Urban Cultivation Medical Saint

Vol 3 Chapter 4487: The super long distance of the Gorefiend Furnace!

   Chapter 4487 The super long-distance arrival of the Gorefiend Furnace!


   In the distance, it seemed that a terrifying peerless fierce soldier suddenly came galloping, and the supreme divine might immediately covered the heaven and the earth.

   Immediately, a huge and coquettish blood-red cauldron came directly from the sky, tore through countless voids, and made a roaring sound, as if it had crossed the rolling river of time and came from the vast and boundless world of space!


Almost at the same time, the top cover of the Gorefiend furnace in the Great Array of the God King Feixian also began to shine, and even filled with peerless pressure again, exploring beyond the chaotic realm, and descending into the underworld, boundless. , terrifying!

   "Gorefiend Furnace?!" When they saw this scene, whether it was that Xia Yuanxin, the old skinny monkey, or Dan Zun Zhidie, their eyes sank immediately, and their faces became very ugly!

You must know that they have finally waited for the chance of Ye Kuangxue's clone and the top cover of the Gorefiend furnace, but they never thought that the battle situation was actually reversed by Ye Kuangxue, and the Gorefiend was summoned. The furnace of the furnace!

  Once this cauldron and that lid are one,

   That is the true complete form of the Gorefiend Furnace!

   Just based on what they are now, and the great formation of the god-king Feixian under the incomplete and remnant formation, can they hold down this ancestral weapon? I'm afraid it will be really difficult!

"I said, don't force me! After so many years, do you still think that I, Ye Kuangxue, are still the same me?!" At the same time, Ye Kuangxue also spoke again. Now, with a reckless face, he said with a cold sneer.

   You must know that he is now a top Taoist ancestor!

   is not the Supreme Five Kings who were almost at the bottom back then!

   Want to suppress him? Oh, how easy is it!

   "This is troublesome... His body paid some price to bridge the space and send the cauldron of the Gorefiend furnace over!" The skinny monkey-like old man said expressionlessly.

   That Chi Die Dan Zun also nodded and said solemnly. "Although the cauldron of the Gorefiend cauldron hasn't come completely yet, but... I'm afraid it won't be long."

   Space teleportation takes time,

   But now they have no means of blocking the arrival of each other's space shuttle,

   So, you can only watch!

   In other words, once the cauldron of the Gorefiend furnace comes, the cauldron and the top cover will be combined into one, but at that time, the real weapon of Taoist ancestors will be born! Their odds of winning, I am afraid, will be very low.

   "Okay, this is the end of the matter, don't leave any regrets. Besides, this is the great formation of the God King Feixian. Even if the Gorefiend furnace comes in person, it's really uncertain who wins and who loses! Start..."

  The shirtless strong man Xia Yuanxin said coldly with frosty eyes,

   But this time, before he could finish his words, he saw that in the void, there was a sword, straight towards the space where the Gorefiend descended, and inserted it!


  The sky and the earth trembled, and the sword energy rushed into the sky. I saw that the blade of the long sword seemed to be an eternal fairy light.

  Suddenly, everyone's faces were stunned and a little sluggish!

   As for the sudden appearance of the Divine Sword, what is the origin? Obviously, it is naturally Chen Fei's Daojun Emperor Sword - Chaos Heaven War Emperor Sword!

   "Little beast, you are courting death!"

   Upon seeing this scene, Ye Kuangxue, who first reacted, had his face contorted, his whole body showing extremely terrifying and tyrannical killing intent, staring at Chen Fei, his face became very hideous!

   But how could Fade Chen be frightened by this?

   His eyes were indifferent, and he even glanced at Ye Kuangxue with a disdainful look on his face, and sneered. "I'm courting death? You'd better take care of yourself first. If you can't bear the devour of the God King Feixian Great Array, in the end, I'm afraid everything will be cheap for me!"

   "Do you want me to thank you in advance!?"

"Ha ha."

   Upon hearing this, Ye Kuangxue first shrank his pupils and shivered a few times with anger, but then he suddenly laughed in anger! Those eyes became more and more cold, and then saw him staring at Fade Chen, and said coldly.

   "You think this broken sword can stop my Gorefiend from coming?!"

   "Hehe, what kind of character do you really think of yourself as?!"

   "Boom—" As soon as the voice fell, the supreme horror aura from the space arrival node became even more violent and surging, as if even the Emperor Sword could not be stopped.


   Daojun Emperor's sword kept shaking,

   seems to be blasted out in the next second!

   Upon seeing this scene, Xia Yuanxin, a strong shirtless man with a slightly happy face just now, his face sank again, and he said with a very ugly face.

   "No, it still won't work!"

"Although this is indeed a Daojun Emperor sword! But its power is still far from that of the Gorefiend Cauldron! Besides, this time, I am afraid it is the body of Ye Kuangxue, who is personally leading! "

   "With its power, it's just not enough, or can't stop it!"

  The skinny monkey old man, the Chi Die Dan Zun heard the words, although he didn't speak, he also frowned and his face became gloomy.

   Because they naturally understand that what Xia Yuanxin said is right!

   "The mere ants, who dare to try to defy the sky in vain, are really idiots talking about dreams, they really don't know what it is!"

   At the same time, Ye Kuangxue's face also showed a strong irony and sneer again.

   I saw that face had become completely contemptuous and hideous at this time,

   looked at Fade Chen, his face full of sarcasm, and sneered coldly!

"Don't worry, I'll keep everything you've done to me in my heart. After I clean up these three old and immortal wastes, it will be your turn later! Little beast, give it to me. Wash your neck and wait!"

   As soon as these words came out, the hearts of Xia Yuanxin and the three directly sank to the bottom of the valley.

   They are not afraid of disappointment, and they are not afraid of death, but they do not want to implicate a top-level evildoer like Chen Fei, such a top-level powerhouse in the immortal realm in the future, to be buried here in vain!

   Thinking of this,

  The three Xia Yuanxin couldn't help but look at each other,

   Then, they all seem to have made some sort of decision,

   "Little guy, get out of here first... Use all your strength and run away with all your strength! While the three of us still have some energy left, we will block him for you, you can't die here! Go!"

   A hoarse voice came,

   was the voice of the skinny monkey-like old man,

  Chen Fei heard the words...

   actually raised his head and glanced at the skinny monkey-like old man, and then again, shook his head with a smile? As soon as these scenes appeared, whether it was the skinny monkey-like old man, or the shirtless strong man Xia Yuanxin and Chi Die Dan Zun,

   Even that Ye Crazy Blood at this time...

   couldn't help but stunned,

   Then he frowned slightly and his eyes flickered. What does this mean, he was actually smiling? Is it difficult? !

   (end of this chapter)

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