Urban Demon Slayer

Chapter 1027: Reorganized Wei Zihua

When he was near the Flame Mountain before, Wang Qianchen had put the Taiji talisman on the body of stepping on Jiuzhou.

At that time, Ta Kyushu was still in a coma, so he didn't know it.

Stepping on Kyushu is the strength of the peak of the state, and the Taiji talisman can play a better effect on him, at least the divine weapon in the hands of the Scorpio angel can't hurt him.

After discovering this, Ta Kyushu was also very excited. It seemed that it was time to turn the tables against the wind!

Ta Jiuzhou continued to control the Fengyuebao Fan and Qiqiao Linglong Pei, and at the same time stabbed a few divine envoys with a long sword in his hand. Although this long sword is not as powerful as the other two spiritual weapons, it is not ordinary, and it can cut off their heads.

"It's the Taiji talisman, it's on him! Everyone, focus your firepower on him!" The divine envoy of Scorpion held the golden cicada lantern and continuously released fierce golden light.

The Taurus God Envoy and the Lion God Envoy were busy dealing with Fengyuebao Fan, and the other was busy dealing with Qiqiao Linglong Pei, and also dealing with the sword in Jiuzhou's hand, so there was no time for Jinchan Lantern.

However, artifacts are artifacts after all, and it will be a matter of time before Fengyuebao Fan and Qiqiao Linglong Pei will be eliminated, and they will be able to concentrate their firepower on Kyushu in seconds.

What about the Tai Chi talisman, it still can't stop the simultaneous attacks of so many artifacts!

"Aries God Envoy, you too!" Scorpio God Envoy shouted.

"You're blind, can't you see that I'm dealing with Wang Qianchen?" Bai Feiyang frowned slightly. He didn't want to deal with Ta Jiuzhou, but he didn't want Wang Qianchen to get involved.

Therefore, every time Wang Qianchen's body reorganized, he shot out countless golden lights and smashed it into a pile of minced meat.

No one can fault Bai Feiyang's approach.

"Forget it, Taurus, Lion, hurry up, kill Fengyuebaofan and Qiqiao Linglongpei!" Every attack of the Scorpio angel would be blocked by a red light curtain, making him frown in a hurry.

The battle in the air was stalemate, and Wang Qianchen on the ground was speechless.

Although under the protection of the Taiji talisman, stepping on Kyushu is temporarily safe, it does not mean that he will always be fine. Once Fengyuebaofan and Qiqiao Linglongpei were defeated, he would face a joint attack from several golden cicada lanterns.

Wang Qianchen had already figured out the working principle of the Taiji talisman after the battle with Jiuzhou on Qingluan Mountain before. At that time, I stepped on Kyushu to fight fast, and almost broke the protection of the Taiji talisman. With the current strength of stepping on Kyushu, there is no problem in defending against a single golden cicada lantern, but if several golden cicada lanterns are put on together, the Taiji talisman will definitely not respond, then he has only one dead end.

Seeing that Fengyuebao Fan and Qiqiao Linglong Pei were almost unable to hold on, Wang Qianchen was also very anxious and wanted to go up and help, but every time he wanted to do something, he was beaten into a pile of minced meat by Bai Feiyang. !

But soon, Wang Qianchen thought of a way.

When his body was reorganized again and the golden light of Bai Feiyang struck down, Wang Qianchen quickly threw the brick behind his waist.

"Hey, hey—" Brick yelled.

Those golden lights hit the brick, and although it didn't penetrate it, it also stunned it and fell to the side with a "bang".

"It's not as good as those furnace bricks under your hands!" Seeing this scene, Wang Qianchen couldn't help but scolded, he thought the same as stepping on Jiuzhou, the bricks may be the head of those furnace bricks in the Flame Mountain.

Those furnace bricks won't faint when hit by golden light!

But it also bought some time for Wang Qianchen.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Wang Qianchen finally had a chance to breathe, rolled on the spot, and got into the house in the middle of the three large tiled houses.

Through the window, Wang Qianchen could see that Tajiuzhou was still fighting the three divine envoys, Fengyuebao Fan and Qiqiao Linglong Pei were both crumbling, and Bai Feiyang was still staring at him.

He can expand the map of mountains and rivers, but he will definitely not be able to win Bai Feiyang in a short time - and he doesn't want to win Bai Feiyang!

If only there was another helper...

Wang Qianchen really wanted to call Song Cepeng over, but remembering the warning before stepping on Kyushu, he gave up this plan.

Got it!

A flash of light flashed in Wang Qianchen's mind, and he suddenly picked up the Qiankun bag and threw it on the ground.


A pile of stumps, bodies fell out, and there was a hairy head, which were all parts of Wei Zihua's body.

If Wei Zihua can be resurrected, then with one more helper, this battle will definitely be won!

Wang Qianchen didn't know how to resurrect Wei Zihua, but he vaguely remembered that this guy once said that he only needed to put his body together. Wang Qianchen didn't say a word, and set up the scene, putting his head first, then his body, and then his arms and legs.

Wei Zihua was still wearing the same clothes as before the body separation, which was a simple white T-shirt and blue jeans, but because Du Hong and the others were idle and bored, they used to chop and chop with a knife and a sword, so they looked tattered and tattered. Fragmented, in fact, there is nothing inside.

At the moment when Wei Zihua's body was put together, all the limbs turned out to be like tenon and mortise, and they automatically fit together in an instant. At the same time, there was a heartbeat, breathing, and the breath of the peak of the realm exuded!

Wang Qianchen's ear power and sense of smell were excellent, and he immediately felt his vigorous vitality and vitality.

However, Wei Zihua obviously didn't realize that he was awake, his eyes were not open, and his mouth was still muttering: "Where is my head?"

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