Urban Demon Slayer

Chapter 1055: threesome

"Only talk, not obey." The mysterious man said: "As soon as I told them about the matter, they agreed without any hesitation..."

Wei Zihua nodded, expressing his approval of this statement. He knew He Jun and the others. The characters of these people were more or less flawed, but they never frowned in the face of right and wrong.

As for Siyao, he doesn't know this woman, but if he can be highly regarded by Song Cepeng, there must be no problem with her character.

The mysterious man said again: "So, I don't want Wang Qianchen to step into this muddy water... He entered this circle by mistake. Now it's time to get everything back on track."

Wei Zihua said, "Understood, I asked him to give up the deputy commander."

The mysterious man said: "I just received news that the new deputy commander is a mountain man named Huo Li."

Wei Zihua raised his eyebrows slightly.

The mysterious man continued: "Huo Li, Song Cepeng, plus Chen Wanhe, and the seven heavenly chosen people have come together."

Wei Zihua said with an "um", "I know what to do."


In the south, Guangdong Province, a snack street somewhere.

When night falls, people come and go in the snack street, there are groups of friends, and there are big men shouting and drinking. At one of the barbecue stalls, three middle-aged men sat in the corner, staring straight at the people who came in and out.

"Deputy Commander Huo, will Feng Jiujiu really appear here?" Liao Zheng asked in a low voice.

"Yes, she likes to eat the rice rolls here the most, and she will come to try it every once in a while, and she is alone without a helper... Also, don't call me Deputy Commander Huo, I'm not used to it..." Sitting firmly in the middle Holly frowned slightly.

"Hey, you are already the deputy commander of [Monster Slayer], the boss personally appointed you, why can't you call?" Bao Chenming on the other side laughed.

"I made it clear before that when I kill Ta Jiuzhou, I will go back to Commander Song to talk about this..." Huo Li was still a little uncomfortable.

"A group of dragons can't be headless for a day! Besides, Wang Qianchen has given up on his own initiative, and the boss will definitely help you to take up the position! When Commander Song returns, the rice has already been cooked... Deputy Commander Huo, you are sure to kill Ta Jiuzhou. Huh?" Liao Zheng asked worriedly.

"To be honest, it's not that big of a deal! But I know that he treats the demon emperor under his control as a family member, and if he captures the 'Southern Demon Emperor' Feng Jiujiu, he may be able to submit! So, I am also gambling..." Huo Li He clenched his fist lightly, as if to relieve his tension, he opened his hand again, grabbed a mutton skewer, and nibbled it lightly.

The true appearances and personalities of several demon emperors in Daxia have long been recorded, but Feng Jiujiu has always been a mystery. But before Feng Jiujiu cooperated with Wang Qianchen in acting, she showed her true face in Qingcheng Mountain, so she also had her portrait.

Huo Li, the mountain man who sits in the south, began to search for her whereabouts. After using all kinds of methods, he finally grasped her whereabouts and knew that she would come down the mountain to eat every three or five days, including what she likes to eat, and what kind of food she likes to eat. You already know where to eat.

It's just that Huo Li's strength was not enough at that time, so he didn't start it for a long time, and he didn't put this plan on the agenda until he entered the state.

"Feng Jiujiu's strength should be stronger than me, but I'm a person who can feel capable, so I can definitely take her down! In addition, just in case, I called you two, so I'll be sure!" Huo Li clenched his fists again, The knuckles "quack" and "quack".

Even if there is only one arm left, Huo Li's might has not diminished in the slightest.

A top realm, plus two mountain realms, and they are all enlightened beings, why can't they win a demon emperor?

Huo Li is full of confidence, Liao Zheng and Bao Chenming are also gearing up and looking forward to it.

"Here! Get ready!" At this moment, Huo Li suddenly let out a low voice, his eyes fixed on a certain direction.

Liao Zheng and Bao Chenming followed his gaze and saw a little girl dressed in green clothes, who looked only fourteen or fifteen years old, walking towards this side, with a face and the recorded Feng Jiujiu. It was exactly the same.

"It's really her! It's really a coincidence that it's better to come earlier!" Liao Zheng was also a little excited.

According to Huo Li's previous plan, Feng Jiujiu would come here once every three or five days. Fortunately, the envoys gave them a week, enough for them to spend a few days here. I didn't expect Feng Jiujiu to cooperate so much. After a while, people came.

"Deputy Commander Huo, God is helping you!" Bao Chenming exhaled and slowly pulled out the Demon Slayer Sword.

Under the table, the knife shines brightly.

"Good chance, don't let her run away!" Huo Li stretched his hand to his waist and quietly took off the demon-suppressing bell.

As long as Feng Jiujiu enters a certain area, [Qingming Space] will be cast immediately!



Song Chongjian's arrest was not a trivial matter. Everyone went to their own way to find out the whereabouts of those divine envoys by their own means. Wang Qianchen's position is rather embarrassing. He was originally going to be the deputy commander-in-chief, but now the bamboo basket is empty.

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