Urban Demon Slayer

Chapter 1087: four super-dust realms

Wang Qianchen gave an order, and a group of people followed him and quickly went in the direction of India!

Fly if you can fly, jump if you can't, and the speed is also not slow.

Thirteen people from all over the world marched hand in hand. People and monsters from various forces followed behind them. They could also fly, and those who couldn't fly jumped. At least there are nearly a hundred. That is called a mighty and mighty one!

Everyone quickly crossed the border of Daxia and arrived in the forest on the border of India!


Fourteen people in black robes immediately rose into the air, including Bai Feiyang and Capricornus, the only remaining gods from the old generation, and a new generation of gods of the zodiac. They had long been ready to fight, and when they saw the other party rushing over, they naturally caught up.

At the same time, a lot of people in black robes poured out from the surrounding jungle. Sure enough, just like what Song Anping had inquired about before, there were mountains, peaks, people, and monsters, all of which were equally dense.

The war between the two sides is imminent.

Wang Qianchen soon confronted a divine envoy. Although he did not have a map of the mountains and rivers, he had seventy-two changes, and his strength had reached the peak of the realm. As soon as he released all kinds of dazzling skills, he was invisible for a while, and he married a dream for a while. The clone, as expected, caught the opponent by surprise.

——Even if Wang Qianchen is next to Jin Guang, he is fine. He has the skill of [Disintegration] to protect his body. Even if he is dismantled into eight pieces, he can still recover.

Song Anping is the same. He is another Wang Qianchen. Even if he doesn't have the Sword of Immortal Slaying in his hand, all kinds of skills are constantly being displayed, and of course he can gain the upper hand.

Although Wei Zihua's Soul Seduction Pen cannot teleport, it can still seduce souls, and it can condense the air into various weapons, such as planes, tanks, and cannons, and it is dazzling to play with high technology.

As for stepping on Jiuzhou and Chen Wanhe, not to mention, one uses Fengyuebao Fan and Qiqiao Linglong Pei to easily kill a divine envoy, while the other controls raindrops to defeat the enemy.

He Jun, Du Hong, Tan Zuo, Siyao, Feng Jiujiu, Bai Kuanghai, and Blind Toutuo naturally showed off their abilities, and combined with the artifacts in their hands, they dared not say they would win immediately. No problem.

"Qiankun Five-Star Array!"

Tian Jun shouted loudly, and the four captains each stood in a position, and several spiritual powers with different rays of light suddenly roared away, finally converging into a large and small energy block.

As this energy block poured into Tian Jun's body, his whole body radiated dazzling light, and several huge long swords condensed out.

This trick, which Tian Jun used to deal with Yuan Tianpeng at the gate of X Prison, is now also used on a divine envoy.

A group of demon slayers, monsters, and killers fought with other members of the [Restoration Society], and the battle was also in full swing, with landslides and earth torn apart. Yin Luoluo's long hair wanders, Nie Rong's Taiji map appears, Yan Qing's sand is flying everywhere, the black bear king and the golden eagle king are transformed into real faces, the fat head drum becomes a big meat ball, and the thin head is as thin as a piece of paper and as fast as a blade. ...

Even Lang Baibai and Ma Qianli fought bravely to kill the enemy.

It was a lively scene, and it was definitely the most vigorous battle that took place in the world in hundreds of years!

It is said that there are fourteen divine envoys, but there is actually a Bai Feiyang who fishes in troubled waters. He definitely doesn't want to do something here, but he has to do it. He knows that Wang Qianchen can't be beaten to death, so he always aims at Wang Qianchen.

Relying on his immortality, Wang Qianchen finally walked around behind a divine envoy. After killing him, he became entangled with Bai Feiyang and asked, "Who is that **** in the woods, do you know?"

Bai Feiyang replied: "God general, Shenlong, sees the head but not the tail, how can you guess without authorization?"

That means he doesn't know either.

Wang Qianchen asked again, "How many such gods are there in total?"

Bai Feiyang replied: "The four gods will come to the world like gods, and you will only die when you meet them!"

four? !

Hearing this number, Wang Qianchen felt a chill in his heart.

In addition to the evil god, there are four super-dust realms!

"Will they come today?" Wang Qianchen asked again.

"Lord Shenlong sees the head but not the tail, how can you guess without authorization?" Bai Feiyang answered the same thing again, it seems that he still doesn't know.

Whether he comes or not, he must rescue Song Epee first!

Wang Qianchen quickly observed the movements around him while flying the ink with Bai Fei. In addition to Bai Feiyang, four of the thirteen gods have died, and the rest are not far from death. This battle is obviously dominated by the Daxia side.

But no one dared to take it lightly, because the **** general in the woods has not moved!

Including those divine envoys also thought so, everyone did not understand why the **** general in the woods refused to come out.

The envoy Zishu shouted loudly: "Master God, we can't hold it anymore, come out and help us!"

"It's a bunch of rubbish. I gave you artifacts and made you rise to the top of the world, but you can't beat these guys!" In the woods not far away, the **** general with an elephant trunk also watched the battle for a long time. At this moment, I finally got up and walked towards this side!

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