Urban Demon Slayer

Chapter 1088: six-toothed white elephant

His footsteps were extremely heavy. Every time he took a step, the ground under his feet trembled slightly. Before, he was deliberately suppressing his breath, but at this time, it radiated out unscrupulously, filling the sky above and around this forest.

Super dust!

There can be no mistake. Wang Qianchen has seen it several times. Jiang Xiaoshu, Wei Zihua, and Aunt Yang have all reached this realm. That kind of oppression unique to the realm of gods is definitely not wrong!

At this moment, everyone's heart is slightly cold.

"Don't worry about him, kill these gods first!" Wang Qianchen growled.

Previously, with the efforts of Wang Qianchen and others, four of the fourteen divine envoys had been killed. Even if Bai Feiyang is ruled out, there are still nine, kill them first, and then you can besiege the **** general.

Everyone started to attack again, especially Ta Jiuzhou, Chen Wanhe, Wei Zihua and Song Anping. Everyone wanted to kill a few more divine envoys before the coming of the gods.

Of the ten divine envoys, only six were quickly killed, and Bai Feiyang was always fighting with Wang Qianchen, so he was also among them.

But soon, the **** general came out of the grove, and his complete figure appeared in front of everyone. Like the information Song Anping had obtained before, this guy was three to five times bigger than ordinary people, and there was a curved trunk showing under his wide hat. He must be a monster.

As for Song Cepeng, he was thrown into the woods behind him, neither brought him with him nor used it to threaten everyone. Obviously, he was extremely confident in his own strength, and thought there was no need to use those inferior and despicable methods.

"Lord God General, save us!" Zishu God Envoy is still alive, worthy of being the leader, and can always live to the end.

Several other divine envoys were also forced to be only one line away from death, and even Bai Feiyang was symbolically slashed twice by Wang Qianchen. If the **** general doesn't care, they will definitely die!

However, that divine general didn't care, he didn't even bother to look at those divine envoys, and his eyes looked directly at He Jun, Du Hong and others who were still fighting on the field.

"Hey hey hey, I'll catch it all in one go..."

The **** general with an elephant trunk did this to attract the people who were chosen by the heavens, and immediately shook his head gently, the curved nose suddenly became longer, and rolled toward He Junyi and the others. past.

He can ignore the envoy, Wang Qianchen and others cannot ignore He Jun and others.

But all those who are empty-handed will attack the **** general.

Song Anping said before that even if everyone joined forces, it would be difficult to fight a super-dust realm. Even so, everyone wants to give it a try, can't let Wei Zihua "transform" from the beginning?

At this moment, Wang Qianchen, Wei Zihua, Song Anping, Ta Jiuzhou, Chen Wanhe, and Tian Jun all used their means to attack the elephant-trunk god. But he stayed still and didn't even blink his brows. He saw the long elephant trunk flying in the air, followed by the sound of "bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang bang, everyone has no strength to resist at all, they are all attacked. fly out!

Excluding Song Epee, who was seriously injured, and Tian Jun, who used the "Qiankun Five-Star Array", these six people are definitely the strongest group of people in Daxia. It is still vulnerable in the face of super dust!

This scene also shocked everyone at the scene. If they can't fight against the elephant trunk god, the rest of the people are even less likely.

"Master God is mighty!" The few remaining gods were naturally very excited.

The Elephant Trunk God doesn't take himself seriously. For him, he has killed several peaks. There is really nothing to brag about and be proud of. ?

Therefore, the Elephant Trunk God will continue to stretch his nose and roll towards He Jun and the others without any nonsense.

"call out--"

A figure flashed by suddenly, and stopped not far from the Elephant Trunk God General, it was Wei Zihua who was holding a soul pen.

Since the plan to fight together failed, he could only rely on him to break through the "Super Dust Realm".

Everyone looked at him nervously, and no one knew what was going to happen next.

"Judge Cui, you can't stop me." The Elephant Trunk God tilted his head slightly.

"You know me, it seems that we are old acquaintances... Why, don't you dare to show your true colors?" Wei Zihua said coldly.

"You don't need to provoke me, what's the point of not daring to wear this black robe, it's the order of the evil god, he just told us to keep a low profile. If you want to see it, let you see it." The elephant-trunk **** will directly stretch out his hand Dial, took off the hat on his head.

A square face appeared in everyone's sight. His facial features were actually quite irregular, except that his nose protruded a long way, and six fangs were also exposed in his mouth.

"The real person Baixiang, it's actually you?" Wei Zihua's face was full of disbelief.

"It turned out to be him..." Song Anping also gritted his teeth slightly, his eyes full of astonishment.

"Who?" Wang Qianchen immediately turned to look at him.

The blow of the elephant trunk **** just now happened to bring the two brothers together.

"Six-toothed white elephant, the mount of Samantabhadra..." Song Anping gritted his teeth.

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