Urban Cultivation Medical Saint

Chapter 517: Dong Tai's grandfather

   Chapter 517 Dong Tai's Grandpa

   Chen Fei's attitude is obviously extremely humiliating in Na Dongtai's eyes. Because in the eyes of the latter, the two of them are clearly people of the same generation and age, but they pose like an elder reprimanding the younger generation.

"Hey, sigh..." Then he saw that the King of Thousand Bone Worms, who was released by Fade Chen, finally regained his spirits, slowly straightened up from the floor, and got up, hissing hissing sound came from his mouth, and those eyes also seemed to be Blood red, full of murderous intent.


  In the next moment, the Thousand Bone Insect King, who was released by Chen Fei's fingers, suddenly stretched his body on the ground again, and the jet-black body flowed with a faint stench, as if poisonous. Its small mouth opened, revealing fangs shining with cold light, swept out like lightning, and bitten fiercely at Chen Fei's exposed ankle.

   And seeing this scene, Fade Chen frowned even deeper. Unexpectedly, he would occasionally show kindness and let the other party go once, but he still didn't let the guy recognize the current situation, so he gave up on it. Instead, he was still stubborn and made a sneak attack.

   But Chen Fei's current cultivation base and strength are only one step away from breaking through the peak of the fifth level of qi training and reaching the sixth level of qi training. Once he enters the sixth level of Qi training, he will be at the peak of the late congenital stage. At least after that, few people in this world can threaten him.

   So now, how could he be able to sneak attack by a small prefecture-level wizard like Dong Tai?

   Besides, Dongtai's magic cup technique is obviously not yet mastered, or the cultivation techniques he inherited are all broken and belong to the last stream. If it is the complete version of the realm of self-cultivation, the unpredictable way of the witch cup, and in the same realm, perhaps he will be afraid of Chen Fei, but now... there is really no need for that.

   "It seems that you are determined to learn a lesson from me."

   Chen Fei finally became angry when he saw that he had let that Dong Tai go, but the latter still chose to defect and drive the King of Thousand Bones to attack him.

   At this point, Chen Fei's dark eyes that were as clear as glass became much cooler. The palm of his right hand was split like lightning, and a muffled sound erupted in mid-air, knocking the ancient insect king to the ground again, raising his foot and stomping on the worm.


   Immediately, the Thumb-sized Thousand Bone Insect King erupted with a sharp, painful neigh that far exceeded his own size. Inky black blood suddenly flowed out, infecting a small area, with an extremely foul smell.

   Almost at the same time, that Dong Tai was pale and soft on the ground again, staring at Fade Chen with horror and resentment.

But this time, Chen Fei ignored him at all, but his eyes fell on the King of the Thousand Bone Insect in a pool of blood on the floor, he touched his chin, and the cold light in his eyes flashed slightly: "The little thing is not small, but he is too timid. It's quite big. Hehe..." With the sneer at the end, it was too late, and he actually started again! Palms lifted like lightning.

   "What do you want to do!? Stop it!" The eyes of Dong Tai, who fell softly to the ground, shrank suddenly, his face suddenly became frightened, and he shouted.

However, his voice had just come out, but his pupils quickly widened and he saw that in his field of vision, a flash of flame turned into a slap-sized flame, and when he said that, he quickly slashed towards his natal witch cup, the Thousand Bone Insect King ! With a click, the claws and tail of the Thousand Bone Insect King were all cut off and fell to the ground.


   Almost at the same time, Dongtai twitched violently, and then a mouthful of dirty blood spurted out of his throat, and his pupils were almost dilated, and he immediately lost consciousness! Straight down! Just like that, he was seriously injured! into a stupor.

   "I hope you won't be so impulsive next time, otherwise, hehe." Finally, after glancing at Wu Cup Master Dong Tai, who had passed out, Chen Fei shook his head and turned to leave.

  During this process, he didn't even look at Chen Kun and Xu Hean again. Because today, it seems that he really did something wrong.

  tick, tick…

After an unknown amount of time, a drop of blood dripped from the body of Dong Tai, who had fainted on the ground. Hearing it in the ears of Chen Kun and Xu He'an, it was like a death knell, and they both couldn't help it. The whole body is agitated, and the heart is completely filled with chills! Limbs are completely cold.

   "Kun, Master Kun, is that kid a monster?" Xu Hean said with trembling lips in disbelief.

Hearing this, Chen Kun couldn't help but twitch his lips. He glanced at Dong Tai, who had fainted on the ground, and the monster whose claws and tail had been chopped off. A cold air burst out from his spine. , the legs are soft! Even a little nauseous.

   "Take care of your mouth about this matter today, otherwise, you will understand the consequences." Resisting the feeling of vomiting in his heart, Chen Kun's voice became a little vague.

   In short, tonight, he was really frightened! That kid is just a monster! ?


   Early the next morning, in a senior private hospital belonging to an old Chen family in Beijing, in the VIP senior ward with a faint smell of potion in the air, Dong Tai, who was lying on a white bed, woke up. I saw his eyes staring blankly at the ceiling, and the clock pendulum on the wall was already pointing at 8:30 in the morning.

In addition, in a glass vessel not far from his hospital bed, a monster the size of a thumb had its claws and tail chopped off. It was losing consciousness, and its body was soft and quietly floating in it. Surrounded by liquid stuff.

   Upon seeing this scene, Dong Tai's empty eyes shrank immediately, and then his entire body couldn't help shaking violently and frantically.

   "Anyone?" He said softly, but no one responded.

   "Anyone!!?" He roared angrily the next moment. The sound was so loud that it could be heard on the first floor.

   The female nurse who was waiting outside hurriedly ran in and asked fearfully, "What's the matter?"

"Phone, you don't have a phone!? Give me a call, I want to call!!" That Dong Tai roared like crazy, blood dripped from his bitten lips, and it flowed down, dyeing the clothes on his body red. The hospital uniform made the female nurse turn pale with fright. She took out her mobile phone from her uniform pocket and handed it over, and was about to step back.

   "Are you **** looking for death? I said the phone number, you press it for me, and then he will let me out." But Na Dongtai's eyes glared furiously, and he roared a little insanely. How can he press the phone number in his current state?

   "I, I, I press, I press..." The female nurse was so frightened that she burst into tears, picked up the phone, and looked at Dong Tai fearfully. Then the latter immediately revealed a phone number, and she dialed the phone number tremblingly.

   Then he saw that he put down the phone and ran out without hesitation.

   "Beep, beep, beep... Hello, who is it?" At this moment, the phone number that was on the external extension was connected, and a gloomy old voice came from the other end of the phone.

Immediately, Dong Tai's mental state stabilized a little, and then he cried a little: "Grandpa, it's me, something happened. The holy worm was destroyed by someone, and its claws and tail were cut off, you must take care of me. Avenge the holy worm!"

   "What did you say!? Holy insect... Where are you now?" The old man's furious voice came from the other end of the phone, and then he forcibly suppressed his anger and said.

   "I, I, I..." But when he heard the question from the old man on the other end of the phone, Na Dongtai was suddenly stunned.

   It took a long while to see that he was hesitant, and he gritted his teeth and said, "Grandpa, I'm in the capital now."

"What did you say!?"

This time, the old man on the other end of the phone was obviously even more angry, and said coldly in a gloomy voice: "Did you forget what the rules of our stockade are? We people from the southern border can't go to that place, you forgot? I don't know? Didn't you listen carefully to what I said?"

"Huaxia has a vast land, hidden dragons and crouching tigers, especially the area in the capital! It can almost be said that the most powerful people in the country have gathered and guarded there. Do you really forget that I have warned you more than once about our current relationship with there. Although it is not as tense as before, it is better to avoid it as much as possible. Were you injured in the capital?"

"Grandpa, I'm sorry, but I'm afraid you didn't know about something before. There was someone who was so hateful that he put me on someone else's body and killed the holy bugs without saying hello. I couldn't get angry, so I thought I went to him for theories. I didn't expect that guy to be so powerful. He looked like he was in his twenties, but he stopped me as soon as I released the holy insect. I didn't even have the strength to resist the whole process." That Dong Tai quickly explained.

   When he was just talking like this, he couldn't help but think of Fade Chen's random clip, split, and step last night, and all the holy insects he used to rely on were abolished! There was no ability to resist the whole process, the feeling was as if the heart was suffocated, and there was a flash of panic in his eyes.

"What? In his twenties, isn't that the same age as you?" Hearing that his grandson was actually injured by a young man about his age, and that even the holy worm was abolished, he was unable to resist the whole process. The old voice on the other end of the phone seemed a lot surprised.

   As the grandfather of Dong Tai, of course he understands that even if his grandson is not the strongest among the younger generation in Southern Xinjiang, at least he can rank among the top five and top three! But now, he has been defeated so thoroughly in front of a peer of the same age. I am afraid that even if they are the first of the young generation in southern Xinjiang, it is impossible to do such a thing, right?

   That's why he was so surprised.

"Yes, grandpa. That guy is so nasty. He was rude first, but he hurt me so arrogantly that even the holy worm had his claws and tail cut off. This is totally looking at us. Southern Border Wu Cup Master Yu Wuwu! Grandpa, this time you must avenge me and the holy worms! I can't be mad." That Dongtai said with resentment in his voice.

  Especially when he heard that his grandfather was surprised that the person who hurt him was the same age as him, he couldn't help feeling a sense of humiliation and humiliation in his heart.

   As proud as him, the youngest prefecture-level witch master in the dignified stockade, and even more of a holy son! From childhood to Daquan, it has been smooth sailing, why have you ever suffered such a downfall and suffered such a loss? The most important thing is that this time, he was seriously injured by his peers, and even completely abused! Is this simply not comparable? Is it not at the same level at all?

   This made him Dong Tai accept this reality, and it is true that he was really defeated in front of his peers! ?

   (end of this chapter)

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