Urban Demon Slayer

Chapter 1101: Nightmare Prayer

"Deng deng deng-"

Several people in black robes fell into the courtyard together.

"Escort! Escort!" National Teacher Savar shouted, and the first one rushed up.

"Go away!" The envoy Zishu raised the golden cicada lantern, and the golden light burst out.

As soon as the staff of the national teacher Savar was raised, countless blood holes were pierced through his body, and then he fell to the ground with a "bang".

Of course, there are many security personnel in the residence of the monarch Ram, and many of them are powerful practitioners in the church. As soon as they swarmed up, they were still unable to reach a few divine envoys, and after a series of golden lights flashed, everyone fell to the ground.

The six divine envoys quickly ran towards the house.

"Don't let Wang Qianchen run away!" The divine envoy Chenlong ran quickly.

"There is a soul-destroying inkstone, he can't run away! Isn't that guy unable to kill him? You can use the immortal-bound rope to bring him back!" Zishu God envoy held the golden cicada lantern with one hand and took out the soul-killing inkstone with the other.

At the same time, six divine envoys had already entered the house.

There was already chaos here, Ram, Rat and the rest of the family fled in all directions. Wang Qianchen was also shocked and turned to run.


The envoy of the mouse gave an order, and the scene was filled with golden light. All the living people disintegrated in an instant, stumps and blood clots splashed everywhere, and the huge room suddenly became an asura field, and countless small holes were pierced through the left and right walls and roof.

After only ten seconds, the battle was over, the scene was silent, and the ground was covered with various corpses, like a **** on earth.

Several divine envoys started working together and tied Wang Qianchen.

"Is it going a little too smoothly?" Zimu scratched his head, always feeling that something was not right.

Bai Feiyang looked left and right, his eyes fell on Wang Qianchen, he also felt that all this was a bit weird.

"It should have been so smooth. It's okay if we can't catch him in Daxia, and this place is not in our pockets?" Chenlong envoy rubbed his hands in excitement, and kicked Wang Qianchen to the ground. land.

"You still can't sneer?" Chenlong God Envoy gritted his teeth.

Wang Qianchen lay on the ground, silent.


At this moment, footsteps sounded, and the blood-stained national teacher Savar walked in slowly.

"Master Sawar, you've worked so hard... Oh no, I should call you King Sawar now." Zishu God Envoy said with a smile.

"Haha, thank you everyone! I thought I would run out one or two times, so I did a show and injured myself, so that they could publicize my heroic deeds... As a result, several divine envoys did things neatly, but all of them were stunned. There is none left! Thank you, thank you very much, when I become a monarch, I will definitely give back to Lord Heretic God..." The national teacher Savar was indeed scarred, but not fatal, and after a few days of rest, he was a hero again.

At that time, he, who controls at least half of the cabinet, will be able to replace Ram's seat logically.

"Then let's go first, and you can do the rest yourself." The envoy Zishu walked up to Wang Qianchen, bent over and lifted him up.

Just then, a voice came from the courtyard outside.

"Trust me now?" Someone was sighing.

It was Wang Qianchen's voice!

The envoys of the gods turned their heads one after another, and saw Wang Qianchen standing in the courtyard under the hazy moonlight, and beside him were Ram, Latt and others.

Are they still alive? !

In that house is...

The gods looked down and saw that Wang Qianchen, who was originally bound by the immortal rope, turned into a breeze at this moment, and the stumps and flesh and blood all around dissipated, and even the whole house began to collapse, like quicksand quickly into nothingness.


When the illusion completely receded, the envoys of the gods discovered that the room was still the same room, but it was empty and there was no one.

people, all outside.

"What's going on?" Zimo's envoy frowned and looked at the national teacher of Savar.

"I don't know..." National Teacher Savar was also confused.

"It's a nightmare, a kind of spiritual attack." Wang Qianchen explained patiently: "I created a fantasy, and then led you in, it's that simple."

[Nightmare Prayer] is also a skill in [Seventy-two Transformations], but it is not the same as [Marriage Dream].

[Marriage Dream] is to launch a mental attack on someone and put him in an illusion, while [Namma Prayer] is to create an illusion first, and then let people walk in. If you want to compare, it is similar to Hu Di'er's method. Before, he built a fake Tianshan, which made Wang Qianchen sink into it unknowingly.

"National Master Savar, I value you so much, but you do such a thing, I am so disappointed!" The monarch Ram was full of anger.

"Lord God Envoy!" The national teacher Savar immediately turned his head to look at the Zishu God Envoy.

He has come this far, and he is too lazy to explain to Ram that he is betrayed, and it is useless to talk nonsense?

"Something's wrong, let's go!" Zishu's divine envoy gave an order and took the lead in flying towards the roof.

It seems that there are only those few people in the courtyard, but Wang Qianchen can see through it in advance, and he appears there openly, how could there be no backhand?

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