Urban Cultivation Medical Saint

Vol 3 Chapter 4420: One hundred and sixteen species, the origin of the seven gods forbidding evil s

   Chapter 4420 One hundred and sixteen kinds, the blood of the origin of the seven gods forbidden evildoers!

The power of    is one of the fundamental reasons for the prosperity of a party.

   However, there is absolutely no Taoism in this world that cannot be without permanent prosperity.

   The former blazing butterfly, are the two clans strong? That must be extremely powerful, and even if they are put into the present, it is almost the standard of the Xeon to Gao Immortal Beast race! But what about them now?

   hasn't disappeared for a long, long time,

   Therefore, it is impossible for there to be a Taoist lineage that will prosper forever in this world, but even so, these hundreds of epochs, or in other words, the period of several fairy world wars, are still very terrifying and amazing.

   Even the vast majority of ancient Shinto Venerables exist,

   can't live that long at all,

In such a long time, it is inevitable that there will be too many accidents. Either they die halfway, or they fail to hit the chaotic world, or they cannot survive the fairy world war, etc. There are many reasons that can make them die!

   So the gold content of such an invincible patron saint,

   is absolutely too big to measure,

   So the words of the blazing butterfly Dan Zun's obsession are indeed correct. Such a future is worthy of longing and longing, and such a temptation is simply impossible to resist.

   "Although we all paid a huge price for the construction of the ancestral temple, Longshan, but this is only a small aspect. The real problem is the blood of the gods!"

   The obsession of the blazing butterfly Dan Zun is still talking, and even his eyes and eyes seem to be a little gloomy at this moment, flickering! He seems to have returned to the beginning, recalling everything from the beginning...

"According to our calculations, in order to create the bloodline of the Ten Thousand Immortals God King that has evolved into the forbidden level of the nine gods, we must gather at least one hundred and one different, but at the same time, they are related to each other. The blood of the origin of the geniuses of the seven gods forbidden to merge with each other is fine! Moreover, this is only the minimum requirement, even if it is really done, the success rate is actually very low!"

   "So, in the end, our real goal and plan is, one hundred and sixteen kinds, the blood of the origin of the genius forbidden by the seven gods!"

   "One, one hundred and sixteen?!"

   The blazing butterfly Dan Zun insisted on saying this,

   Tianfeng Swordsman Ji Luoying suddenly felt a tingling scalp and a creepy feeling! Although he is not the ordinary level of the Seven Gods Forbidden Demon, but, strictly speaking, he also belongs to the category of the Seven Gods Forbidden.

   is just the top of the seven gods forbidden evildoers.

  Because of this, if it is the ordinary one or two so-called forbidden evil spirits of the Seven Gods, Ji Luoying can indeed ignore it, or even ignore it.

   But as long as the number increases. Three or four, or even five or six, to be honest, if he really wanted to meet so many seven gods and forbidden evildoers, he would actually be embarrassed! And now?

  What three or four, five or six, I'm too embarrassed to say it.

   There are a total of one hundred and sixteen different kinds of seven gods forbidden to be evil,

   What is this concept?

   He couldn't even think about it! Simply beyond imagination.

   And let alone him, Chen Fei's scalp was numb at this time, but he was still a little puzzled and asked. "Senior, the one hundred and sixteen kinds of the blood of the origin of the Seven Gods Forbidden Tianjiao you mentioned... Are there really so many different potential talents of the Seven Gods Forbidden in our Celestial Immortal Realm?!"

   "Besides, you also said that it is more difficult to be interrelated and able to integrate with each other?"

   "Yeah, just in our Celestial Realm, we simply can't gather the blood of the origin of the seven gods who meet the requirements!"

   The Chi Die Dan Zun looked at Chen Fei obsessively and nodded, his eyes flickered. "In fact, at that time, we were only in this Celestial Immortal Realm, and we only gathered about forty kinds of the original blood of the seven gods forbidden genius! As for the rest..."

Speaking of which,

   The blazing butterfly Dan Zun was obsessed for a moment, and then shook his head, his eyes flickering. "It's all from other Immortal Realms. Of course, the biggest one is still in the Eternal Immortal Realm."

   "Other fairyland got it?"

   Chen Fei was stunned.

   "You shouldn't be ignorant, right? Immortal world is not the only one. In fact, in addition to our Azure Heaven Immortal World, there are many, many other Immortal Worlds in that chaotic world!"

"Among them, the ones that are relatively close to our Celestial Realm, there are almost as many as seven or eight! It's just because the Eternal Celestial Realm has its eyes on us, and regards our Celestial Realm as the meat on the plate, and launched the fairyland wars one after another. They want to eat us, and the other immortal worlds can't afford to offend the eternal immortal world, and they are even more unwilling to participate in this immortal world war. Therefore, they gradually distanced themselves from our blue sky immortal world, so that later, they also It's becoming less and less present."

  The Brilliant Butterfly Pill Venerable said softly.

   "Is that so?"

   Chen Fei was also stunned, a little surprised,

   For a long time, he actually really thought that in the chaotic world near their Azure Heaven Immortal Realm, only they and the Eternal Immortal Realm existed, but he didn't expect that besides them, there were other immortal realms?

   But think about it,

   This seems to be a mistake in his own thinking.

   In fact, the Supreme Being of Reincarnation also said that the Eternal Immortal Realm invaded their Celestial Immortal Realm before the Immortal World War of the Wanchu Divine King. In fact, there was their Celestial Immortal Realm and they attacked the Celestial Immortal Realm many times!

   This also clearly shows the existence of other fairy worlds, and it is far more than just one. The reason why their sense of existence is so low now is that the pressure of the eternal fairyland is too great.

   makes it hard for them to notice other things.


   At this moment, the blazing butterfly Dan Zun nodded again, then continued to speak, and said softly. "At that time, we obtained about thirty or forty kinds from other immortal worlds. The blood of the origin of the seven gods forbidden genius, it is not that those immortal worlds only have these, but this kind of thing is too sensitive. Once it is discovered, The consequences are unimaginable! We can only take it slow, slowly and slowly!"

"But as time goes by, our patience has gradually fallen into a low ebb, because with the source blood of those seven gods forbidden geniuses that we got from other immortal worlds, more and more, our pressure and flaws , and it's getting bigger and bigger!"

   "Even in the end... we all know it. If this goes on, our plans and actions will definitely be discovered, so we can only choose to give up temporarily!"


   Tianfeng Swordsman Ji Luoying opened his mouth,

   I couldn't help but nodded, and I thought it was! In this world, there is no wall that does not leak the wind. Besides, it is still such a big movement. Once it takes a long time and there are many movements, it is absolutely natural to be discovered!

   (end of this chapter)

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