Urban Demon Slayer

Chapter 1076: I'm just an ordinary person

Hearing this sentence, Wang Qianchen's expression did not change, except for a slight sigh from the lower back.

In fact, according to various signs, Wang Qianchen had already guessed what was going on.

"Actually, I was also misled by others..." Zhou Junxian seemed to want to take the blame and said, "Remember Aunt Yang? It was the one who flew away in the form of the Three Virgins..."

Wang Qianchen nodded, expressing his deep impression.

A 60-year-old aunt suddenly turned into a radiant fairy, that scene is truly unforgettable.

"When you first appeared in the Temple of the City God, the Three Holy Mothers were actually in my temple. She said that you were extraordinary and asked me to go up and give some advice. That's why that day happened..." Zhou Junxian continued.

That day, Wang Qianchen and Ji Lan, the proprietress of Luda Company, fought in the Chenghuang Temple. Li Qianqiu arrived in time, killed Ji Lan, and also killed Wang Qianchen. Thanks to Zhou Junxian, he stopped in time. After being "flickered" by him, he came into contact with the organization [Monster Slayer].

"Will the three virgins be wrong?" Wang Qianchen frowned and expressed doubts.

"Although she is an immortal, she has been suppressing her realm and strength in order to avoid the tracking of 'Heavenly Prison'. It is normal for her to lose sight of her..." Zhou Junxian looked helpless.

"Anyway, the Three Holy Mothers are not here, say whatever you want." Wang Qianchen pouted.

"It's true! And not only did she miss the point, the thing possessed by you, and the **** who taught you the [Seventy-two Transformation], they all got it wrong!" Dragging the three virgins into the water, the demon brother and the **** of the dark space were not spared.

"Then you later said that I was the reincarnation of Ziwei Xing, who came down from the sky. Although the road ahead is dark, there is light at the end. As long as you find a few partners and someone involved in my destiny, you can get through that darkness. , catch that piece of light, and from now on, the wind will be like the wind, and the rain will be like the rain!"

"These words were taught to me by the Three Mothers..." Zhou Junxian looked aggrieved.

"..." Wang Qianchen was completely speechless.

"So, Song Anping should be the one who got all this? Demon Qi, Seventy-two Transformations, and those partners should all belong to him?" Wang Qianchen asked again.

Zhou Junxian nodded.

Wang Qianchen smacked his lips lightly and said nothing.

Brothers, one is mediocre and mediocre, who should have lived the life of an ordinary person, and the other is talented and has a heavy responsibility, and should go to heaven and earth to go everywhere...

Because of a decision Wang De made when he was young, the brothers' lives were a little bit chaotic.

In recent years, everything Wang Qianchen has experienced should not have happened to him!

What Song Anping experienced after coming to Luzhou City, and how he "awakened", is obviously unnecessary to ask.

What is destined, no matter how much you go around, it will return to the right track.

"So, it shouldn't even follow me?" Wang Qianchen stretched out his hand to the lower back and felt out the azure-colored slab.

"Master, I don't regret following you." Before Zhou Junxian could speak, Banzhuan said one sentence first.

"It's okay, you don't need to comfort me. If you want to leave, I can cancel the soul contract at any time." Wang Qianchen said seriously.

"What do you mean by that, am I the kind of brick who is greedy for vanity and sees the wind? I don't care who Song Anping is, I'm just a master, that's you! You're welcome to say such things again. It's over!" Brick was furious, broke free from Wang Qianchen's hand, jumped up and down, and cursed.

"You can think about it, I'm just an ordinary person!" Wang Qianchen laughed at himself.

"What's wrong with ordinary people? Ordinary people are guilty. Do you want to call the police and take you away?" Brick said through gritted teeth, "They are either immortals or chosen people, shouldering the task of saving the world, how glorious and great. , everyone has to make way for them! What's the matter, ordinary people have no human rights, or ordinary people don't deserve to live?"

Realizing that he was a little emotional, Brick calmed down a little, and then slowly said: "Master, we have been together for a few years, we have shared weal and woe, we have experienced together through ups and downs, and our feelings are also there... When you are beautiful, I will honor you together; When I'm down, I won't turn around and leave..."

"It's not as exaggerated as 'falling down'..." Wang Qianchen waved his hand, but still smiled gratified.

For several years, Banzhuan has been following him, not only because of the 'soul contract', but also because Wang Qianchen seems to be extraordinary, and he will also get a share of the pie if he succeeds in the future; including when Mr. Honglou was still there, Banzhuan also told him the same "Follow the master, just wait for the merits to be consummated, and enjoy the year in peace!"

Now that the prosperity has faded, and Wang Qianchen's identity has been revealed, he is an out-and-out ordinary person, and he has nothing to do with immortals, crape myrtle stars, or the chosen people. Follow him, not to mention the success of his cultivation and perfection of merit, maybe Lian Dongda Can't live in a house.

Even so, Brick is still persistent, and Wang Qianchen is moved enough.

"Actually, you don't have to be too sad..." Zhou Junxian said softly: "There is nothing wrong with ordinary people, at least you have the strength of the realm, and you have mastered the skills of [Seventy-two Transformations]. It’s not less money, and it’s already better than most people…”

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