud, but a mosquito swarm formed by countless golden mosquitoes and beasts.

  The mosquito swarm was extremely huge, covering the sky and covering the sky, and the number of them was not known at all. Their size is only the size of a finger, but the sharp mouthparts are flashing an extremely strange and crystal-like golden color... Obviously, it is actually a powerful poisonous thing!

   And more importantly, these mosquitoes are not real creatures, but puppets with powerful vitality and power!

  Om! hum! Om... But at this moment, among the lightning and flint, the terrifying swarm of mosquitoes and beasts had already killed Chen Fei and Tianfeng swordsman Ji Luoying in front of them.


   "Looking for something dead!"


   Ji Luoying, the swordsman of the peak, made a move that day. The divine sword flew out from behind and turned into a sea of ​​swords. The sword energy was vast and overwhelming, almost completely submerging the overwhelming swarm of mosquitoes and beasts.

  Poof! puff! puff…

Each mosquito in the mosquito group seems to be an independent golden rule. Although they are constantly beheaded by Jianhai Domain, every time they die, they are actually resurrected again. In their bodies, Pieces of little metal parts madly assembled, regenerated, and then reappeared, resurrected,

   down like this,

  The attack of Ji Luoying, the sword of the peak that day,

   actually did not have the slightest effect on them, completely unscathed!

"how is this possible?!"

   Tianfeng Swordsman Ji Luoying was stunned for a moment, and couldn't help being shocked. Although his previous attack did not use much real power, he still failed to injure the opponent in the slightest, which was something he never expected.

"These bugs are not that simple. If you look closely, the core of their internal strength is not actually those puppet elements, but the power of those laws. I am afraid that the power of those laws must be completely wiped out. Destroy it!"

   But Fade Chen found some clues, and his eyes flickered.

   At their current level, even if they are puppets, they can never be just controlled by mechanization. At their level, they must have the power of the power of law, and even the core of the power of the law! Even beyond!


It is normal to    not kill.

   The source core of the power of the law is immortal, so how can it die?

   "Really?" After hearing what Fade Chen said, Ji Luoying, the swordsman of the peak, also calmed down that day. Indeed, in those golden mosquitoes and beasts, there is indeed a source of power with a large amount of law.

Although he still can't understand what the source power of the power of the law is, as long as it can be eliminated, as long as it can be eliminated, everything else will naturally be completely destroyed. destroy.

   Thinking of this,

   That day, the peak swordsman Ji Luoying simply continued to shoot again,

   The previous defeat made him very upset, so he wanted to regain his face.

   "Solo in Kendo, the sword that lifts the sky!"

   (end of this chapter)

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