Urban Demon Slayer

Chapter 1033: Heaven's Secret

After all, Wei Zihua is a god, a real god. Unlike Zhou Junxian and Master Pan, who are pure gods, he may know the identity of the evil god.

Wei Zihua pondered for a while, and said solemnly: "According to the clues you provided, the evil **** is indeed very likely to be a **** of Daxia. He can easily help people rise to the peak of the top realm, and he can create something that is not inferior to other gods. The golden cicada lamp is a kind of divine artifact, and it is still mass-produced, this ability far exceeds that of ordinary gods, at least the level of the emperor..."

Having said this, Wei Zihua was still worried that Wang Qianchen would not understand, and then explained: "The heaven has existed for tens of thousands of years, and there are naturally ranks among the gods. The group of Wa, Fuxi, and Emperor Yan are collectively called saints. With the passage of time, they have already turned into wind, moon and stars, and become part of the heavenly way. At most, there is only a trace of divine soul left, and they will no longer intervene in the three thousand avenues. Intervention; next is Tianzun, namely Tathagata, Sanqing, Siyu, Jade Emperor; then Tiandi, namely Jiutian God, Wuling and Wulao; and Tianshen and Nether God, such as the third prince of Nezha is the **** of heaven , and I belong to the God of the Underworld. Of course, although we are of the same level, I can't beat him! Besides, what kind of earth immortals, loose immortals, etc., the strength is strong or weak, the strong is comparable to the Tianzun, and the weak is only Ordinary. As for those celestial soldiers, emissaries, as well as the earth gods and city gods in the world, most of them are quite weak, just accumulated merits in previous lives, after death they got a **** position, and they did not really reach the super-dust realm."

Wei Zihua said a lot in one breath, and didn't care whether Wang Qianchen could understand it or not, and continued: "According to the ability of the evil god, at least it is at the level of the Emperor of Heaven, and it may even be higher, so there are only a handful of them. Not many have come and gone. But as far as I know, the gods above the gods are all virtuous, otherwise they would not pass the review of the heavens, how could they do such a thing? I really think not understand."

Wang Qianchen asked tentatively, "So you don't know who it is?"

Wei Zihua shook his head: "I really don't know! No matter which one is very unlikely... Usually a person with five people and six people and a self-righteous person, how can such a thing be done? If it is one of them, then we But trouble, none of the existing people, even the gods who escaped secretly, are his opponents!"

Wang Qianchen said: "But he can't enter Daxia, which is a big advantage for us. Before I told Commander Song, is it because he will be sucked away by the air vortex as soon as he enters Daxia?"

Hearing the three words "Song Commander", Wei Zihua's expression subconsciously became strange again, and then he pondered: "Then I don't know very well."

Wang Qianchen asked again: "What happened to that air vortex, and what happened to the heavens? When you said that we would meet again, you would make it clear to me."

Wei Zihua nodded, pondered for a while, and seemed to be caught in a long-term memory, and then slowly said: "Do you know what is the biggest difference between the gods of Daxia and gods elsewhere?"

Wang Qianchen was stunned for a moment, he really hadn't done this research, and then shook his head.

Wei Zihua continued: "The biggest difference is that when Pangu, Nuwa, Fuxi, and Emperor Yan were still around, they left a rule for the gods of later generations. In addition to your cultivation, there is also a corresponding merit value. The so-called merit is to be exchanged by the incense of the common people, so why should the common people burn incense for you depends on your usual achievements and virtues. In short, you The more good deeds you do, the more incense you will get. If you become a **** and don’t decide for the people, why not go home and sell sweet potatoes! The common people are all eyes, so everyone will be watching if you do things for them! Your merit is not enough , No matter how high the cultivation base is, it is useless, the way of heaven will punish you, knock you down from the mortal world, and return to the six realms. Therefore, in Daxia, no matter how big the gods are, they will conscientiously do things for the common people, and dare not say that they will respond to their requests. On the basis of retribution for evil, try to satisfy everyone's wishes in exchange for incense and merit. But those gods in foreign countries are different, they feel that they are high above, and they are born to fly in the nine heavens. The creator, not for the common people Doing things depends entirely on their mood, and even if they are unhappy, they will cause disasters..."

Having said this, Wei Zihua smacked his lips lightly: "Of course the common people abroad are not fools. Over time, they all know that Daxia's gods are effective, and their gods don't work, so they naturally turn to us...their believers are becoming more and more The less we have, the more and more believers we have. Part of their divine power also comes from the belief of believers. As time goes on, their divine power gradually declines, and ours becomes stronger and stronger. It is conceivable that they must be very different. Satisfied, we joined forces to talk to our Heavenly Venerates several times..."

Wang Qianchen asked smoothly, "Have the conversation collapsed?"

Wei Zihua nodded: "Everyone has different ideas, it must be a mess."

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