Urban Demon Slayer

Chapter 1035: Chosen

"Apart from me and the third prince of Nezha, there must be other gods who escaped, but I don't know where they are now..." Wei Zihua shook his head.

"Is Tan Zuo also counted?" Wang Qianchen asked tentatively.

Axiu was caught by a white dragon, and then she became pregnant with him, which was in line with the process of "reincarnation". Later, the incident in the Montenegro Islands confirmed that he was the reincarnation of a prince from the Dragon Palace in the East China Sea.

"He shouldn't be." Wei Zihua shook his head again: "Although the dragon seed is noble, it is nothing in front of the real gods. Tianzun sent people down, and the Dragon King of the East China Sea can't be ranked, let alone a prince of his family? So I guess that Tan Zuo didn't participate in the last battle in his previous life. Either he was punished somewhere, or he was too timid to go to heaven. In short, his reincarnation should be a real reincarnation. Now he is an ordinary person, no Possibly divine."

"Then I still prefer that he is being punished, so there is no heaven." Wang Qianchen pouted, Tan Zuo didn't seem like the kind of timid person.

Apart from Tan Zuo, Wang Qianchen couldn't think of anyone else who might be the reincarnation of a god, so he continued to ask, "What are you escaping for?"

"Find the chosen person, break the heavenly prison together, and rescue the imprisoned gods! Otherwise, the heavens will collapse, and the whole world will be turned into ashes." Wei Zihua said solemnly.

"The Chosen One?"

"Yes, people who have reached the peak of their strength and have the qualifications to become gods are called people of heaven. We need to collect seven people of heaven and seven artifacts to form a group called [Tianpo]. ], you can break the Heavenly Prison and save the gods! Although once the [Heavenly Prison] is broken, not only the gods of Daxia will be freed, but those foreign gods will also escape, but if we fight again, we may not be able to will lose."

Seven chosen people, seven artifacts...

These words were inexplicably familiar, and a light flashed in Wang Qianchen's mind. Could it be that the person the [Guangfuhui] has been arresting is the one chosen by heaven?

Wang Qianchen asked again: "How come you have the qualification to become a god?"

Wei Zihua asked back, "Do you know the origin of the [Monster Slayer] organization?"

"I know that there are too many monsters in the world, and the immortals are too busy, so they assisted humans to create this organization, taught them various spells and methods, and let them have the strategy of slaying monsters. It can be regarded as an informal half-official organization." Wang Qianchen knew about these things when he joined [Monster Slayer].

"Yes, [Monster Slayer] is established by Heavenly Court, and those who can join this organization have gained a certain degree of recognition, and the qualification to become a **** is much greater than that of ordinary practitioners... [Monster Slayer] is equivalent to Heavenly Court's Whampoa Military Academy has some priorities when promoting gods. And the higher the status, the stronger the qualifications. If you can become a mountain man, you will basically be stable. As long as you have enough realm, you will become a **** sooner or later." Wei Zihua fought. An analogy that Wang Qianchen can understand.

"So that's the case!" Wang Qianchen said, "Joining [Monster Slayer] actually has this benefit, so if you reach the peak of the top, you are basically the chosen person, right?"

Without waiting for Wei Zihua to nod, Wang Qianchen suddenly realized: "No wonder when those monsters invaded the Daxia border for the first time, they shouted to find the seven strongest people in Daxia, Song Chongjian, Chen Wanhe, and the ancestors of various sects and families. , more or less has something to do with [Monster Slayer]!"

"Yes, needless to say, all sects and families belong to the demon slayer force, and they all have the priority to become gods. And Chen Wanhe, although he was expelled by [Monster Slayer], he was once the deputy of [Monster Slayer]. The commander-in-chief is also qualified to become a god. If the [Guangfuhui] wants to arrest them, they must also know how to break the [Heavenly Prison], but I can't understand now, are they trying to prevent this thing or promote it? "Wei Zihua was lost in thought.

"It must be blocking. If it is promoting, why is it so sneaky? If that evil **** is a figure above the level of the emperor, then he must want to dominate the whole world! All gods are imprisoned, the gods who stay in the world. He is the strongest!" Having said that, Wang Qianchen exhaled: "It's a loss that the ancestors of several sects and families are dead, otherwise he will succeed!"

Thinking that several divine envoys had attacked the major sects before, Wang Qianchen felt a little scared again, thanks to He Jun and others all missing, otherwise they would have been captured by the Guangfuhui now - they are all heads now, naturally Possessing the aptitude to become a god, and using the power of the evil **** to help them rise to the peak of the top realm, may take a little time, but it is not too difficult.

But thinking that He Jun and others were captured by the mysterious man, Wang Qianchen couldn't help but think: "Is he doing this too? Is he trying to stop or promote? If you stop, why do you collect artifacts at the same time?"

Wang Qianchen didn't understand, so he told Wei Zihua of his doubts.

"I'm not sure of his purpose. I have to see him before I can talk to him." Wei Zihua said truthfully.

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