Urban Demon Slayer

Chapter 1036: groundbreaking

"Okay, that guy came to me every three or five minutes. Let's not be separated from now on. When he comes over again, you can see what he is..." Wang Qianchen gritted his teeth and hated that mysterious man. He Jun, Du Hong and others suffered a loss when he thought that he had turned into his own appearance and swindled all over the place, so they could not wait to cut him into eight pieces.

Now that Wei Zihua has returned to him, and this guy is still a **** of the underworld, Wang Qianchen feels even more confident.

"Okay." Wei Zihua agreed.

"Okay, it's not too late, let's go to the commander-in-chief and tell him all these things! In the process of looking for your limbs, he also helped me a lot in secret!" Wang Qianchen said with emotion.

"He knows about me? Didn't I tell you when I first dreamed, don't let him intervene?" Wei Zihua's face suddenly became solemn.

If Wei Zihua didn't mention this, Wang Qianchen would almost forget it. At the beginning, he was really vigilant about Song Chongjian, but later, Song Chongjian helped him time and time again, and he worked hard for Daxia and the [Guangfuhui]. There must be something wrong.

"I didn't tell Commander Song, but he guessed it, so he helped me secretly." Wang Qianchen answered seriously, and then asked: "Why can't he know?"

Although Wang Qianchen no longer cared about this matter, but when Wei Zihua brought it up again, he would definitely ask more questions.

Wei Zihua's expression was solemn and strange. He didn't answer the question directly, but said, "When you came into contact with Song Cepeng later, what kind of person do you think he is?"

"Definitely a good person." Wang Qianchen said seriously: "Loyal, dedicated, capable, caring for subordinates, and doing everything he can to do everything... I can hardly pick out the slightest fault."

Wei Zihua stopped talking and lowered his head to think about something.

"What's going on?" Wang Qianchen asked again.

"...When you found my arms and legs, didn't you find anything weird?" Wei Zihua still asked back.

"I found it, all the ancestors are dead, and your arms and legs are still pointing at them, obviously to let me find this." Wang Qianchen replied simply.

"Yes... Then do you know how they died?" Wei Zihua's eyes suddenly darkened.

"...How did you die?" For some reason, Wang Qianchen suddenly became nervous, as if he had guessed something vaguely, and a heart was raised in his throat.

"Killed by Song Heavy Sword." Wei Zihua's words were astonishing!

Even in the night sky outside the White Dog Cave, a thunderstorm sounded just right.

The whole sky suddenly became dark, and even the White Dog Cave, which was full of lights, seemed to be covered with a layer of haze.


Shangjing, in a residential area.

A door was pushed open, and Song Chongjian with thick eyebrows and big eyes walked in.

"Dad! Daddy!"

A pair of children ran over with joyful expressions, a boy and a girl, the boy was just ten years old and looked like a tiger, while the girl was seven or eight years old, and she was also eccentric.

They are the sons and daughters of Song Cepeng, the boy is Xiaocheng and the girl is Aqiu.

Xiaocheng and Aqiu both hugged Song Epee's legs and laughed and shouted happily. They could only see their father once in ten days and a half, so it's fake to be unhappy.

"Hey, so good, did you listen to your mother today?" Song Chongjian smiled.

"Yes! Mom made dumplings today, and I helped roll out the dough!" Xiaocheng said with his hands up.

"I also helped with the face-to-face!" A Qiusheng was afraid of falling behind, so he hurriedly said.

"Haha, I'm eating dumplings today, that's really appropriate! We have guests in our house, look who are you?" Song Chongjian stepped aside, and another person walked in.

He was a middle-aged man, a dozen years younger than Song Epee, with long hair and a shawl, and a hawk-like complexion. He was wearing a black sports suit. It was Chen Wanhe, the commander-in-chief of [Tianqi].

Chen Wanhe stood beside Song Epee, and neither his appearance nor his temperament matched him.

At first glance, Song Chongjian was a loyal and reliable man, while Chen Wanhe was a big bad guy who would kidnap and sell children at any time.

"Uncle Chen! Uncle Chen!" Xiaocheng and Aqiu were not afraid of him, and hugged his legs one after another.

"Oh, you still remember me!" Chen Wanhe smiled gently, his eyes narrowed into crescents, and he touched their heads one by one, his face full of pity, as if it were his own child.

"Yo, Brother Chen is here!" A warm voice sounded, and a soft-faced middle-aged woman came out of the kitchen, wearing a patterned apron, holding a stainless steel spatula in her hand, said with a smile : "Sit down and rest for a while, the meal will be ready soon. I will take out the flower carvings later, you and Lao Song have a drink! Dumplings are only wine, and the more you drink, the better!"

"Yes, yes, there is a saying that is worse than dumplings, and it is better to be fun..."

Before Chen Wanhe could finish speaking, Song Epee kicked his ass.

"Fuck you!"

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