Urban Demon Slayer

Chapter 1075: Back to Luzhou

"I'm busy outside." Wei Zihua paused and said, "Save Commander Song."

With his current status, there is absolutely no problem in calling Song Epee's name, but he still gave the commander of the [Monster Slayer] a respect.

"Are you saving Song Epee?" The boss's voice became louder immediately.

"Yes, but I'm in some trouble now and need your help."

"you say!"


five minutes later.

Seeing that Wang Qianchen was about to catch up with Wei Zihua and others, the phone in his pocket suddenly rang.

"Hey, boss!" Wang Qianchen picked it up immediately.

"Are you following Wei Zihua?" the boss asked in a deep voice.

"...How did you know?" Wang Qianchen looked surprised.

"He just called me..."

Wang Qianchen was silent, as if he knew what the boss was going to say.

Sure enough, the boss continued to speak: "He told you to withdraw."

Wang Qianchen continued to be silent.

"You don't want to?" The boss tried to ask.

"...If you let me." Wang Qianchen gritted his teeth and replied.

If he has no identity at all, and is just a free and unrestrained person, then there is no need to listen to the boss.

But he is the deputy commander-in-chief of [Monster Slayer]. He has an organization and a position, so he must listen to the boss.

It is the duty of a soldier to obey orders.

"Although he is a **** of the underworld and a judge in the underworld, he can't control me, and I'm not dead, right?" The boss joked and continued: "So, he can only give advice. I don't understand this, so I want to hear from you. If you still want to go, I won't stop you."

Speaking of the last few words, the boss's tone firmed up.

As a soldier, or a soldier with a certain status, the boss of course has his own judgment and ideas.

His character also has the iron blood and toughness unique to a soldier.

One is the **** of the underworld who cannot be beaten by eight poles, and the other is a subordinate who assists him. Who should he favor? Do we still need to think about it?

"I'm going!" Wang Qianchen said without hesitation.

"Yes." The boss said, "I told Wei Zihua the same thing. I said, I can only give advice, not completely control your thoughts. He also told me that if you insist on going, I suggest you go first. Go back to Luzhou City and go to Zhou Junxian, who is looking for Chenghuang Temple. After looking for it, if you still decide to come, then he will not stop you."



Wang Qianchen frowned.

After going to Luzhou City and coming back again, is the daylily all cold?

Besides, where will you find them then?

"He said, if you still want to come, just call me... In this operation, he will keep in touch with me."

"it is good."

Wang Qianchen agreed.

After hanging up the phone, he glanced at Wei Zihua and the others, who were only a few hundred meters away, and then used [Landscape] to feel the environment here, and found that they were close to the Tibetan area.

Wang Qianchen stopped and called Zhou Weiguo while flying back.

"Brother Zhou, help me stare at a person, their position at the moment is..."

Zhou Weiguo was the captain of the demon slayer in the Tibetan area. After all, Wang Qianchen was still worried that Wei Zihua was fooling himself, so he kept his hand. It wasn't that he didn't trust Wei Zihua, but the situation forced him to do it.

After temporarily giving up following Wei Zihua and others, Wang Qianchen flew towards Luzhou City.

His speed was fast and there was no block on the road, so he was there in no time.

Immediately afterwards, he rushed to the Temple of the City God.

The last time he came to find Zhou Junxian was when Hong Xiaohao died. He wants to save Hong Xiaohao, but Zhou Junxian can't. Counting the time, it has been more than half a year. In the past six months, he has experienced and grown a lot.

Entering the hall, Wang Qianchen stood in front of the statue of Zhou Junxian.

He always screamed when he saw Zhou Junxian, but this time, the bricks of a Zhou Laogou didn't show up, but quietly huddled behind Wang Qianchen's waist.

A white light of "咻" flashed, Zhou Junxian fell from the statue, and the illusory figure gradually turned into a reality.

"Hey—" Zhou Junxian looked at him with a hesitant expression, as if he didn't dare to recognize it.

"I'm Wang Qianchen, not Song Anping." Wang Qianchen said directly.

"Oh, it's Xiaochen..." Zhou Junxian breathed a sigh of relief, and then said in surprise, "Have you two met?"

"Yes, I have seen it. He asked me to come to you and said that you would tell me the truth." Wang Qianchen was expressionless.

Wei Zihua's meaning should be Song Anping's meaning, the two of them are now "a group".

"Oh, how can I know the truth... Hahaha, it's so funny, I don't know anything... I left, I went to bed, and last night I helped people gather wheat all night..." Zhou Junxian yawned , and then go back to the sculpture.

"Master Zhou!" Wang Qianchen grabbed his arm and said solemnly, "Tell me!"

Zhou Junxian was silent for a while, and finally turned around.

The two face each other.

Wang Qianchen looked at him seriously, his eyes full of determination.

Zhou Junxian dodged a little, and seemed very guilty.

"I'm sorry, I misled you..."

Zhou Junxian suddenly lowered his head and sighed softly.

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