Urban Demon Slayer

Chapter 200: Fourth-tier cities

Which big cow lives in dormitory 312?

Looking at the faint white light in his hand, He Jun felt a burst of excitement in his heart, thinking that he was about to hug his thighs, to stand out and reach the pinnacle of his life, he couldn't help walking towards the dormitory building. Zi kept looking left and right, as if on guard against something.

There is a basketball court in front of the dormitory building, and several recruits who have completed the formalities are already playing basketball.

"Dude, are you okay?" Several recruits who were playing basketball rushed over immediately.

"It's okay...it's okay..." He Jun covered his face, not only was not unhappy, but laughed.

Seeing that he didn't care, the recruits breathed a sigh of relief and went back holding the basketball again. He Jun also seemed to be relieved. He was no longer as cautious as before, and walked forward generously. At this moment, a bag on his shoulder suddenly slipped, and he instinctively stretched out his hand, and then the whole person was stunned. Living.

"Why... why is there still, isn't it already smashed by a basketball?" Looking at the white light in his hand, He Jun was stunned.


The basketball hoop next to him suddenly collapsed for some reason, and hit He Jun's head impartially!


He Jun was smashed to the ground on the spot, and his head was bleeding!

"Dude..." Several recruits playing basketball hurried over and carried him to the infirmary.

Fortunately, He Jun's body was firm enough to stop the bleeding and bandage it without any serious problems, but the whole person looked a little sluggish. After declining the kindness of the escorts from several recruits, He Jun continued to walk towards the dormitory building carrying a large bag and a small bag.

"This person is really unlucky. First, he was smashed by a basketball, and then he was smashed by a basketball hoop..."

"Well, I've never seen such an unlucky person!"

Several recruits looked at his back and whispered.

As everyone knows, seeing his hands finally disappearing from Bai Guang's hands, He Jun was excited for a while, and couldn't help muttering to himself, "I'm so lucky to get this kind of luck, my roommate must be a super dick, right?"

When he came to dormitory 312, He Jun suppressed his excitement, knocked on the door lightly, and walked in.

In the room, Wang Qianchen had already made a bed for himself. Hearing someone come in, he immediately turned around and said with a smile, "Hello..."

Since he is a new roommate, Wang Qianchen must be treated with courtesy. After all, he will be with the other party for a while, but he was stunned as soon as he said two words, because the other party was covered with gauze all over his head, and there were still others everywhere. Yin Yin's bloodstains are obviously just injuries!

"What's wrong with you?" Wang Qianchen couldn't help asking.

"It's okay, I just fell!" He Jun put his bag on the ground, then walked quickly to Wang Qianchen, and stretched out his hand excitedly: "Hello, I'm He Jun from Qingcheng Mountain, I hope we are picking up Peaceful coexistence and progress together in the coming days!"

Although He Jun was very inconspicuous among the disciples, it did not prevent him from proudly reporting the name of his sect. After all, the name of "Qingcheng Mountain" was still very loud, and most people would definitely respect it.

Sure enough, Wang Qianchen's eyes lit up. On the way here, he heard Wei Zihua introduce some famous demon slayer sects and aristocratic families. Qingcheng Mountain is definitely the best among them. Send a lot of talents to [Monster Slayer]!

Could it be that this He Jun is someone who has something to do with his own destiny, otherwise why would God arrange for him to share a dormitory with him?

Qingcheng Mountain, with such a strong support, Zhou Junxian really counted it right.

Wang Qianchen couldn't help being a little excited, and quickly took He Jun's hand and informed him of his name and origin.

"Luzhou City...Where is it?" A trace of confusion flashed in He Jun's eyes.

"In Western Shanxi Province, it's a fourth-tier city, rich in coal and donkey meat dumplings..." Thinking that the other party might be someone who helped him, Wang Qianchen explained everything in detail.

He Jun's hands suddenly stiffened.

Fourth-tier cities?

He Jun's brain was "buzzing". He was first bruised by a basketball shot, and then his head was smashed by a basketball hoop. He thought that the other party would be a super big man, not a genius disciple of a famous school, or The top son of the aristocratic family, but he came from a Luzhou city that he had never heard of before?

He Jun doubted his "ability" for the first time!

Wang Qianchen didn't know what He Jun was thinking. He thought that the other party was his help, and immediately helped him to unload his burden and make his bed.

"Dude, you have a lot of things!" Looking at the dozen or so bags hanging on He Jun's body, Wang Qianchen smiled. Although he felt strange, he didn't take it seriously and took the initiative to take his bedding.

At this moment, an impatient voice suddenly came from the corridor outside the door: "Senior Brother He, which dormitory are you assigned to?"

It was one of the disciples of Qingcheng Mountain. Because He Jun could not be found, and no one answered the phone, he had to shout on all floors.

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