Urban Cultivation Medical Saint

Vol 3 Chapter 4434: Mo Feng, who is fighting in the ancestral land, is stupid of the Amethyst Blood

   Chapter 4434 Mo Feng, who is fighting in the ancestral land, is a stupid monkey of the Amethyst Blood Dragon Ape Clan!

"But even so, their strength should not be underestimated! Especially Mo Feng who fought in the ancestral land...he is the leader of the ancestral land this time! I have seen him take action before. At that time, his strength was almost not weaker than that of Ji Fengyuan's current holy son, and what he said now, maybe even if he can't say it well..."

As soon as this statement came out, whether it was Ji Fengyuan, Chen Fei, or even everyone in the space **** domain, they couldn't help but raise their eyebrows, because they naturally understood the deep meaning of the words of the person who said it at this time. ,

   This is actually saying,

   The leader of the ancestral land—Mo Feng,

   It seems that he may also be a super evildoer with the strength of the ancient **** realm!

   "Another guy with the strength of the ancient **** realm?"

   Chen Fei's eyes flashed,

   It seems that this time, they want to win the seat of the eye tower...

   I'm afraid it's really going to be a tough fight!


   Just when Chen Fei felt some emotions in his heart,

   Suddenly, he seemed to notice something.

   Then immediately raised his head slightly,

   Then, he immediately felt that a sharp gaze with extremely domineering will was projected directly at them. Cover them all.

at the same time,

   Ji Fengyuan,

  The people from the space gods also seemed to be aware of it. When they looked up, they saw a few figures standing in the sky at a distance from their location, probably due west, in the void.

   And still looking at them coldly,

  Especially the person at the head is a short gray-haired man with an extremely domineering appearance.

   He stood with his hands behind his back, standing in the void, his pupils were filled with astonishing domineering fighting intent,

   is just eyes, and even enough to make the scalp tingle.

   His figure still looks a little thin, but under that thin figure, there is a fierce aura that cannot be concealed, and it is released like a surging wave, making many people here,

   is more or less the color of passing over them.

   "This guy, you said that Mo Feng?"

   Chen Fei glanced at each other,

   also narrowed his eyes. From the latter's body, he sensed a rather threatening aura of danger. Obviously, if you look at it from this point of view, the strength of this person should indeed have reached the realm of the ancient gods.

   But the pressure on Mo Feng's body,

  Whether it is compared with him or with that Jinxuanxiao...

   But it seems to be a little worse,

   So, he guessed, that guy is probably just a beginner, or even the strength of the ancient gods at the bottom level, right? Thinking of this, Fade Chen is also not very interested in him directly.


   also took advantage of the situation to avert his gaze.

"it's him…"

   Although he doesn't care,

   But that doesn't mean the others don't care.

   The person from the Space God Realm who had spoken before heard the words and nodded immediately, and said with a solemn expression. "It seems that my guess is correct. This Mo Feng, his current strength should indeed have reached the realm of the ancient god!"


   Ji Fengyuan nodded slightly and said softly.

   "I just don't know who is more powerful than him and Bi Luo Shenxue?"

   He also saw it,

This so-called Mo Feng, who is fighting the ancestral land, is indeed stronger than him in the realm of the ancient gods, but he just doesn't know, he and the blood of Biluo, who are also in the realm of the ancient gods, are stronger or weaker, and who is it? More powerful?

   And when he said this,

   Chen Fei's eyes flickered a few times,

   Then he almost immediately seemed to have the answer in his heart. For him, the so-called Mo Feng's details, he can almost see the head at a glance, but the Biluo Divine Blood... he still can't see clearly.


   If you look at it from this point of view,

   Maybe the answer is already somewhat clear!


   However, at this moment, a very domineering gaze suddenly came from that other direction.

   And then, there was even an extremely domineering voice that came quickly.

   "It's another bunch of things that don't know how to live or die, come here to die!"

   "This is also the place where you guys are qualified to come? It seems that you idiots in the Celestial Realm don't want to live anymore? Tired of living, right?!"

   As soon as these words come out,

   Suddenly the eyes of Chen Fei, Ji Fengyuan, and those from the Space God Realm,

   They all sank slightly and became cold.

   Next, he looked towards the direction where the voice was floating, and then, the Space God Realm Tianjiao who had spoken before just flashed his eyes and spoke coldly. "That's... Amethyst Blood Dragon Monkey Clan!"

   I saw the end of that vision,

   It is the number of bodies that are extremely huge,

   The whole body is also shining with extremely dazzling and dazzling amethyst, and the giant blood-colored ape with crystal luster! They stood there, like mountains of ancient blood, huge and majestic, and their momentum and posture were extremely majestic and domineering! Full of pressure!

  In their hands, they are carrying all kinds of heavy murderers.

   like the heavy hammer, the great axe, the blood knife, the thick stick,

   Even the cannon, the mountain! Galaxy Universe and more.

   at a glance,

   I have to say, just because of the appearance of these guys, it seems that it is indeed a little difficult to mess with. It's just saying that, is it possible that Ji Fengyuan, Chen Fei, and the disciples of the space gods, all the arrogances,

   Are they easy to bully?

   That is of course impossible!


   The next moment, Ji Fengyuan walked out with narrowed eyes.

   Step, step out!

   Those eyes with a hint of cold light swept across the people of the Amethyst Blood Dragon Ape Clan one by one. In the end, when they heard the face of the guy who was rude to them, he spoke directly at the same time.


   "I don't know that stupid monkey, what advice do you have?"

   As soon as these words come out,

   The air here seems to have suddenly solidified, especially the people around from the Eternal Immortal Realm, which are directly shocked and uproared! Then very frightened, very incredible staring at Ji Fengyuan...

   "I, my God, this guy... is he courting death, right? He actually dares to call the people of the Amethyst Blood Dragon Ape Clan stupid monkeys? Isn't this courting death?!"

"I think they're just the **** of the Celestial Realm. They don't know how powerful the Amethyst Blood Dragon Ape Clan is, right? If they really knew, they would have honestly tucked their tails, and they didn't even talk nonsense. Dare to say more..."

   "It makes sense, but there is a possibility! It's just a group of frogs at the bottom of the well, how could it be possible to know how powerful our Eternal Immortal Realm is?"

"Perhaps they are indeed number one in their Celestial Immortal Realm, but they are probably going to have bad luck now, tsk tsk, actually dare to provoke them, isn't this courting death? Hahaha Ha ha…"

   "Bullshit, it's not good to provoke anyone, it's a coincidence that it happened to provoke that lunatic Yuan Gang, I'm afraid it's hard not to die!"

"Yeah, among the people who came from the Amethyst Blood Dragon Ape Clan this time, this Ape Gang is the most powerful and most dangerous, and whoever gets offended in the end, it happens to be him! Isn't this God's will, really What's more, they deserve the bad luck!"


   (end of this chapter)

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