Urban Cultivation Medical Saint

Chapter 516: Southern Border Wugu Master

   Chapter 516 Southern Border Wu Cup Master

   "You can guess if it's true. It's just..." Speaking of which, Fade Chen hadn't finished speaking, but he suddenly didn't say anything. Immediately, a strange look appeared in his eyes, and he looked towards the entrance. There, a tall and thin young man in a black suit walked in from there and looked around.

   Chen Fei felt a strange feeling on the tall, thin and tall young man in the suit. I always feel that this guy is unusual, as if there is something else hidden in the clothes. When he saw that person, the expression on Chen Kun's face changed suddenly, and he became a little flustered and flustered.

   "Young Master Chen, come here for me." However, at this moment, the tall and thin young man in a suit waved at Chen Kun. His hoarse and cold voice was a little bit bewitching, making people's heart pound, but Fade Chen frowned slightly when he heard it, and the strange color in his eyes was a little stronger.

   Could this guy be…

   At this moment, there were some sweat drops on Chen Kun's forehead, as if he was very nervous! Gritting his teeth, he walked towards the tall and thin young man in a suit.

   "Tong Tai, are you here?" I saw him walking up to the tall and thin young man in a suit, barely holding on to a smile.

   "Didn't you say that person has already arrived? There?" It turned out that the tall, thin, tall young man in a suit was none other than the prefecture-level wizard of a village in the southern Xinjiang—Dong Tai! He has been looking for Chen Fei for a long time, and now there is finally news, how can he not come in person?


   Hearing that Dong Tai's words, Chen Kun should have been happy and excited, but inexplicably became a little struggling and regretted.

   After all, he didn't realize until now that all his previous strategies and tricks seemed to have a wrong starting point. Chen Fei never thought of returning to their family, let alone threatening his current family status.

   So he's doing this now, isn't he making trouble for himself and creating a strong enemy? It's really unwise!

  But, now things have developed to this situation, the two have met here, and it seems that there is no turning back! There is only one way to continue to the dark.

  Thinking of this, he turned his head to point at Chen Fei, and said slowly: "Tong Tai, he is the one you are looking for."

"it's him?"

   Looking in the direction of Chen Kun's fingers, there was an expressionless image of Chen Fei in the eyes of the tall and thin Dong Tai in a suit. Then he saw that the expression on his face suddenly became cold, and there was a cold resentment in his eyes, he walked to Chen Fei, and said slowly: "So it's you?"

   As he said that, a creepy, incomparably cold air force emerged from his body and pressed forward. Suddenly, the temperature in the boxing ring seemed to drop a bit, making people shudder and feel chills in their hearts.

  Those with sensitive ears seemed to hear a faint hissing sound.

   Suddenly, Chen Kun's face changed suddenly, and he immediately turned his head and shouted at Xu He'an: "Quick, let them leave here! Now, clear the scene immediately!"

   "Oh, oh, clear the field, clear the field!"

Xu He'an, who was also somewhat terrified, finally came back to his senses, with a flustered expression on his face, and shouted to everyone present: "What are you all still doing, didn't you hear what Mr. Kun said? It's cleared, our Sky Boxing Club closed early today. Quick, let them all out!" He shouted to the security guards in the ring not far away.

   "Go quickly..." The security guards immediately started chasing people.

  If it was normal, those guests would not be able to cooperate like this, but now... even a fool can see that something is wrong now. It's too late to save.

  In an instant, the huge underground boxing ring was empty, leaving only a limited number of people such as Chen Fei, Dong Tai, and Chen Kun.

   "You didn't hear what I said just now?" At this moment, that Dong Tai's hoarse and cold voice rang again. Because he actually found out that Chen Fei didn't answer his words?

   "So what if you heard it?" But Chen Fei's attitude was more arrogant and colder than his attitude of questioning. Although that Dong Tai seemed unusual in his eyes, so what?

"What did you say?"

   Seeing Chen Fei's attitude, Na Dong Tai suddenly couldn't hold back his anger, and his eyes became cold for a moment, but then he suddenly smiled inexplicably. He stared deeply at Fade Chen and said with a sneer, "As expected of someone who dares to come here without saying hello, your attitude is really arrogant."

   "Don't say hello? Don't say hello?" Wen Yan Chen Fei frowned and said slowly. Obviously he didn't understand what the other party meant.

   "Don't understand? That's fine, then I'll remind you." Speaking of this, Dong Tai paused slightly, and at some point in time, a ferocious, hissing monster appeared on his fingertips. And when he saw the monster, Chen Fei's eyes flashed slightly.

   "The Thousand Bone Insect King? It was you..." Chen Fei raised his head and looked at the other's face, and suddenly smiled thoughtfully. I didn't expect that those guys in the southern border would have the courage to find the capital to seek revenge? Speaking of which, when he killed the Thousand Bone Worm King Cupzi Worm at will, he really didn't think about saying hello.

   "I remember now? Since I didn't find the wrong person, then..." Speaking of this, Dong Tai's face suddenly showed a stern look, showing murderous intent. Then he saw that the finger carrying the Thousand Bone Insect King suddenly pointed to Fade Chen.

  Suddenly, a swoosh sounded.

An extremely ferocious, little dragon-like worm quietly crawled down from his fingers, and then his body suddenly bowed, as if it was accumulating power, followed by a spring that was fully compressed, suddenly like black lightning, slamming its teeth and claws towards it. Chen Fei. Especially in this dark underground boxing arena, accompanied by the harsh hissing sound, it is even more frightening and creepy.

  Although the Thousand Bone Insect King is very famous, he is as thin as bamboo chopsticks, and his whole body tends to be black and gray. Even when he could show it to Chen Fei before, it was actually not so conspicuous. Not to mention that it is still a sudden attack, and it is still under the cover of this dim light, how dangerous it is, needless to say.

   And seeing this scene, Chen Kun actually seemed to have reacted to something, and his face suddenly became frightened, and the chill in his heart rushed out, making his limbs feel cold.

  Because he couldn't imagine that if Dongtai used this method to deal with him, then, is it possible to find out the reason?

   Or, is it completely dead? Thinking of this, his face turned pale.


   But at this moment, he suddenly heard a cold snort, and in vain, he saw Chen Fei stretch out his two fingers, and gently pinched them in the air.

   Followed by the jet-black savage King of Thousand Bone Insects, Chen Fei was actually pinched between his fingers? Suddenly, the latter screamed violently, shook his head and swayed his tail, trying to break free, but then suddenly and strangely, a flame flashed across its body in everyone's field of vision.

   Because it is in dim light, it is especially obvious.

"Hmph, you..." Suddenly the body of the ferocious monster went soft and didn't struggle and scream. At the same time, Dong Tai also groaned, and his whole body suddenly sat down on the ground with a pale face. He opened his mouth and spat out a mouthful of blood, and when he looked up at Fade Chen again, his eyes were extremely frightened.

   Because he really did not expect that Chen Fei was so strong? But why? how is this possible?

  Then, how old is that kid, shouldn't he be about the same age as him?


   When seeing this scene, looking at the extremely ferocious worm in Fade Chen's hand, no one present was unbelievably frightened, and even gasped. Especially Chen Kun. Because in his heart, Dong Tai is definitely the kind of person who can kill people invisibly, and who can't defeat them at all.

   It is not an exaggeration to even call it the **** of death. But now? What did he see? He saw that such a terrifying character was actually injured in front of Fade Chen! ?

  In an instant, a strong chill surged out of his heart, making his limbs go cold. Because at this moment, he finally understood why their family wanted Chen Fei to go back, but the latter didn't even want to, so he didn't like it.

   He Chen Kun is really unexpected, this is a cousin who is almost the same age as him. Home, actually has such a terrifying strength! ?

   As for Xu He'an, everyone was frightened and stupid at this moment. Looking at the Thousand Bone Insect King between Fade Chen's fingers, his face was extremely pale, his face was full of fear, and he even trembled all over. As an ordinary person, even if he can rely on his family background and his vision is a little wider, his scope is still extremely limited!

   In other words, has he ever seen such a chilling scene at the level of Xu and An? Is he making a movie? And that skill, that monster, what exactly is his ma! ?

"Tsk tsk, it turns out that this is the Queen Mother of the Thousand Bone Worm. There are indeed some ways." But at this moment, Fade Chen completely ignored the frightened and trembling eyes of the three, and put his fingers between his own. The Thousand Bone Insect King put it in front of him and looked at it with interest.

   It was like seeing something novel.

   "You, what do you want to do?" Seeing this scene, Dong Tai's face changed suddenly.

   You must know that the Thousand Bone Insect King is not only his natal witch cup, but also the holy insect in their stockade!

  Once there is a mistake, then his guilt will be great! That's why he was so afraid.

   "I don't want to do anything for the time being." Fade Chen glanced at Dong Tai, who was weak and pale on the ground and looked extremely panicked, but suddenly he couldn't bear it. Because they don't seem to have much grievances between them, it's just some misunderstandings and face-saving things, and they don't just shout and kill.

As soon as he thought of this, he let go of the Thousand Bone Insect King that he was holding between his fingers, and then glanced at Dong Tai and said lightly, "I don't care what kind of thoughts you were holding before. I'm not in a bad mood today. , and let you go, but if there is another time, it will not be so simple."

  ps Update two chapters first, and another chapter is being written.

   (end of this chapter)

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