Urban Cultivation Medical Saint

Vol 3 Chapter 4419: The Temptation of Nine Gods Forbidden! Myriad Immortals God King bloodline!

   Chapter 4419 The temptation of nine gods forbidden! Myriad Immortals God King bloodline!

   "So, I should have some say in this issue."

   But the obsession of that blazing butterfly Dan Zun,

   It seems that some people are reluctant to mention this matter any more, so when he saw his sentence, he quickly passed the topic and said softly. "When I was very young, I heard my father say more than once that if he could have the potential talent of the Nine Gods Forbidden, it would be great... The implication is that he is not the real Nine Gods Forbidden! "

   hear this,

   Chen Fei also immediately shut up and fell silent.

  Wanchu God King's son said this personally? There is no doubt that there is no need to run.

   It’s just that he really didn’t expect it,

   That God King at the beginning of the millennium isn't actually the Nine Gods Forbidden? Then he can still be as famous as Nanli Fengzu, the forbidden class of the Nine Gods, and Shentian, the King of Ten Thousand Immortals? I have to say, this is really awesome!

   In a sense, this is even equivalent to being a mortal, comparable to a god. Eight Gods forbidden, strong is definitely strong, but it also depends on who you are comparing with, but if you compare them with Jiujing... say they are mortals,

   It's not really demeaning, but, it's true!

   "Perhaps it's also because my father Wang always indoctrinated me when I was a child, so that later, when I was born for the second time, I also had a huge obsession with the legendary Nine Gods Forbidden!"

   The obsession of the blazing butterfly Danzun spoke again,

   said softly!

   "It just so happened that we, the Supreme Dao Palace, got a very old thing by chance."

   "A very old thing?"

   Chen Fei and Tianfeng Jianzi Ji Luoying were stunned for a moment,

   couldn't help but look at the obsession of the blazing butterfly Dan Zun,

   The latter did not sell too much, but continued to speak. said softly. "It was an ancient picture scroll made of animal skins of unknown material. Later, we judged that it should be something in the chaotic world, and on it, a lot of news about the chaotic world was recorded, and ... a method that seems to be able to create the potential talent of the Nine Gods Forbidden the day after tomorrow!"

   "The way to create the potential talent of the Nine Gods the day after tomorrow?!"

   As soon as these words came out, Fade Chen and Ji Luoying, the swordsman of Tianfeng, were both startled and shocked.

   There is indeed a way to create potential talents the day after tomorrow! But in their Celestial Immortal Realm, to be able to create a Seven Gods Forbidden Evildoer the day after tomorrow, this is probably a breakthrough!

   As for the method of creating a Yashen to ban evildoers the day after tomorrow? Sorry, never even heard of it. In their Azure Sky Immortal Realm, this method might not exist at all, but what about now? !

   The obsession of the blazing butterfly Dan Zun,

   As soon as he opened his mouth, he actually created the Nine Gods Forbidden the day after tomorrow? !

   This is not scary!

   "In our time, even the innate Nine Gods Forbidden never appeared. It's just a distant legend, not to mention this seemingly impossible way to create the Nine Gods Forbidden the day after tomorrow..."

"It is no exaggeration to say that from the moment we got this thing, all of us went crazy! Longing, expectation, craving, and even obsession! All of us couldn't resist the record on the animal skin. the temptation of the method."

   "So later, we unanimously decided to start the Hundred Great Talents God Blood Project!"

   "I want people to create a Nine Gods Forbidden Demon!"

   The obsession of the blazing butterfly Dan Zun said slowly,

   Even his voice trembled slightly at this time,

   Hearing this, both Ji Luoying and Fade Chen couldn't help being silent.

   An irresistible temptation?

   I have to say, that seems to be the case. Nine Gods Forbidden, just based on these three words, I am afraid that it has surpassed the sum of countless everything in this world, all put together.

   Neither themselves,

   It's still the sect power they are in, the family holy land, etc. If they can give birth to a background of the Nine Gods Forbidden... Indeed! This is indeed an irresistible temptation that is enough to drive anyone crazy!


   Chen Fei hesitated,

   Then he still couldn't help but looked towards the obsession of the blazing butterfly Dan Zun, his eyes flickered. "But senior, you didn't think about the coincidence of this thing, or... is there a problem?!"

   "I thought about it, but..."

   The obsession of the blazing butterfly Dan Zun shook his head and said lightly. "But if it were you, would you believe that someone would be willing to come up with such a thing as a trap and set up a game?"

   As soon as these words come out,

   Chen Fei was stunned for a while, then he smiled bitterly,


   What if you think about it? Who can believe, who is willing to come up with this kind of thing as a trap and set up a situation? This is simply not possible! Even if there is a real problem,

   This is also a conspiracy. Until the moment of final failure, no one will be willing to give up.

after all,

   That is forbidden by the Nine Gods!

"The so-called "Hundred Great Heaven's Chosen God's Blood Plan" is actually the one recorded above. It collects more than 100 kinds of blood of the origin of the seven gods and forbidden geniuses, which are different, but can be integrated and interrelated with each other. Through some special methods, it is dissolved, separated, then fused, evolved, etc., and finally a super invincible bloodline of the nine gods forbidden level can be obtained. And on the animal skin, this bloodline, Call it the bloodline of the Ten Thousand Immortals God King!"

   The obsession of the blazing butterfly Dan Zun said softly.

   "Myriad Immortals God King bloodline?"


   The obsession of the blazing butterfly Dan Zun nodded, and after taking another look at Chen Fei, he shook his head again, continued to speak, and said softly.

"At that time, after we got the roll of animal skin, we spent dozens of epochs in the future, and we continued to experiment and study its authenticity and possibility. Later, we always came to the conclusion that this method, It seems to be really effective! If all goes well, in the end, we may really be able to create a super evildoer of the Nine Gods Forbidden level the day after tomorrow!"

"And after coming to this conclusion, we couldn't help it, everyone was looking forward to that future, that invincible and brilliant future with the rise of the Nine Gods Banned Super Demon! So, next we, In the shortest time, at all costs, the ancestral temple Longshan was built, and this alone fully exhausted the accumulation and heritage of our Supreme Dao Palace, which has been accumulated over countless years! "

   Hearing this, Tianfeng Sword Master Ji Luoying also seemed to be infected by the words and tone of the blazing butterfly Danzun.

   couldn't help muttering to himself. said softly. "Indeed! If there is a chance for a super evildoer of the Nine Gods forbidden level, no one can resist such a temptation! And if it really succeeds... This can even save hundreds of epochs, or even a few hundred epochs. It is extremely prosperous in the era of the Immortal World War!"

   (end of this chapter)

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