Urban Cultivation Medical Saint

Vol 3 Chapter 4486: Refining leaves mad blood! The top cover of the refining Gorefiend furnace!

   Chapter 4486 Refining Ye Kuangxue! The top cover of the refining Gorefiend furnace!

   "Then do it!"

   That strong man shot directly,


   Immediately, the entire Divine King Feixian Great Array began to operate fiercely!

   "Om! Om! Om..." One after another, the power of the formation pattern surged out from the sky and covered the sky, turning into a vast ocean and rolling up the high sky, smashing Tianyu, and hitting the outside world,

   made many stars in that chaotic world shake.


   Then, the overwhelming force of the formation pattern was directly turned and extended, turning into huge beams of light, breaking down the sky, interweaving the texture of the supreme and peerless formation, spreading out amazing fluctuations,

   facing the top cover of the Gorefiend furnace,

   The surging surging bombarded it fiercely!


  The tremor of peerless terror appeared,

  This world seems to have left!

At this moment, I saw the top cover of the Gorefiend Furnace, under the bombardment of the beam of light from the Great Array of God King Feixian, trembled crazily, and even burst out with a powerful wave of unparalleled astonishing fluctuations, as if wanting to as counterattack,

   But it was soon suppressed,

   Obviously, this is even comparable to the top cover of the Gorefiend Furnace, the Dao Ancestor weapon of the Dao Ancestor of the Eternal Immortal Realm, although it is indeed powerful, it is indeed very powerful!


   But it is still much inferior to the power of the completely revived God King Feixian Great Array!

   "Boom! Rumble! Rumble..."

  So and so, soon after, the top cover of the Gorefiend furnace was already shrinking, and! On it, there are also fine cracks one after another, as if it will explode at any time.

   And at the same time,

   Ye Kuangxue's complexion also changed completely!

   "Damn! You really all damn!"

   At this moment, his face is full of hideousness and fury!

The    eyes are also wide open, like an angry beast, revealing a strong rage! But it is really helpless!

   At this time, if his real body is here, even if the great formation of the God King Feixian fully recovers, he is not afraid! Even if you lose, you can leave easily, come and go freely! But now? But now, he is just a clone,

   This is really bad!

   This not only makes him helpless, but also makes him a little helpless!

   "Ah..." But this powerlessness and humiliation, like a thorn, stabbed into his heart fiercely, making him feel extremely humiliated and deeply stabbed!

   "Xia Yuanxin! Chi Die! Old Monster Mo!"

   "You three really, really don't force me!"

   "If you have to force me...the consequences and the price, you can't afford it!"

   Ye Kuangxue was completely furious and roared.

   But the three people on the stone platform were just sneering and enjoying themselves!

   Consequences and costs they can't afford?

   Don't say that they were at the time or now,

   has never been afraid of this mad blood,

not to mention!

   Even if he really did it, so what? The three of them have been dead for a long time, and now they are just some remnants of their own strength and will. After they have cleaned up that Ye Kuangxue well, they will naturally return to dust and dust, and completely dissipate into nothing.

In this situation,

   They really don't know what they should be afraid of? It is no exaggeration to say that Ye Kuangxue's threat and rage to them is really meaningless to them.

"Ye Kuangxue, enjoy the gift we brought to you!" The shirtless brawny man who was called Xia Yuanxin sneered, and then sneered directly at Ye Kuangxue in the great formation of the God King Feixian. road.

   "Back then, although it was true that you and Luo Chanyang won, but now, you should also give us some interest back!"

   "Anyway, based on your ability and potential talent, you don't even want to get involved in the position of Tianzun. It's better to just cut off your foundation and ruin your thoughts. It's gone! Isn't it?"

   "Xia Yuanxin!"

   Hearing the words and seeing this, Ye Kuangxue immediately became furious,

   trembling all over,

   Even the blood vessels and tendons next to his eyes were highlighted one by one.

   Like a wild beast!

   looks very twisted and ferocious!

   To know the existence like him,

   Now, apart from the position of Heavenly Honor, which is his only pursuit, there is nothing else!

Whether he can do this himself is one thing, but the three of Xia Yuanxin are now going to break his foundation and cut off his future road to Heavenly Venerate, which is another matter. !

   If you say that cutting people's money is like killing one's parents,

  Then this cut off the road ahead, it is definitely a **** feud that will never end!

"Okay... Since you insist on forcing me! Let's try it out, what can you do to me, Ye Kuangxue, these three **** things that aren't dead yet!" Then Ye Kuangxue gritted his teeth and muttered. With a bang, looking at the expression, it is obviously a little ruthless! There was an extremely thick blood and madness in his eyes!


In the next moment, on top of the distraction of the extraterrestrial projection of the mad blood, he suddenly rushed out a surging supreme air machine. As soon as this air machine appeared... it directly went up to that height. Heaven, turned into a huge beam of text, and shot violently into the outer world that day!

   And it seems to be constantly extending,

   Until it extends to the farther world beyond the end of the world!


   "Rumble Rumble Rumble..."

   And at the same time,

   Another terrible thing happened,

   That is in the void behind Ye Kuangxue at this time,

   A gigantic phantom suddenly appeared!

   "Click, click, click!"

   When this giant apparition appeared,

   The surging and powerful Dao Ancestor Qi machines also emerged directly! Overwhelming and thick as a shadow, it made this billion-mile-long sky world tremble violently! Countless black holes appeared!


   "Did he still let him break free?"

   Seeing this scene, Xia Yuanxin and the other three all had a sullen face, and their faces were not very good-looking.

   They all thought at first,

   With the combined efforts of the three of them, plus the suppression of the God King Feixian Great Array, they should be able to suppress it easily, so the current Ye Kuangxue's division is separate... However, they didn't expect that they still came out of the basket!

   Now, this mad blood's action is obviously to counterattack them,

  If he seizes the opportunity and counterattacks successfully...it will be really troublesome!

   They don't want to wait for the chance to come,

   It's just like that!

   "Don't delay any longer, solve it quickly!"

   I saw the skinny monkey-like old man, and he also spoke, and said coldly, and at the same time, he went all out! Controlling the power of the God King Feixian Great Array, constantly suppressing and devouring the blood!

   And at the same time,

   That strong man called Xia Yuanxin,

   and the blazing butterfly Dan Zun who turned into a divine butterfly, all nodded and started to act!

   "Boom-boom-boom-" For a while, the incomparably huge roaring sounds resounded directly through the entire outer world. I saw the great formation of the God King Feixian, constantly running, the powerful formation force was vented, completely swept the mad blood, and made the whole world outside the sky seem to be torn apart...

   But at this moment,

   Mutation Mutation!

   (end of this chapter)

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