Urban Demon Slayer

Chapter 204: Wang Qianchen shot

The crowd became a little flustered immediately. Although everyone couldn't stand Du Hong's arrogant appearance, they also knew that they were nothing compared to this talented disciple of Putuo Mountain. Now, he even lost face with Song Chongjian.

But there are also a few figures standing proudly, their eyes even looking directly at Song Epee, obviously hoping that they can be selected to combat Du Hong's arrogant arrogance.

Song Chongjian looked back and forth a few times, and seemed to be indifferent and unconcerned. He pointed to one of them and said, "You, come up!"

Everyone turned to look at the man.

"Me?!" Wang Qianchen pointed at his nose in surprise.

Yes, Song Cepeng was referring to Wang Qianchen!

"Fuck, buddy, you are about to develop, and you are commanded by Song in public. You must hit that guy hard, take revenge for me, and regain face for Commander Song!" Wei Zihua next to him was so excited that he even used his hands Push Wang Qianchen.

He Jun, who was on the other side of Wang Qianchen, also blinked, looking at him with a strange expression, and couldn't help thinking: "Is he really good?"

"Yes, it's you, come up." Song Chongjian nodded towards Wang Qianchen, and then said to Du Hong, "Don't say that I bullied you, those genius disciples who came from famous families and big families, I will not order them. This Wang Qianchen, from Luzhou City, you haven't even heard of it, right? Let's see what a real genius is!"

As soon as these words came out, it attracted everyone to look at Wang Qianchen. No matter in the eyes or in the whispers, there were a lot of doubts. Everyone has really never heard of Luzhou City. It is estimated that it is either the third line or the fourth line. A genius, and even more genius than Du Hong?

He Jun's eyes were even brighter, looking at Wang Qianchen with great anticipation.

In fact, Wang Qianchen didn't know if he was a genius. He learned boxing and kick with Zhou Weiguo before. He felt that he was good at fighting, but he was beaten and ridiculed. Later, he learned marksmanship.

But being named by Song Epee, Wang Qianchen couldn't refuse, so he had to bite the bullet and go up under everyone's attention.

In the crowd, Du Hong looked at him intently, obviously curious whether this person was really better than him.

"Can he really do it?" Siyao asked softly on the rostrum.

"Don't worry, there's definitely no problem!" A confident smile flashed across Song Chongjian's mouth.

"Okay, then I'll watch it." Siyao had seen Wang Qianchen's photos and information at the headquarters of [Monster Slayer] before. At that time, Song Cepian also said that the reason why he taught classes in person was for this kid.

Later, Siyao also checked Wang Qianchen's experience privately, and found that there was nothing special, and there was no proud record, not even a sensible person. Thinking that Song Chongjian was lying to himself, he put this matter aside.

Now Song epee ordered Wang Qianchen to attack Du Hong, which made Siyao have a strong curiosity about him again.

After a while, Wang Qianchen walked up to the stage and looked at the crowd of people under the stage, feeling a little overwhelmed.

"Come on, show him a demon-slaying sword technique." Song Chongjian pulled out a demon-slaying sword from the void and threw it directly to Wang Qianchen.

"The Demon Slaying Sword Technique?!" Wang Qianchen caught the sword and was stunned.

It is no problem to let him show his fists or marksmanship, the Demon Slaying Saber is really unlearned! Before Li Qianqiu said that after killing the third master Huang, he would teach him the Demon Slaying Sword Technique, but he was shocked by the third master Huang before he had time to learn.

"Yes, we are monster slayers, of course we have to use the monster slayer sword technique, which is what every monster slayer can do! But the simpler the thing, the more everyone knows it, the more it can show the difference! Let's start, let that guy know the difference! Look at your strength!" Song Chongjian said in a deep voice, looking directly at Du Hong's direction, as if he was saying look at it, what is a real genius!

Du Hong stared intently at Wang Qianchen, and everyone's eyes were focused on him.

this fucking...

Wang Qianchen was very speechless, but the atmosphere had already set off to this point, and it was impossible for Song Epee to not come off the stage in public, so he had to gesture a few times in the air with his knives in both hands, first splitting up, then splitting down, then splitting left and right.

But he has never learned this thing at all, and he can imagine how ugly these swings are. No matter the movements or postures, they are extremely non-standard, like an immature clown on stage. How timid, how timid.

When Wang Qianchen finished his performance, the scene was silent at first, and then there was a burst of laughter!

"It's over, it's better for me to go up..." Wei Zihua helplessly raised his forehead.

He Jun sighed softly and shook his head again. Sure enough, he still couldn't do it. There was something wrong with his "ability"!

"How...how could this be..." Siyao looked at Song Cepeng with a face full of surprise.

"..." Song Chongjian didn't speak, just stared at Wang Qianchen blankly.

This is different from what Zhou Junxian said!

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