Urban Cultivation Medical Saint

Vol 3 Chapter 4508: Coincidentally, I'll kill you too!

   Chapter 4508 What a coincidence, I will kill you too!

   Even in her opinion,

   Today's Fade Chen is probably not as good as her...

   Therefore, if you want to force your way forward, it will definitely be a dead end! But how could she possibly know how high the gold content of Chen Fei's potential talent of the Nine Gods Forbidden?

   "Dao Jun?"

   Chen Fei smiled lightly and said softly. "Looks like it's nothing more than that."

   As soon as these words came out, the sobbing face changed!

   It’s not even just him…

   At this time, even that Xionghu Daojun's eyes narrowed slightly!

   At the same time, a faint chill and killing intent appeared in his eyes! But then, I saw him tilting his head slightly, looking at Fade Chen, and then the corner of his mouth raised an extremely sneering sneer.

   "The tone is not small... But, is it up to you?"

  Xiong Hu Daojun mocked.

  Although for a moment, he was actually hesitating, whether this Chen Fei was really the kind of super powerhouse who could compete with him, the Daojunqiang Chamber! But then, this idea was directly denied by him.

Why? It's actually very simple.

   First of all, this war has been fought for so many years,

   They don’t say they know each other well,

   But it is absolutely clear how much the other party weighs. For him, as long as there is a strong person above the ancient **** realm in the fifth emperor city of the Celestial Realm, one counts as one, and he knows all of them!

   Even the so-called evil geniuses who are expected to become Taoist ancient gods,

   He also knows all about it!

   But, even so, he still has no impression of Chen Fei! This is enough to make him "naturally" look down on Fade Chen... Of course, this is not the point.

   The point is that he noticed a hint of the halo of ancient gods in Chen Fei. Although Chen Fei's hiding is not bad, but for him, he still noticed a clue. And that's enough!

  Ancient God halo?

  Ancient God Yizhongtian?

  To him, this is a complete ass. For a Taoist monarch like him in the Eternal Immortal Realm, wanting to obliterate an ancient **** in the Celestial Immortal Realm, Yizhongtian, is completely easy. Because the gap between the ancient gods and the Daojun is indeed true! Some disparities are obvious!

   "That's right, just me! Isn't that enough?"

   At the same time, Chen Fei was already stepping in the void and came to the front of the bear tiger Daojun.

   Originally, he didn't intend to take action now, but just now, he changed his mind a little,

  First... Naturally, it was because of the other party's previous words and attitude, which made him unhappy!

  Secondly, since the source of this battle between the ancestral land, Yingliu and their Celestial Realm is because of Chen Fei, then he should naturally stand up without hesitation! make up some.

   Third, it is also the most important reason why he suddenly changed his original intention! That is, he suddenly wants to use the Daojun in front of him to verify how high his actual combat power is now.

  Theoretically speaking, the Daojun strong is stronger than Guihun Daozun, and the Guihun Daozun is stronger than the two-level Heaven-Treading Ancient God! So, is it possible to turn this so-called Daojun strongman into an ancient **** who slashes all Dao in half a triple heaven? !

   If this is the case, as long as he can defeat the opponent and defeat such a powerful Taoist in the Eternal Immortal Realm, it is completely enough to show that his current real strength is comparable to the ancient **** of slaying ten thousand Taos!

  The so-called know yourself and the enemy, you can win a hundred battles!

   Therefore, it is also very important to find out his current real strength as soon as possible, and it is even urgent!

   "Does it depend on you? Good! Since you want to court death so much, then I should do it too!" Looking at Fade Chen, the eyes of Daojun Xiong Hu at this time became more and more cold and serene. It was as if there was a feeling of coldness.

   "Enjoy the last time of your life!"

   "Because next, I will kill you!"

   Then, I saw that Xionghu Daojun's eyes narrowed slightly, and he said coldly.

   When seeing this scene, facing his incomparably confident and fierce killing intent, Fade Chen smiled indifferently as if he didn't care, and then saw him look at the bear tiger Daojun,

   also narrowed his eyes slightly and said word by word. "

   "Really? Coincidentally, this time, I'll kill you too!"


   As soon as these words came out, the Daojun Xionghu also laughed directly. In that smile, there seemed to be an extremely cruel bloodthirsty meaning! revealed. Then, he stared at Chen Fei, and his eyes became extraordinarily serene!

   "Come on then!"

   The voice fell, his figure flashed, and he swept directly towards the sky of the Nine Heavens! A strong man like him can destroy the sky and the earth with every gesture, even if it is in the land of Bianyuan, he is still very constrained.

   So he chose the world beyond the sky...because there, he can completely let go of the bondage! Completely fight with all your might!

   Obviously, although he doubted or even mocked Chen Fei's strength, he was still extremely cautious when he really wanted to make a move! It is impossible to have the slightest contempt at all!

   After all, to be able to live to this day, to have such a position and strength as today,

  Some things are still very clear in his heart! That is to never bloat! Never underestimate carelessness, and do your best not to let anyone take advantage of it.

   "As expected of a strong Taoist...hehe..." And when he saw this scene, Fade Chen also smiled, and then he saw that he looked towards the Weeping Youyou in the other void, and said lightly.

"Leave that reptile to you, this old guy, leave it to me!" The voice fell, and he didn't wait for the Weeping Youyou to answer, he just flashed, swept towards Gaotian, and rushed into the day In the outer world!


   This is the first peak battle since his breakthrough,

   did indeed make him a little excited and his blood boiled!

   It turns out that he has come this far without knowing it?

   Dao-kun? Ha ha!

   Even if he is a strong Taoist, this time Chen Fei must kill him for you to see! After being silent for more than 600 million years, now, it's time for Chen Fei and Chen Void to announce his return!

   And seeing this scene,

   After hearing the words and seeing the situation,

  The sobbing faintly opened his mouth, as if he wanted to say something, but in the end, he still swallowed it all back. Only two words remain. That is: "Come on!"

   Although even now,

   She also doesn't believe it at all, Fade Chen's strength is comparable to that of a strong Taoist monarch, but! Since this is Chen Fei's own choice, then she can only support it, not oppose it!

   And she didn't believe that Fade Chen would be stupid enough to die!

   So, maybe there will be a turning point?

   At the same time, it was Chen Fei who had arrived in the outer world that day, and Xiong Hu Daojun, and there was no nonsense at all! Almost as soon as we got there, the battle started!

   (end of this chapter)

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