Urban Demon Slayer

Chapter 1034: battle of the gods

Since it collapsed, it can only be opened.

After years of development, Daxia's **** system is world-class in both numbers and strength. Everyone fought back and forth dozens of times, the most serious one, the gods with some strength in the sky and the ground were called up.

That is the time when the gods from various countries came the most, almost crowding the entire heaven. Among them, the most famous and powerful ones were Zeus, the king of the gods in ancient Greece, Odin, the king of the gods in northern Europe, and Guai. The sun **** Amon, the celestial **** Surya of India, and the creator **** Izanagi of the cherry blossom country, they led their respective subordinates to stir up the whole big summer world.

Originally, the Heavenly Venerates, Heavenly Emperors, and Heavenly Gods of Daxia joined forces together. Even if they could not stop them, they could still draw a tie. This is the case in the past dozens of battles. beat.

But that time, they did not know where to learn a formation that could join forces: Skynet.

Several foreign gods and kings each activated their divine power and launched this formation called [Skynet]. This formation is extremely powerful, bringing the power of the gods of various countries into one place. If they are really successful, not only will the heavenly world be destroyed, but even the human world will suffer twists and turns, that is the real end of the world, and all civilizations will disappear. Nope, start all over again!

It can be seen that the madness of those foreign **** kings is that in order to destroy Daxia's **** system, they do not hesitate to drag the whole world as a burial!

However, Da Xia also has a trump card here, and the Heavenly Venerates joined forces to launch a formation called [Tianshu].

Tianshu and Tianwang were so dark and indistinguishable for a while that the entire heaven was sealed, all the gods were imprisoned, and even had side effects. There are gods who have reached the super-dust realm, and they will be sucked up immediately and imprisoned again.

That air vortex is called: Heavenly Prison.

"Is this the secret of the loss of contact between the heaven and the underworld?" Wang Qianchen looked surprised, never expecting such a tortuous story.

"Yes, not only did the heaven and the underworld in Daxia lose contact, but all the gods in the world disappeared together because of this." Wei Zihua sighed and continued: "However, there can be no gods in the world, otherwise the way of heaven will not be maintained. , will eventually collapse and fall, and the whole world will suffer. Those foreign **** kings don't care, anyway, they have immortality, the big deal is to start from scratch and retrain believers. Daxia does not want this to happen. After all, this The nation has suffered too many hardships, and it is not easy to live a happy life today..."

The reason for this difference in concept is that the **** kings in foreign countries are born gods, they don’t have much compassion and sympathy for ordinary people, they just use them as tools to absorb nutrients; , Except for those creator gods who have turned into the way of heaven, they are basically cultivated by people. They come from the people and have experienced the hardships of the people. When they become gods, they will not forget their origins. Naturally, they consider the world everywhere.

"So, do you have a solution?" Wang Qianchen asked tentatively, looking at Wei Zihua who had successfully escaped from the [Tian Prison].

"Yes." Wei Zihua said: "After years of investigation by the digital gods, we finally found some loopholes in the [Tian Prison]. Through this loophole, we can escape, but we can't go down with our real bodies, but have to leave. The way of reincarnation, that is, the so-called reincarnation, and then after some opportunities, regain the divine power. But those Heavenly Venerates want to support the [Tianshu] formation and cannot easily leave the Heavenly Court, so let us these Heavenly Gods sneak out. Of course, in order not to Discovered by those foreign gods, all our actions are very secretive, and it takes a long time to come out one...I don't even know how many have come out!"

The so-called opportunity is the artifact such as Hot Wheels and Ecstasy Pens.

Seeing these things can awaken the memories of previous lives, thereby regaining their divine power.

Wang Qianchen has seen this matter several times, and there is no need to discuss it any more. He just sighed and said, "Looking like this, Jiang Xiaoshu managed to escape with great difficulty, but was sucked back again..."

"Yeah, all previous efforts have been abandoned!" Wei Zihua also felt the same way.

"And Aunt Yang..."

"The three virgins don't count. She didn't participate in the battle in the heavenly court. She secretly went to the mortal world to meet Liu Yanchang. After the heavenly world was sealed, she kept her name incognito. Her only contribution was to help the third prince of Nezha hide the hot wheel and fire tip. The gun and the sky were mixed... Of course, for the safety of Luzhou City, she did not hesitate to expose herself and kill the giant Bart, which is also very sad." The battle that took place in Laodingshan, although Wei Zihua did not I experienced it myself, but I heard Wang Qianchen speak clearly.

"Yes." Wang Qianchen nodded, still admiring Aunt Yang.

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