Urban Demon Slayer

Chapter 205: Commander Song, are you satisfied?

"Hahaha, Commander Song, this is the genius you said is better than me?!" In the crowd, it was Du Hong who laughed the loudest.

"Commander Song, I respect your ability and your past, but you really missed the mark this time!" Du Hong swept his figure and tapped his feet lightly, and he jumped to the rostrum. forward.

"Just like him, in ten or eight years, or even fifty or a hundred years, he won't be able to catch up with me!" Du Hong snatched the Demon Slayer Sword from Wang Qianchen's hand, and then waved it on the stage.

There is a saying in Song Epee that is right, the demon slaying sword is a skill that every demon slayer must learn, but the simpler things are, the more visible the kung fu, and Du Hong mastered this thing very well three years ago. And haven't touched it since.

Because for him, if he really wants to slay demons, he doesn't need such a simple thing at all.

With just one palm or one punch, you can blast the heads of those monsters.

Now that the old knife is brought up again, Du Hong is still not at all unfamiliar. The blade of the knife dances in front of him like a ball of white light. , he's a knife, who doesn't like it when he sees it?

People who thought he was too arrogant before, are now convinced.

After seeing his swordsmanship, I was eager to try it before, wanting to teach Song Epee a lesson to this arrogant fellow's genius disciples, all of them died, because at most they were the same as Du Hongwu, and there was no way to surpass them. To the point of slap in the face.

This demon-slaying sword technique, if used by ordinary people, would take at least five minutes to dance from beginning to end, but Du Hong only took half a minute, because his speed was so fast that he could not see it clearly with the naked eye. .

Half a minute later, Du Hong put away the knife, and then put the knife on the table in front of the rostrum.

"Commander Song, I'm here for you, but now it seems that you have nothing to teach me. Since that's the case, I'll leave the training camp first! Of course, my admiration for you remains unchanged. Today I hope you will be considerate of the abruptness." Du Hong finally said a few words, then turned and flew off the stage, strode towards the door of the training camp.

The place was silent, and no one knew what to say.

Song Cepeng looked at his back with a livid expression, and he also had nothing to say. He only had one chance to "subdue" Du Hong. If he didn't succeed this time, there would be no next time.

Du Hong was going to leave, but he couldn't force him to stay.

"Wait." At this moment, someone suddenly spoke.

Everyone looked at the source of the sound in unison, and it was Wang Qianchen, who had been embarrassed and looked like a clown just now.

"What?" Du Hong turned around and looked at Wang Qianchen with a puzzled expression.

In normal times, he wouldn't pay any attention to such a person at all, but after all, the two of them had just compared, especially since he was still appointed by Song Epee, he still had to give some face.

"I want to ask, how long did it take you to master this demon-slaying saber technique?" Wang Qianchen looked sincere, as if he was really asking for advice.

"One day!" Du Hong looked proud.

The surrounding people were amazed. Although the Demon Slaying Saber is simple, it is not easy to fully master it and use it proficiently. Du Hong has mastered it in just one day. He is indeed a genius among geniuses. No wonder he dared to call himself the first in the training camp. one!

"One day, right? Well, then you can see clearly how long it took me." After speaking, Wang Qianchen turned around and picked up the Demon Slayer Sword on the table.

Du Hong didn't know what he was going to do, and looked at him curiously.

"Qianchen..." Song Chongjian was equally puzzled.

"Commander Song, I'm sorry, I made you embarrassed just now. I haven't learned the Demon Slayer Sword Technique before... Now, please give me another chance..." Wang Qianchen's face was calm, and there was even a smile on the corner of his mouth.

Song Chongjian was stunned for a moment, then seemed to understand what was coming, and quickly said with a solemn expression: "Okay, then I'll give you another chance!"

Listening to this, Wang Qianchen would like to show another section of the Demon Slayer Sword Technique, but he had never learned it before, so what's the use of doing it again? Just when everyone was puzzled, Du Hong had already turned away.

"Boring." Du Hong snorted coldly and strode forward.


At this moment, the sharp blade pierced the air, and Wang Qianchen had obviously begun to show it. Hearing the sound alone, it was not the same as before. Before, it was clumsy, rigid, and funny, but this time it was relaxed, free, and easy to use!

Du Hong turned his head in surprise, and saw that on the rostrum, the blade in front of Wang Qianchen had already danced into a ball of white light, and the speed was extremely fast, no less than he was just now, and there was even a faint meaning of transcendence.

More importantly, when Wang Qianchen used this sword technique, no matter the movement, angle or strength, it was perfect.

No, it's not perfect, it's perfect, perfect to the extreme!

If the full score is 10, Du Hong can get 10 just now, and Wang Qianchen can definitely get 12!

It took Du Hong half a minute to finish off a set of demon-slaying swords, while Wang Qianchen took... 20 seconds!

Twenty seconds later, Wang Qianchen withdrew the knife and placed it on the table on the rostrum again.

"Commander Song, are you still satisfied?"

Wang Qianchen looked at Song Cepeng who was stunned, and laughed softly.

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