Urban Demon Slayer

Chapter 1021: Wei Zihua's scent

"There is such a thing! Fortunately, you came back safely, it should be very safe here." The golden-eyed eagle was shocked at first, and then heaved a sigh of relief.

"It may not be complete here." Ta Jiuzhou said: "I always feel that they may still come to the door, and those formations outside don't know how long they can block it."

"I asked Bai Kuanghai and Feng Jiujiu to come over?" Golden-Eyed Eagle asked tentatively.

"No, they are not the opponents of those divine envoys, it is useless to come!" Ta Jiuzhou shook his head.

"If they really break into here, then you have to change places." The golden-eyed eagle said again.

"Well, that's what I thought too." Ta Jiuzhou gave himself medicine, and changed into a brand-new Wen Sheng Gongzi's clothes, thinking about what to do next.

"What is that guy going to do with it?" Golden-Eyed Eagle aimed at Wang Qianchen next to Jiuzhou.

Wang Qianchen was lying on the bed, still sleeping soundly.

"He is tired and needs to recover first." Ta Jiuzhou said, "When he wakes up, he can go anywhere he wants, it has nothing to do with me."

"Let him go? No, he's going to be the deputy commander of [Monster Slayer] soon, and we're inseparable! Or, kill him now..." The golden-eyed eagle said solemnly.

"Forget it, he tried his best to save me before, and he can't repay his virtue with resentment..." Ta Jiuzhou shook his head and rejected the Golden-Eyed Eagle's proposal.

"But keeping him is a scourge after all! Lord Yaozu, you are becoming more and more kind-hearted..."

"call out-"

Before the golden-eyed eagle could finish speaking, something sprang from Wang Qianchen's waist.

"Fuck, I said that Tajiuzhou has become a different person. It turns out that your kid has been nagging behind your back! The demon emperor didn't say anything, so what right do you have to point fingers here! I will kill you! Kill you! You!" Brick scolded as he patted the golden-eyed carving's head.

The golden-eyed eagle was caught off guard, and it was really photographed several times, and blood flowed down its forehead.

However, the golden-eyed eagle quickly reacted. While avoiding the attack of the bricks, he stretched out his eagle's beak and kept pecking, while pecking and scolding: "What kind of thing are you, you are also qualified to discipline me? You will brag every day. Forcibly, Lord Yaozu was deceived by you, but I won’t! What’s wrong with the furnace bricks that can adjust the Flame Mountain, you are just a brick in the sky, and you have the influence of a fart in the sky!”

One brick and one carving were beaten up and down, making the yard a mess.

The demon ancestor was very helpless, and he didn't want to care, and let them make trouble. But the two of them made a fuss too much. They hit the roof at one time, and made trouble into the house at the same time. They also overturned several tables, chairs and vases. It was almost like a arena.

"Get out of here!" Ta Jiuzhou couldn't bear it anymore, and finally scolded fiercely.

"Wait for me!" Golden-Eyed Eagle gritted his teeth and flew towards the sky, leaving behind mottled feathers.

"Wait, I'm afraid of you!" Brick snorted and went back to Wang Qianchen's waist.

The surroundings finally calmed down, and he stepped on Jiuzhou and meditated quietly. He was seriously injured, and even if he had been prescribed medicine, he would not be able to recover in a short time.

I don't know how long it took, Wang Qianchen finally woke up.

With a "shock", Wang Qianchen sat up abruptly and looked around vigilantly: "Where is this?!"

"Hey - I slept comfortably this time!" Brick also seemed to be awakened, he got out of Wang Qianchen's waist, and yawned: "This is the home of Tengjiuzhou! It's very simple, isn't it? I didn't either. Thinking about it, he is a dignified demon ancestor who lives in such a simple way, and it is not as luxurious as the Blue Whale King, and it is far worse than the cave dwellings of several demon emperors..."

Wang Qianchen looked to the left and right and out of the window. It was indeed an ordinary large tile-roofed house. Houses like this could be seen everywhere in the countryside.

"This is the home of Lord Yaozu. It really doesn't look like anything special... Hey, what about Lord Yaozu?" Wang Qianchen jumped off the bed, feeling full of energy and burning eyes.

"I don't know, the one who was there just now is sitting next to you." Banzhuan also looked around.

"Beside me just now?" Wang Qianchen moved his nose slightly, and instantly recognized the smell of stepping on Kyushu.

Just as he was about to follow the smell, Wang Qianchen's expression suddenly changed!

"What's wrong?" Brick asked immediately.

"Wei... Wei Zihua's smell!" Wang Qianchen was so excited that he couldn't say anything, and his whole body even started to tremble.

Wang Qianchen had been looking for Wei Zihua's limbs before, and he had collected all his limbs and body, but he didn't know where his head was. He thought about all the places with abundant spiritual energy in the whole summer, and went to look for it in his spare time. Unfortunately, he always found nothing. He didn't expect to have traces here in Jiuzhou!

This bastard, it's not enough to travel all over the major sects, and he even came to the demon ancestor.

It's really difficult to go where.

Who the **** would have thought of this!

"Where is it? Where is it? Where is it?" Banzhuan was also excited and asked three times in one go. He knew that Wang Qianchen had put a lot of effort into this thing!

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