Urban Demon Slayer

Chapter 1028: Wei Zihua goes out

In normal times, Wang Qianchen will definitely tease Wei Zihua a few more times, such as creating illusions for him in turn, making him "bewildered" and "hysterical" for a while, making him think that he is in a bath center or a shampoo room or something. A little prank, let him play him in the ditch, or under the fat and ugly monster, it is a punishment for him for too much nonsense for a long time.

But now, Wang Qianchen definitely doesn't have this leisure. He was besieged by three divine envoys in Jiuzhou. Even if he had the protection of Taiji talisman, he would not be able to last for long.

Wang Qianchen leaned down, grabbed Wei Zihua's shoulders and shook it desperately.

"Wake up! Wake up!" Wang Qianchen yelled.

"Ah?" Wei Zihua abruptly opened his eyes, sat up with a jerk, looked left and right and said, "Where am I?"

"This is Tajushu's residence, and your body has been reorganized! Takyushu is being besieged by three [Guangfuhui] divine envoys, and another divine envoy is Bai Feiyang..." Wang Qianchen described the current situation as quickly as possible. Happening.

"What do you mean?" Even so, Wei Zihua was still at a loss. On the one hand, he was "dead" for too long and his mind was inflexible. On the other hand, the amount of information contained in it was too large.

"Don't care what you mean, you can help out in Kyushu anyway!"

"Treading Kyushu? Yaozu? Isn't he a monster? Why should I help him?"

"If you want to go, you can go, there is so much nonsense! You are the **** of the underworld, you should be able to use this thing!" Wang Qianchen dragged Wei Zihua out of the door and shoved another picture scroll into his hand.

"Damn it, Mountain River Society Jitu? Isn't this the magic weapon of Empress Nuwa, how could it be in your hands?!" Wei Zihua's eyes widened.

"Go help Jiuzhou! Leave Bai Feiyang to me! Remember, don't ascend to the super-dust realm, otherwise the air vortex will appear again, I don't want to help you find a limb again!" Wang Qianchen grabbed Wei Zi Hua threw it out of the house and ran out after him.

Bai Feiyang, who was wearing a black robe, kept an eye on the movement of the room, and was stunned for a moment when he saw Wei Zihua and Wang Qianchen come out together.

At the same time, Wang Qianchen had already rushed into the air, and Bai Feiyang was still doing the same thing. The golden cicada lantern in his hand struck quickly, and Wang Qianchen was smashed into a pile of minced meat.

"Fuck!" Wei Zihua, who was still unaware of the situation, immediately collapsed, screamed "wow", and rushed towards the pile of minced meat, "Xiaochen! I just woke up, why did you die! My God, it's broken like this, I can't save you even if I want to!"

But in the next second, Wang Qianchen's body reorganized instantly.

Wei Zihua was almost stunned.

"I'm fine, the one who hit me is Bai Feiyang, I'm pestering him, you go and help Jiuzhou!" Wang Qianchen knew that Bai Feiyang had to attack himself, but with the skill of [Splitting], it was no problem to pester him, presumably Bai Feiyang Feiyang is also happy to fight him.

Wang Qianchen rushed into the air again, but was smashed by Bai Feiyang again, and then regrouped in the next second.

"It's **** awesome... I haven't seen him for such a long time, Xiaochen is really getting better and better!" Wei Zihua still didn't understand what was going on, but he could see that the situation was very dangerous.

The sound of "Rumble" was constantly heard in the sky, while the fierce battle was going on.

Since Wang Qianchen asked him to help out in Kyushu, let him help!

Wei Zihua quickly looked at Ta Jiuzhou. His head stayed behind the three large tile-roofed houses for a long time. Naturally, he had seen the Demon Ancestor Lord [Wan Yaohui].

I saw that Tajiuzhou was fighting with three black-robed men, and the mountain peaks, rings, and golden lights continued to meet in the night sky, and a shocking explosion sounded.

Wei Zihua was born in the underworld. Although he was not a serious martial god, and he was not so experienced in combat, he had never eaten pork and had seen pigs run, so he immediately understood what was going on.

"Tai Chi Talisman... Yuanshi Tianzun's magic weapon is actually on Jiuzhou. It's really interesting!" Wei Zihua murmured.

But it can be seen that although Treading Kyushu has Taiji talisman to protect the body, as well as Fengyuebao fan and Qiqiao Linglong Pendant, it is still not the opponent of the other three black robes, and it is only a matter of time before they are defeated.

Wei Zihua immediately rushed into the air and charged towards the Scorpion God Envoy with extreme precision.

"Bastard, look here!" Wei Zihua scolded, and quickly unfolded the map of mountains, rivers, and mountains, majestic mountains, ferocious birds of prey, and vast seas suddenly roared out.

"Why is there another top-level peak, who is this person?!" Several divine envoys were busy besieging Tajiuzhou before, but they didn't really notice Wei Zihua, until his attack approached, the Scorpion divine envoy called out .

The Taurus God Envoy and Lion God Envoy were also confused, because before they entered Daxia, they had received news that the ancestors of the major sects had died, and now Daxia has three peaks, namely Song Chongjian and Chen Wan. He and Ta Jiuzhou, the first two are to be caught, the latter to be killed.

At that time, they thought that the task was extremely easy, and the twelve divine envoys completed it with their eyes closed, but they did not expect that four died in just a few days, and now they have jumped out to a peak!

Bai Feiyang knew Wei Zihua. After all, they all came out of the training camp together, but he didn't say a word, pretended not to know who it was, and focused on dealing with Wang Qianchen.

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