Urban Demon Slayer

Chapter 1059: The rebirth of the rebirth pill

"But, I won't let anyone take you away..." Huo Li gritted his teeth and seemed to have made a decision, and suddenly took out a light blue pill.

Rebirth Pill!

At the cost of life, forcibly elevate a realm, fight to the death at the most dangerous moment, and die with dignity, decency and glory!

"No!" Liao Zheng shouted with all his strength: "He wants to arrest us, not kill us!"

"The arrest of the few of us will only make [Monster Slayer] a more passive situation. As the deputy commander, I know what I'm doing." Huo Li said as he stuffed the Huisheng Pill into his mouth.

"No..." Liao Zheng was hoarse and his eyes were red.

The moment Huisheng Pill entered the abdomen, Huo Li's injury was quickly repaired, and his strength quickly rose to the peak of the top!

——With the current technology level of Daxia, Huishengwan can only be promoted to the peak of the top realm at most, and it is impossible to jump over the threshold of the super dust realm.

Huo Li stood up slowly and looked at the archer angel with deep eyes.

"This..." Feeling the change in his body, the archer god's eyes widened in shock.

"Deputy Commander Huo!" Liao Zheng burst into tears.

"Tell Xinxin, I love her...and, I'm sorry for her..." Huo Li said softly, and raised the Demon Slayer again.

Xinxin is his wife, a gentle and lovely girl.

He once promised Xinxin that after retiring from [Monster Slayer], he would take her to travel around the world, and like Song Epee, he would have two children, both male and female.

But now, he can't do it.


Huo Li's body quickly increased and became larger, and his figure of several tens of meters reappeared between the mountains.

Compared to his previous state, he is not even a little bit stronger!

"As I said, you can't take anyone away!" Huo Li roared, holding the demon-slaying knife that had also grown in size, and slashed fiercely at the archer angel in front of him.

"Hey—" The figure of the archer angel quickly stepped back.


Where the huge blade passed, mountains, trees, and rocks were all cut off, and a deafening "boom" sound erupted.

"Where are you hiding!" Huo Li, with a grim face, swung his sword out again.

The archer divine envoy really didn't know there was such a thing as "Resurrection Pills" in Monster Slayer. After a brief stupor, he quickly regained his senses. He avoided Huo Li's attack and raised the golden cicada lantern in his hand.

The wick lights up, and the golden light bursts out.

"What about the peak of the state, you are still not my opponent!" The archer **** sneered.


Countless golden lights pierced towards Huo Li's body.

Huo Li, who has been promoted to the top of the world, is incomparable with before in terms of speed and reaction ability. He quickly raised the Demon Slaying Sword and danced a blade of light in front of him, trying to block the golden light from the archer envoy like Feng Jiujiu's feathers.

However, the golden cicada lantern is a magic weapon comparable to an artifact!

Although the mortal spiritual tool of the Demon Slayer Sword is also very hard, it is still much worse than the golden cicada lantern.

The sound of "ding ding ding" kept ringing, and Huo Li's dancing knives blocked the golden light, but not completely.

On the Demon Slayer Sword, dense holes were pierced, and then it penetrated into Huo Li's body, and the blood spattered and stained again.

"Hahaha, I said, what about the peak of the top..."


Before the archer angel could finish speaking, Huo Li suddenly swooped up and slapped him with a huge palm.

The archer divine envoy was startled and hurriedly raised the golden cicada lantern.


Countless golden lights shot out again, instantly piercing Huo Li's palm, which was comparable to a mountain peak, and the blood splashed down towards the archer **** envoy like falling rain.

Huo Li's palm was instantly blurred, revealing the bones, but he did not retreat, and still slapped it down.


The archer angel was shot directly on the ground.


Countless golden lights burst out again, and the archer angel came out from the center of the palm again.

Holly's only left hand is completely abolished.

"Give up, you can't beat me..."


Before the archer angel could finish speaking, Huo Li's huge head approached again, opened his mouth and bit him fiercely.

"God..." The archer divine envoy scolded, and the golden cicada lantern in his hand shone with golden light again.


Countless golden lights penetrated into Huo Li's mouth, smashing one of his mouth with holes and blood.

But the next second, the archer angel was still shrouded in darkness.


Huo Li, who swallowed the archer angel in his mouth, chewed it without hesitation.

The golden light shot indiscriminately, and Huo Li's mouth was all ulcerated, and countless blood mixed with flesh and blood flew out.

But Holly didn't care about that, he just kept chewing, chewing, chewing.

The golden light became less and less, more and more dim, and finally disappeared completely silently.

"The meat of foreigners is really unpalatable..." Huo Li vomited a few times, and a pile of flesh and blood residue fell from his mouth.

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