Urban Demon Slayer

Chapter 199: 312 bedroom

The registration process of the [Monster Slayer Training Camp] is no different from the start of school and company training. After verifying the identity information, daily necessities and bedding are distributed, and then the dormitory is allocated.

[Monster Slayer] Is this organization affiliated with the military, or is it a profession with its head tied to the waistband of its trousers, the treatment is of course very good, the dormitory is all double rooms, and there are balconies, independent bathrooms and 24-hour hot water supply.

As soon as he heard the word "double room", Wei Zihua immediately said excitedly, "Assign the two of us to a room!"

Just after he finished speaking, Wei Zihua suddenly remembered something, his face turned pale, and he turned his head and said complicatedly: "Xiaochen, we live in the same room, you can't think of me, I said that I don't like men. Yes, we can only be brothers at most..."

"Fuck you!" Wang Qianchen scolded and said directly to the person in charge of the reporting office: "I won't share with him, separate us!"

"Hey, there's no need for that, I don't despise you, just say you don't have any thoughts on me..." Wei Zihua said very generously and considerately.

The person in charge of the reporting office was a little girl in her early twenties, with a quiet face, she said with a smile, "You can't be together if you want, the dormitories are randomly assigned."

Immediately, the person in charge picked up a cardboard box and placed it on the table: "Pick it, whichever one wins is the dormitory!"

"Such an ancient way?" Wang Qianchen was a little surprised, but still put his hand into the box.

"Well, although the rooms are all the same, there are many recruits who come from famous families and big families. They will always try their best to live with their friends or the same family. It is easy to form small gangs in the long run, which is not conducive to the long-term future. Therefore, the dormitory is allocated in this way." The person in charge paused and continued: "Although it is ancient, it is fair."

While speaking, Wang Qianchen had already pulled out a note, opened it and read it, it said Room 312.

"I'll take a look at mine!" Wei Zihua also took out a note, which read Room 305.

"Anyway, on the same floor!" Wei Zihua was obviously a born optimist, and laughed "hahaha" on the spot.

The two took their dormitory keys and dragged their suitcases and bedding to the dormitory building.

On the way through the playground, there are many recruits who have completed the registration formalities and are waiting for the recruit meeting. Looking at their clothes and their standing posture, many of them are from the same family or family. There are more than a dozen, and there are three or five less, but most of them are Wang Qianchen and Wei Zihua, who have no background and are alone. Another city came alone.

In this way, those who have friends and partners will appear extremely domineering, self-satisfied, and not afraid of the sky and the earth.

"Even if the dormitory is disrupted, it can't stop the formation of small gangs..." Wang Qianchen shook his head slightly.

"That's right... But Captain Jiang told me, let's stay away from those famous sects and aristocratic families. If there is really going to be a conflict, no matter what the final result is, the ones who suffer will definitely be those of us who have no background!" Wei Zihua agreed.

"Understood!" Wang Qianchen, who was born in poverty and has been rolling and crawling in society for a period of time, understands this very well. He says that everyone is equal. In fact, it is to coax children. Different classes have different destiny. The scenery of others, it is better to start working hard from yourself.

The two passed through the playground and heard a lot of news, such as which sect sent a genius, which eldest young master of the great family was not to be messed with, etc. The most exciting thing was that Song Chongjian taught the class in person.

"We're so lucky that Commander Song personally taught us! Although I don't know which aristocratic son or a sect genius, I'm already very excited!" Wei Zihua rubbed his hands excitedly, and whenever he touched If you've ever slashed a monster, you must have heard the name that pierced your ears.

There must be important people in this recruit, otherwise Song Cepeng would not be able to come out in person.

"Yeah, we must study hard, and we must take good care of that important person!" Thinking that he was one of the seven powerhouses in Daxia, Wang Qianchen also had a faint feeling of enthusiasm.


"Several juniors, wait for me, my shoelaces are loose." He Jun put his large and small bags on the ground and squatted down to tie the shoelaces.

However, those junior brothers from the Qingcheng faction obviously did not take this senior brother seriously, and continued to walk forward without stopping.

"It's so troublesome for you!"

"Come on, don't leave our stuff!"

"See you in the dormitory later, it's really annoying!"

The group of juniors and brothers were disgusted and continued to walk forward. They were all relaxed, as smart as they wanted to be. They didn't have a bag on their backs, so they were obviously all hanging on He Jun's body.

By the time He Jun tied his shoelaces and raised his head, those junior brothers had disappeared.

He Jun sighed, but he was obviously accustomed to this situation. He hurriedly carried all kinds of large and small bags on his back and trotted all the way to the new student registration office.

After checking the identity information, it was time to assign the dormitory, and a box was placed in front of him.

"Let me and the most talented recruits in the training camp share a dormitory, let me hold the thickest thigh, let me soar, let me stand out! Let those who look down on me regret it too much!" He Junqing Gritting his teeth, he muttered words in his mouth, his hands glowed with a faint white light, and then he reached into the box.

Shao Qing, he took out his hand, and there was a note in his hand.

312 bedrooms.

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