Urban Demon Slayer

Chapter 1022: Stepping on the true face of Kyushu

"follow me!"

At this time, Wang Qianchen didn't care about any demon ancestors, and immediately ran out of the house following Wei Zihua's scent. Coming to the courtyard, he took another deep breath, and then headed towards the back of the house.

Going around to the back of the house, it is different from the clean and neat front yard. There are weeds and gravels everywhere, and it is obvious that it has not been taken care of.

Wang Qianchen followed the smell of his old friend and ran for a while in the grass, and he saw a head, who else could it be if it wasn't Wei Zihua! Wei Zihua closed his eyes, apparently still sleeping, Wang Qianchen was both angry and happy, he thought that he would definitely give him a few big fights after seeing him, but now he doesn't have that thought anymore, so he picked up his head and lightly He patted his face and said, "Xiaowei, are you there, wake up!"

Wei Zihua did not respond.

Brick said: "How can you wake up like this, anyway, put your body together!"

Wang Qianchen said: "When he was just torn apart, couldn't his head be able to speak?"

Brick said silently: "That's just separated, it's normal to have a little spiritual power left! Hurry up, put it together, you should be able to wake up."

However, Wang Qianchen gave a "shh" to the bricks, and pointed to the front yard, meaning that there was movement over there, and then put Wei Zihua's head into the Qiankun bag and quickly ran towards the front yard.

When I came to the front yard, there was no one here, and the movement came from the house.

Wang Qianchen ran into the room again, and found that there was no one there, and the voice came from the bed. Running to the bedside, Wang Qianchen took a closer look, and saw a dilapidated sheepskin map next to where he was just now. If you look closely, it is still a map of Daxia. Various provinces, cities, and mountains are marked. The bloodstain, it was this thing that made the sound, seemed painful and unbearable.

"Monster... Monster..." Brick said blankly.

A white light of "咻" flashed, and the map was transformed into a human shape. It was the demon ancestor of the [Wan Yaohui] who stepped on Kyushu!

Stepping into Kyushu looked exhausted. Although he was given medicine and changed into a new set of Wen Sheng's son's clothes, it was stained red with fresh blood. Obviously, the previous injury was really serious.

Seeing Wang Qianchen and Banzhuan standing in front of him, his expression changed as he stepped on Jiuzhou: "Have you seen my true form?"

Wang Qianchen nodded, and Brick said with a smile: "For thousands of years, everyone has been curious about the true appearance of the demon ancestor, but I didn't expect to be seen by our brothers today!"

Strictly speaking, Banzhuan is Wang Qianchen's servant, but he never admits this to the outside world, and it is just for the sake of face.

Wang Qianchen was also quite surprised. He didn't expect that Yaozu's true appearance was a map. No wonder it was called Ta Jiuzhou, he himself was Jiuzhou. But thinking about it carefully, I feel that something is wrong. The Daxia region has changed many times for thousands of years. The territory has been large or small, narrow or wide, and it has been brilliant and has been down. The truth that just stepped on Kyushu seems to be the latest version. map.

The latest word...just a few decades of history, right?

Ta Jiuzhou seems to be the first time someone sees his true identity. After being silent for a while, he feels that it is no big deal. Seeing the doubts on Wang Qianchen's face, he directly said: "Do you know where this place is?"

Wang Qianchen activated the skill of [Knowing the Land] and blurted out directly: "Sanqin Dadi, Xiancheng, Zhongshan!"

Whether it is Xiancheng or Zhongshan, they are very common areas. They are not very famous in history, and they do not have sufficient spiritual energy. I don't know why they set up their nests here.

Wang Qianchen searched for Wei Zihua's head, and almost searched for places with abundant spiritual energy, but he never thought that he would be in this inconspicuous mountain.

Stepping on Jiuzhou, he said, "Which dynasty was the capital of Xiancheng in ancient times, do you know?"

Wang Qianchen has also studied history, and blurted out again: "Qin Dynasty, Qin Shihuang annexed the six kingdoms, and they will all be located in Xiancheng in Sanqin, and establish the first real Great Xia..."

Speaking of which, Wang Qianchen seemed to understand something: "You were at that time..."

"Yes." Ta Jiuzhou nodded and admitted Wang Qianchen's speculation: "I was born at that time. With the assistance of Prime Minister Li Si, Emperor Qin set up three princes and nine ministers to manage national affairs. The system of prefectures and counties, the implementation of the same book, the same track, unified weights and measures, and the construction of the Great Wall to defend against foreign enemies..."

Speaking of the glorious deeds of Emperor Qin, when he talked about it in Jiuzhou, it was obvious that he highly respected the first emperor.

"Everyone says that he is a tyrant, but he really contributed to the foundation and contribution of Daxia." Ta Jiuzhou exhaled a long breath, his eyes shining with longing.

Wang Qianchen nodded. This is the same as what is said in the history textbook. Ta Jiuzhou, who was born in that era, obviously has more say.

"When Qin Huang first established his country, his territory was actually not big, about one-third of what it is now." Ta Jiuzhou gestured with his hand: "Prime Minister Li Si led his people to draw a map, and traveled almost all over the summer, accurate to every mountain range. , I scrapped thousands of maps, and finally made a complete map, that is to say."

Stepping on Kyushu and pointing to his nose, his words are very proud.

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