Urban Cultivation Medical Saint

Vol 3 Chapter 4432: Eye Tower! The heroes gather! goodbye blue blood

   Chapter 4432 Array Eye Tower! The heroes gather! Goodbye Biluo Shenxue!

"Jin Bianxuanxiao, Shi Tianjun, and those people in the Celestial Realm, plus myself... Although it is unlikely that we can gather the original blood of the ten evil spirits forbidden by the Eight Gods, it can be more than half of it. If I come, I'm even confident that I can reproduce one-tenth of the power of the God King Feixian Great Array! By then, hehe..."

Speaking of which,

   That Ye Daojin couldn't help but sneer with a sneer on his face,

   Obviously, this is his real purpose!

Theoretically speaking, if the power in the blood pool of one hundred arrogant gods in the Great Array of God King Feixian has been quantified, then the remaining ten formation eyes are used to open the arrogant gods blood of their formation eyes. quality,

   can directly determine the effect of the final God King Feixian Great Array,

   How tall and how big!

  Because of this, his ambition is really great!

   This time, he even wanted to capture all the top evildoers in the chaotic ruins of the Supreme Dao Palace, and use the blood of the evildoers in their bodies to help him further evolve and transform!

   This is also the reason why he chose to take the initiative to announce the news...

   inspires the fighting spirit and hope of all,

   so that everyone can help him...

   Then this is of course the fastest and most efficient.


   But at this moment, some people couldn't help but paused, and then hesitantly said. "Senior Brother Ye, if that's the case, if someone else will take the lead in the end... Then wouldn't it be..."

   If you grow others' ambition and destroy your own prestige,

  If it falls into other people's ears,

   Maybe I’m already angry now…

   But Ye Daojin just grinned and sneered, not angry, did not refute, and did not explain anything. After all, he is not really a fool. Since he dares to do this, how can he be unsure?

The top ten formation eyes really need the ten strongest Tianjiao Divine Blood to activate them, which is the best, but he didn't say, just activate the ten array eyes, you can get and master the **** king Feixian grand formation The opportunity for evolutionary power!

   This opportunity,

   In fact, from the very beginning, it only belonged to him, Ye Daojin!

  Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha... His heart was laughing wildly! As if the only victor, behind the scenes, dominates and controls everything.


   And at the same time,

   Chen Fei, Ji Fengyuan, and everyone in the Space God Realm,

   has also come to the place where the eye is.

   This is a huge barren plain. Looking around, there is a piece of bare land, ruined wasteland everywhere, and lifeless desert everywhere, but... There is this very conspicuous thing here! That is a huge and incomparable gray tower that can almost tower into the sky, as if it has penetrated directly out of the world.

   From a distance, the appearance of this tall tower is dark gray, with almost no vitality.

   But if you look a little closer, you can still see that there are countless extremely fine lines on the surface of the dark gray tower. These lines are not real objects, but a form of energy.

   And when they keep overlapping, intersecting, merging together…

  The coercion of an extremely majestic and terrifying super clan is also constantly flowing and releasing in the void, which is very depressing and full of oppression!

   What is even more terrifying is that when their eyes began to follow the trajectory of the tower and continued to extend beyond the world,

  Suddenly, a more terrifying and terrifying pressure suddenly swept in! It actually caused their spiritual sense power and physical body to ache. There is a sense of smashing.

   "What a terrifying power...Is this the legendary God King Feixian Great Array?!"

   Chen Fei looked at the tower that towered beyond the world,

   couldn't help but murmured and sighed.

To know his current strength, he has almost surpassed the lowest-level ancient **** powerhouse, but even so, at this moment, he still can't spy on the whole picture of the towering eye. and genuine.

   One can imagine what this concept is.

   I am afraid that if he wants to be at the same level and at the same height as the formation eye of this God King Feixian Great Formation, he will have to go further and have more powerful strength... that's it!

   But the problem is,

   Even so, this is just a somewhat incomplete and dilapidated remnant formation. A mere remnant of the formation can be so powerful, so how terrifying and powerful is it at its peak?

   That is simply unimaginable!

   But at this moment, Ji Fengyuan, who was beside him, suddenly spoke up and said.

   "Chen Fei, you can feel it, this tower with eyes seems to have some effect of tempering the flesh."

   As soon as these words come out,

   Chen Fei was stunned,

   Then he looked towards the tower of eyes with some doubts,

   Quietly exploring and feeling the mystery,

   Gradually, the huge pressure that surged like a tide kept suppressing and scouring his body, and in the end, even his body, flesh, and flesh began to faintly excited and boiled.

   Fade Chen suddenly lit up.

   nodded in surprise and said. "It seems to be true... Although the effect is not obvious, this so-called eye formation seems to have the effect of tempering the flesh!"

   "The effect is not too obvious?"

   It's just that he said this,

   The many geniuses of the space **** domain,

   Even Lian Na Ji Fengyuan...

   also immediately changed into a very strange look,

   looked at him quickly,

   staring at Chen him…

   effect, not too obvious?

   You must know that now, they can't help but want to rush to the tower of the eye,

  Because they were standing at such a long distance, they all clearly felt that their own flesh and blood instincts were just about to move. I was even excited, but what about Fade Chen?

   to him, but it was just a 'not very obvious effect'? What is this concept? This is too exaggerated! Is his strength really that powerful? !

   For a while,

  Even if you have been psychologically prepared, the many arrogant powerhouses in the Space God Realm,

   is still a little scary.

   Ji Fengyuan, however, smiled helplessly, and then looked away from the tower of eyes, and stared at the surroundings with narrowed eyes. After looking at it for a while... Then he slowly spoke. Said lightly!

   "It seems that many people have the same purpose as us!"

at the same time,

   Chen Fei and the others also clearly felt that in this area, in the sky in all directions, in the sky, at this time, there were also sharp gazes projected, covering the four of them.

   Chen Fei grinned,

   Then, following those lingering gazes one by one, he looked over,

   Then I found out,

  I didn't expect that there were actually quite a few of these 'acquaintances'... First of all, there are several figures standing on a ruined mountain like a ruined cliff and wasteland in the direction of his right hand...

   Take a closer look, it's not the sage son Ni Jinyun, the sage Gu Meisu and others,

   And who is that Biluo Divine Blood?

   (end of this chapter)

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