Urban Demon Slayer

Chapter 214: Brother He

"Okay!" Seeing Wang Qianchen's expression, Wei Zihua didn't hesitate, left Du Hong and walked towards the door.

"Hey, you're here—" Du Hong was also very happy when he saw Wang Qianchen, he immediately said hello, and took out the tile he had dug out from the flower bed before. He had already cleaned the tile thoroughly. Yes, it looks pretty clean, but it's a bit rough, and it needs a good place.

Looking at the bricks in Du Hong's hand, Wang Qianchen was angry and provocative again, pointing directly at him and saying, "I have something to do now, I will come back to you later!"

"Okay, okay, then I'll be waiting for you..." Thinking that Wang Qianchen was going to make friends with him, Du Hong was overjoyed, and then he remembered something, and quickly said: "By the way, do you have anything to do, do you need my help... …”

Before Du Hong finished speaking, Wang Qianchen and Wei Zihua had disappeared.

on the corridor.

"What's the matter?" Wei Zihua asked as he walked.

"He Jun didn't go to fight, I guess he went to find Zhang Quan." Wang Qianchen said.

"Let's go, what's our business?" Wei Zihua asked suspiciously.

"Let's go and see, if there's nothing wrong, you can't just sit back and ignore it." He Jun helped "deal" with Du Hong before, but now that He Jun is in trouble, Wang Qianchen really can't pretend to be invisible.

Wang Qianchen said so, and Wei Zihua has no objection anymore. In fact, the two of them can play together because the other party is very loyal. It can be said that things gather together and people are divided into groups.


On the fifth floor of the dormitory building, a certain bedroom.

The disciples of Mount Qingcheng were randomly divided into various floors, but they could not stop them from gathering together in private. The person living in this dormitory was named Wan Long, who was also a stone realm, and was considered the leader of this group of disciples.

Everyone gathered in Wanlong's bedroom. Although it was a double room, it was indeed quite spacious and the space was large enough, so it didn't seem crowded.

Zhang Quan was naturally there, and he had already said what happened before.

Everyone fell silent.

If it was someone else, everyone would have been rushing to find that guy's trouble. If they dared to stab in front of Qingcheng Mountain, would they really not want to live? But this Wang Qianchen, who just made a name for himself at the recruit meeting before, has a lot of tricks. It is indeed a talent. Even Du Hong has been shrunk in front of him. Although he is only in the soil realm, his future prospects Definitely unlimited!

Even if he is cleaned up now, what will he do if he finds trouble in the future?

Anyone with a brain will not take the initiative to provoke him.

But really swallow this breath? Where does Qingcheng Mountain's face go?

Wan Long thought for a while, and said, "Actually, it's nothing to offend him. We belong to Qingcheng Mountain. No matter how strong he is alone, can he still fight against our Qingcheng Mountain? But I always feel that because of one He Jun, he will fight against him. It's really not worth it..."

Everyone nodded, agreeing with Wan Long's opinion.

If a disciple is injured or maimed by him, then it’s definitely no nonsense, everyone will go to him, no matter how good you are in the future, you have to clean up now, otherwise Qingcheng Mountain will really not be able to mix in the training camp. .

But because He Jun... really can't take advantage of it, it's not worth it.

It's not worth it for a garbage boy from the outside door to offend a future star, right?

"But he kicked me!" Zhang Quan said angrily.

"Are you injured?" Wan Long asked.

"That's not true..." Zhang Quanneng felt that Wang Qianchen's kick was holding back his strength, but he still couldn't hold his breath.

"It's fine if you don't get hurt, just bear with the little things, there's no need to make so many enemies when you go out..." Wan Long said softly.

Zhang Quan was full of anger, but Wan Long didn't give him a head start, and he was too embarrassed to say anything else.

Just then, someone knocked on the door.

"Who?" Wan Long asked, looking up.

"It's me..." He Jun's voice came from outside the door.

"Come in!" Wan Long winked at everyone, and everyone was ready for battle, worried that He Jun had brought Wang Qianchen.

However, He Jun was the only one who came in.

He Jun turned his head and closed the door, then came to Wanlong again, lowered his head and said, "I told Wang Qianchen, don't worry about my affairs in the future, don't bother him..."

Yes, He Jun thought that Wan Long and others would not let Wang Qianchen go, so he interceded in person.

He Jun is indeed timid and cowardly, but he doesn't want to let others get into trouble because of him.

"X your mother, who do you think you are, and you said if we don't let us find him, we won't find him?" Beside him, Zhang Quan, who was full of anger, slapped He Jun's face with a big ear.

He Jun lowered his head and said nothing, and the fingerprints on his face were bright red and eye-catching.

Zhang Quan got up and wanted to fight again, but was stopped by Wan Long, Wan Long said, "Senior Brother He, you have indeed found the right backer, we dare not provoke you, you better go!"

Even though he said so, the sarcasm in his tone was very strong.

"No, I..." He Jun raised his head to explain.

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