Urban Cultivation Medical Saint

Vol 3 Chapter 4507: Kumatorado-kun!

   Chapter 4507 Xionghu Daojun!

   "It's just a little reptile fighting the ancestral land."

   Looking at the old dragon in the void, he wept and said indifferently. "He has the blood of the Ancestral Dragon family, but it seems that he has been stuck in the realm of the half-step Daojun for a long time. I have seen him several times before, but I have no chance to kill him!"

   After he finished speaking, he didn't wait for Chen Fei to answer, he just flashed and appeared in front of the old dragon, and said coldly. "You want to die, don't you? Then let me fight you!"

   "Weeping, weeping faintly!?"

   The old dragon wept faintly when he saw it,

   Immediately, his face changed, and a look of panic appeared on his face. Immediately, he didn't even have the courage to speak, and he just flashed and wanted to escape!


   "I've come and still want to leave? I'm afraid it's not that easy, right?!"


   The voice fell, and the Weeping Youyou shot directly,

   One after another chaotic primitive magic thunder appeared out of thin air, directly condensing a pair of ancient swords! The pair of ancient swords stood on the two sides of the heaven and the earth, the sword energy shot out, and the thunder circled, tearing apart the heaven and the earth, emitting a black light.

   directly slashed towards the old dragon!

   "His chaotic primordial magic thunder is getting more and more proficient the more he uses it..."

   Chen Fei muttered. He had also seen this primordial chaotic magic thunder back then, but at that time weeping faintly, his grasp of the primordial chaotic magic thunder was obviously still superficial and weak.

   Unlike now,

   Do whatever you want, ever-changing,

   This is obviously a sign that he has entered the room, and is even superb.

   "Hush..." At the same time, the old dragon in the void was completely terrified at this time! His pupils shrank, his face full of fear. Although he is indeed a half-step Daoist...

   But that Weeping Youyou is Guihun Daozun!

   Half-step Daojun, vs Guihun Daozun!

   How to fight this?

   It is no exaggeration to say,

   He doesn't even have any hope!

   However, he couldn't just wait to die like this!

   "Boom!" He struggled to use his most powerful means, barely shaking out a tiny bit of space, hoping that he could escape from the weeping hands! But he still overestimated his own strength.

   trough that weeping power.


   An extremely loud explosion in the void,

  The shock wave exploded, the space was torn apart, and everything in front of me was torn to smithereens! Seeing that Weeping Youyou's attack hadn't even landed on him, he couldn't take it anymore!

   Fast backwards.

   Just at this moment,

   Mutation Mutation!

With a loud noise of    "Boom!", the void split open, a palm filled with supreme brilliance, and then a giant tiger condensed, roaring the world! The majestic, overwhelming pressure, and then, actually blocked the Weeping Youyou's attack.


   That old dragon is ecstatic!

   And that sobbing faintly at this time...

   also frowned a little, and his face became gloomy.

   "Weeping Youyou, you really are everywhere!" At this moment, in the void, a voice that seemed to be extremely majestic suddenly came, causing the hearts of countless people to vibrate fiercely, as if they were about to suffocate.

   Then, when they looked up,

  I saw that in the void, the space split open, and a figure stepped in the sky, rolling in! His appearance seemed to carry a supreme energy like destroying the sky and destroying the earth, overwhelming everyone, unable to breathe.

   also made them all tremble, their scalps numb, and their faces turned pale!


   Because they all know,

  This is a Taoist...

   A true Taoist strong man!

   "You are really haunted! Lord Bear and Tiger Dao!"

   Weeping and looking at each other quietly, some expressionless!

   Obviously, the other party and him are also 'acquaintances'. If you want to ask her Weeping Youyou's name, how did it start in the battlefield of the Fifth Imperial City? That must be because of the battle with the Xionghu Daojun in front of him!

  Return to Soul Daozun vs Daojun!

   This is her disadvantage!

  New VS Veteran!

   This is her disadvantage among her disadvantages!

   But she didn't lose much...

   This is equivalent to letting her step on the other party's mighty might and rise up! But that's about it. In terms of prestige, maybe he can barely compare with the other party, but if it is in terms of actual combat power...

   She is very clear!

   She must be the underdog!

   Her strength is not as strong as the opponent!

   So do you want to fight?

   Weeping and staring at each other,

   At this time, the other party is also staring at her with cold eyes...

   Then he saw that it was a sarcastic smile and said. "Weeping Youyou, someone saved you last time, this time, I think who can save you? Could it be this little thing behind you?! Haha, hahahaha..."

  The sarcastic laughter appeared in the void, resounding like a thunder in the sky, shaking people's eardrums with great pain, but it also made the faces of Weeping Youyou and Chen Fei even more gloomy! Eyes flicker.

"Who is he?"

   "It seems arrogant?"

   Chen Fei's voice sounded, and then, he actually actually walked towards the Xionghu Daojun in the void... slowly rose into the sky, slowly stepped into the void, and walked over.

   And seeing this scene,

   Hearing the words and seeing the situation,

   Whether it was that Weeping Youyou or that Xionghu Daojun, they couldn't help but stunned,

   But immediately, the Dao-Jun Xiong Hu he saw changed his face, and even sneered. Looking down at Chen Fei like he was condescending, he sarcastically said. "Yes, it seems to be a little temperamental?"

   "Fade Chen, don't be impulsive! He is a Taoist monarch in the Eternal Immortal Realm!"

   Weeping Youyou also hurriedly said at this time,

   seems to want to stop Chen Fei,

   It's not that he looks down on Fade Chen,

   But because she knew very well the path of ancient gods that Chen Fei took, where is the disadvantage! If they say that the path of Dao Zun is 'the lower limit is high and the upper limit is low', then this ancient god's path is "the lower limit is low and the upper limit is high"!

   Under normal circumstances, the steps are the same whether it is to break through from the peak of the immortal ancestors to the first layer of the ancient gods, or from the peak of the immortal ancestors to the soul-returning Taoist, the steps are the same. All you have to do is take one step.

   But after taking this step,

   The strength comparison of the new cultivation realm they obtained,

   is totally different!

  The ancient **** Yizhongtian is beyond the ancient gods,

   Dao Zun is the first layer of heaven, but it is the soul of Dao Zun!

   But that is the actual combat power of the Soul Guiding Dao Zun of the 'First Layer', but it can be directly suppressed, even directly surpassing that Ancient God's Second Layer of Heaven-Treading Ancient God!

   In other words,

  If you want to be comparable to Guihun Daozun,

   It is necessary to take two steps on the basis of the path of the ancient gods, from the peak of the immortal ancestors, to the first layer of the ancient gods, then from the first layer of the ancient gods, to the second layer of the ancient gods! This will work!

   This is what the so-called, the difference between the lower limit of ancient gods and Taoist powerhouses! What's more, the other party is not Guihun Dao Zun! It is the Daojun of the Eternal Immortal Realm who is even more powerful than that Guihun Daozun!

  So, although she did not look down on Chen Fei,

   However, in her heart, she still does not think that Chen Fei today is qualified to fight against the powerful Daojun Xionghu Daojun!

   (end of this chapter)

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