Urban Cultivation Medical Saint

Vol 3 Chapter 4433: The heroes gather (below)!

   Chapter 4433 The heroes gather (below)!

  Earlier, those guys were involved in that siege of him,

  Because of this, Chen Fei is naturally 'very familiar' with those guys at this time!

   "Who are you looking at? Is that someone from Bi Luotian?"

   Ji Fengyuan's voice came, with a hint of edge, said softly. "I heard about the incident where you were besieged before. It seems that there were several of them in that incident?"

   As soon as these words come out,

   Chen Fei could obviously hear a little edge, even killing intent.

   He naturally understood,

   Ji Fengyuan was in front of him, although he was always kind,

   But that doesn't mean he has a good temper. It's very easy to bully... On the contrary, in such a short period of time, in the space **** domain of Nanuo, he can get to his current status. One can imagine how strong and ruthless his wrists and means are!

   Because of this,

  Once there is something in his heart...

Ha ha,

   I'm sorry,

   Those who are targeted by him are probably going to be unlucky.

   Thinking of this,

   Chen Fei nodded directly,

   Then he raised his hand and pointed to the Biluo Divine Blood among the Biluotian people and horses.

   "Speaking of which, I am quite interested in him. It is said that the so-called Biluo Divine Blood is an alien in the chaotic world. I don't know how powerful he is."

   "Blood of the gods?"

   Ji Fengyuan glanced at the other party, then his eyes flashed and he whispered.

"This Biluo Divine Blood is the underlying strength of that Biluotian. Not only has it been passed down for countless years, it has already become famous all over the world! And it is actually a symbol of strength. In history, anyone who can become this Biluo Divine Blood The characters are all powerful! No one is weak at all. And this is the descendant of today's Biluo Divine Blood..."

"Although I haven't played against him, but looking at this battle, his strength seems to be not simple! And I have a vague feeling that his strength seems to have reached the realm of the ancient gods. ?"

   When he said this,

   His face was still a little dignified,

   Because, if the strength under the realm of the ancient gods is still good, anyone has the confidence to defeat the opponent! But if it is the strength of the ancient **** realm, it will be a little troublesome! Because he is very clear, with his current strength, even if he does his best! I'm afraid... it should still be difficult to compete with it, right?

   After all, the threshold of this ancient **** realm is always a big threshold.

Whether    can be achieved means a qualitative change and super evolution! Even if he is now, in fact, it is only the last little bit, but it is almost a little bit. This is the difference!

   "It doesn't matter, I personally calculated the matter with him, the same is true!"

   Chen Fei smiled, his eyes narrowed slightly,

  Compared to Ji Fengyuan avenging him, of course he is more willing to avenge the revenge himself! Although this Biluo Divine Blood was indeed a tricky character at the beginning and now, so what?

  The realm of ancient gods is the realm of ancient gods!

   It's not that he hasn't fought before,

   And he really doesn't believe it, can this Biluo Divine Blood be stronger than that Jinbian Xuanxiao? Since he can beat that Jinbian Xuanxiao, then this Biluo Divine Blood, he is also confident that he can win!

that's enough!

   At the same time, he seemed to be aware of Chen Fei and Ji Fengyuan's attention, and the expressions of Gu Meisu and Ni Jinyun, the holy son and daughter of the blue sky, also changed.

   "It's actually them..."

   But then the saintess Gu Meisu,

   looked directly at Biluo Divine Blood, and said with a cold sneer.

   "Isn't this just right? I let him run away at the beginning, but this time, it's not so easy. Are you right, Lord Shenxue?"

   Obviously, not only Chen Fei and the others are very confident,

   They are still very confident!

   After all, in their opinion, if it wasn't for the protection of Princess Feng Lianxin that day, Chen Fei would have died long ago! Although such a defeated general may be a little tricky, how can it be possible to fight with them again?

   That is simply impossible!

   And, it's also very stupid!

   Such idiots dare to provoke them?

   How dare you send it to your door like this?

   is simply tired of living!

   "The guy surnamed Chen was lucky to escape last time. This time, he can't have that chance again! Humph!" The saintess Gu Meisu spoke again. There was a hint of coldness in the bottom of his eyes, and there was a sneer on the corner of his mouth.

   Hearing the words and seeing this, the son of God Ni Jinyun also sneered a little.

   There was even a hint of sarcasm in that smile.

  In his opinion, the reason why they failed to win Chen Fei in the last defeat was only because of the protection of Princess Feng Lianxin that day. As for Chen Fei's own strength? But that's all.

  If it is changed to the present,

   does not need anyone to help,

  Only by him,

   He was already confident enough to take down Fade Chen with his own hands...

   Not to mention, is he still the only one at this time? That's not it! Behind him, there is the saintess Gu Meisu, and even the ultimate power of their Biluotian - Biluo Divine Blood!

   So for that Gu Meisu,

   He also agrees!

   Fade Chen was lucky to escape last time,

   This time, he will never have such good luck again!

   is also just right,

   All grudges,

   Take this opportunity to solve it together!

   As for that Biluo Divine Blood…

   But it was still as calm and quiet as usual, and there was no movement at all. Extremely quiet. At the same time, on Chen Fei's side, the people from the Space God Realm also discovered many other people.

"Ji Shengzi, Brother Chen, look over there, to the west and east, that seems to be the Amethyst Blood Dragon Monkey Clan in the Eternal Immortal Realm, as well as the people who fought in the ancestral land!" A Tianjiao figure from the Space God Domain spoke up. ,

   His eyes swept the four directions constantly,

   His eyes became more and more solemn.

   "Amethyst Blood Dragon Ape Clan?"

   "Battle the ancestral land!"

   Chen Fei paused and asked curiously. "Why, do they have a big background?"

   "Well..." The person who spoke nodded and said softly. "Whether it's the Amethyst Blood Dragon Ape or the Battle Ancestral Land, they are all giants in the Eternal Immortal Realm, second only to the Dao Lineage of Heavenly Venerate! Especially the Battle Ancestral Land, it is said that they even had a candidate who could be a candidate back then. The top Taoist ancestor of the Heavenly Venerate Powerhouse seat!"

"It's a pity that their luck is not very good. In the last fairyland war, their top Taoist ancestor just happened to bump into Nanli Fengzu of the Tianfeng family! Then... he was directly killed by Nanli Fengzu. It's gone!"

   As soon as these words came out, whether it was Chen Fei or Ji Fengyuan's face,

   all of a sudden became a little weird.

   "Then they are really unlucky."

   Ji Fengyuan smiled and shook his head,

   seems a little funny.

  Is the top Taoist strong?

   That must be very strong! It's just that if this top Taoist powerhouse encounters Nanli Fengzu... then I'm sorry. It doesn't matter if you are strong or not, anyway, you deserve to be unlucky!

   (end of this chapter)

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